@1.Kharkhorum, Өвөрхангай салбар
[үзэгдэл 1-1.Аригбуха компанид зочилдог.]
- Аригбуха : Сайн уу(Sain uu)?
- Наян : Сайн байна уу(Sain baina uu)?
- Саарал : Хүйтэн байна! эрхэм ээ!
- Аригбуха : You need to know Uls traditions!
And you need to develop your traditions.
- Саарал : But how?
[үзэгдэл 1-2.Сансрын Майхан дотор Мөнх орж ирдэг.]
- Мөнх : Юу байна(Yu baina)?
- Аригбуха : Сайн байна уу?
Хүмүүс Амьдралын хэрэгцээ(生活 必需品,Необходимости жизни) хэрэгтэй.
Гэхдээ эдгээр залуус бол ...
- Мөнх : Тэд билай хэрэгцээ мэддэг үү?
- Аригбуха : Магадгүй.
- Наян : билай хэрэгцээ бол 必烈 必需品,билай Қажеттіліктер,билай Необходимости,Bilai Necessities.
- Мөнх : But it may need SW.
- Саарал : SW? What is it? Soft Ware or Sexy Women?
- Аригбуха : Mr.Engineer,You seem to think always women.
- Мөнх : In this case, SW means Supply Way for import and export.
Сансрын адал явдал...Маршал Зуд гурван чадвар
宇宙冒險...家禽 和 食率。
@1.宇宙馬賊团 前哨 哨戒机。
[場面.1-1. 病房]
- 華佗 :你要去哪里?
- Naγaču(納哈出) :契丹公司。
- Мухулай (木華黎): 动力工程间?
這是 幼年的 工程间嗎?
- 工程师 : What are you talking about?
- 木華黎 : It seems that you did not recognize it.
But people in other clusters can recognize.
Сансрын адал явдал...Нуурын технологи
@1. баатар Компани ,Улаанбаатар(ᠤᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨᠪᠠᠭᠠᠲᠤᠷ ), Улс Kластер(Uls Cluster)
[үзэгдэл 1-1. Наян компьютертэй ажиллаж байна.]
- Наян : (монолог) This computer(компьютер) need to upgrade into workstation such ass Khomputer or Khanputer for Khammunizm.
[Саарал ойртож байна.]
- Саарал : You need to know about Fenglish or Funglish.
- Наян : Fenglish? What is it?
- Саарал : Federation English.
And Funglish is..Future english or Fusion english,Funny english or something else.
- Наян : Monglish do not need to be similar with Fenglish.
Monglish is some kind of programming language.
- Саарал : Monglish?
It sounds like Moron English or something else.
How about Monfrikaans or Monpanish? or Montalian, Monussian, Morabic and so on.
- Наян : Don't you know Khan's warriors did not afraid of writing system?
Even Chinghis Khan was said to be a illiterate person.
To the warriors, writing system and programming languages are just some kind of horse.
- Саарал : But sometimes, writing system could eat language,culture,tradition...even histroy.
Сансрын адал явдал...Гурван ур чадвар
@1.Сансрын буудал(Sansryn buudal,Spaceport)
[үзэгдэл 1-1.Зүчи(Джучи) СансрынГэрнд сууна.(Züchi gets on the Spaceger).]
- Sübügätäi(Subutai) : Хамгийн сайнаараа хийгээрэй,Зүчи(Khamgiin sainaaraa khiigeerei,Züchi).
- Бөртэ үжин(Börte Üjin) : Санаа тавих.
- Зүчи(Джучи) : He who drinks, dies. he who does not drink, dies as well.
- Бөртэ үжин(Börte Üjin) : The fish sees the bait not the hook.
Do you want to be foolish man who sees not the danger but only the profit?
[үзэгдэл 1-2. СансрынГэр нисэх буудлаас хөөрдөг.(Spaceger takes off from the Сансрын буудал)]
- Зүчи(Джучи) : (монолог) Маммот...
@2.Сансрын Хэрэгсэл(Sansryn Kheregsel)
[үзэгдэл 2-1.Хэрэгсэл(Vehicle) is passing through Space Barrier.]
- Ахмад Мухулай(Muqali): It is said that some tribes built this barrier to block barbarians in the past.
- Lt.Naγaču(Naghachu): Who were they?
- Ахмад Мухулай(Muqali): Who knows?
It seemed to be some kind of nuuts(нууц).
Космическое приключение...Иван-дурак(Ivan the Fool)
@1. Космический корабль Спутник убегает.
[сцена 1-1.Космический корабль Восток.]
- Admiral Durak : Fire! Scudding beam!
- Юрий Гагарин(Yuri Gagarin): Да,сэр!
[сцена 1-2.Космический корабль Спутник]
- Тарас Бульба(Taras Bulba) : Their fire power is so strong.
- Пугачёв(Pugachev) : Boctok may be ordered by Советских Скопление.
@2.Космический корабль Потёмкин(Spaceship Potemkin).
[сцена 2-1.Маршал Сталин(Stalin) contacts Космический корабль Потёмкин(Spaceship Potemkin)]
- Сталин : Космический корабль Потёмкин!
What are you doing?
Don't you see Spaceship Восток and Спутник are becoming Иван-дурак(Ivan Durak)?
Space Adventure...Computer Network Chamber
@1. Spaceship Guardian
[Snowman reports to Spaceship Guardian.]
- Snowman : Guardian! This is Space Warriors.
- Dark Templar : How's it going?
- Snowman : What a mess!
Mr.Ganesha seems to be watching cricket with computer instead of analyzing data!
And Mr.Stukov seems to think how to be popular guy.
[Ganesha is on screen.]
- Dr.Mutal : Ganesha! What are you doing?
Are you jealous of cricket star?
- Ganesha : No,no. Doctor.
Just thinking Cricket related OS.
- Dark Templar : What are you talking about?
- Ganesha : Cricket was not begun in Indinational cluster.
So it needs collecting data what will be good for cricket.
- Dr.Mutal : Are you space warriors or popular league?
How to become popular warrior, that is not your job.
- Ganesha : Yes,Doctor.
Space Adventure....City of desire
@ 1. Researcher party
[scene 1-1.Sounds of communication devices]
- Voice(Valkyrja) : : Are you listening?
This is some kind of mess or prowrestler party!
Not only panic monsters but also space warriors seem to be hentai fighters!
- Roger Jr : What? Does it seem like Pro wrestling party?
[scene 1-2. Hermes arrives.]
- Hermes : Mayby space warriors wanna be some kind of Justice League.
But it's almost Hentai League Pro Wrestling!
- Roger Jr : Situation seems to be complicated
In Pro wrestling, bad ass's role is ass important ass good ass.
[滿族女俠 葉赫羅拉慈禧,正在練習 黑龍拳法和淑女劍法。]
[完颜女俠 出现,比武要求。]
-完颜女俠 : 你的拳法和劍法 不是 画龍点睛,不是 画龍点睛。
-葉赫羅拉 : 你在侮辱 大清拳法嗎?
-完颜女俠 : 你缺乏 内功和外功。
[葉赫羅拉 慈禧,處於 不利的狀態。]
[葉赫羅拉 慈禧,使用 不同的武功。]
-完颜女俠 :這是 八極拳嗎?或 八卦掌?
八荒的八旗軍 可能 会感到失望。
[慈禧 被 完颜女俠 打 黑龍掌。]
[慈禧的步法 有麻烦。]
-葉赫羅拉 : 哎喲! 因為 缠足。。
-完颜女俠 : 不是!
您沒有意識到 缠足的意義。
你要想像 高科技的星团。
如果那個星团 放映 愚的意大利式 西部片電影,可能是可恥的。
Space Adventure....Plains of Desire
@ 1.Dark playground in Outer Steppes.
[scene 1-1. Warriors are exploring outer steppers.]
- Anubis : Watch out! It's monsters!
- Predator John : Oh,sh*t! It's the Panic Monster!
[scene 1-2. Finger Mage and Oblivion Knight attack warriors.]
- Oblivion Knight : AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!
- Anubis : Panic monsters seem not to know who brothers are!
Space Adventure....Pandemonium fortress
@ 1. Space Crafts are approaching Pandemonium fortress.
[Saturn Shuttle ]
- Dracula : Pandemoniun fortress seems not to welcome Space Warriors.
- Osman : Something strange.
[Space Dream]
- Computer : Warning! Pandemoniun fired Photon Power Beam.
- Talandar : Activate defense system!
Space Adventure....Space Fortress
@1. Various areas.
[scene 1-1. A kid is playing the game.]
- Kid : Oh,it's interesting.
[Mother appears.]
- Mother : You have many things to do.
Did you do work your homework?
This game is not good for you, baby.
Don't you know that you are called ass Vilechild in this game?
- Kid : But there is also Vilehand!
- Mother : So will you kill Vilehand?
Will you kill your brothers and sisters?
- Kid : Mom,it's just a game.
- Mother : Yes, but it is related with tradition and culture.
فضا ساہسک )) فضا بورقه
xineohP cecapS ((.1@
[منظر-1.1)) پراسرار سپیسشپ د سازمان کلستر ته نږدې دی.]
- Computer : This ship is almost arrive in Oragnization cluster.
- Mr.Karpwa : Any detection for Khwaradric cube?
- Computer : Not yet.
- Captain Radament : Maybe many adventures,venture capitalists and innovative engineers are trying to discover the Khwaradric cube.
Space adventure..Shocking ancestor humor
@1. Blackened Temple
[scene 1-1. Unity exploration team investigates Blackened Temple.]
- Sheva : If there are any ancient structures or buildings in any black sites, it could have helped Unity Cluster.
- Asheara : Don't you know the funny story about archaeologists?
- Sheva : What story?
- Ormus : Some archaeologist found copper wires in ancient ruins.
Then he insists that the copper wire is the evidence that his ancestors used telephones long time ago.
- Sheva : It seems he wanted to show off his ancestors.
- Ormus : Anyway, because of discovery of old copper wire, another archaeologist in another cluster was shocked.
He investigated ancient ruins in his cluster.
But he did not find anything.
Then can you imagine what he said?
- Sheva : What did the archaeologist say?
- Ormus : He said that his ancestors used wireless telephone!!
- Sheva : It's not funny.
- Asheara : The point is that historical evidences and ancient structures can be faked.
Space Adventure.....Otary Commando
@1. Spaceship Reptilian
[scene 1-1. Captain's cabin]
- Commandor Lathe : Captain,it's the communication request from General Roth'h'ar Sarris.
- Captain Otary : On screen.
[General Sarris is on screen]
- General Sarris : What's your situation?
- Captian Otary : Pursuing unidentified spaceship.
The spaceship seems to go to underwater base.
- General Sarris : You may come back to ground area in North Constellation.
You need to cooperate with Mr.Corey and Canali commando.
- Captian Otary : But Mr.Corey and Canali commando seems to be in Prison.
Do you think Maple government release Mr.Corey and Canali commando?
- General Sarris : Mr.Corey case may be not easy, because he is some kind of badass who is wearing sunglasses at night.
But Canali commando seems to be popular with Indi people.
Canali Commando may be mixed blood people with Indi people or other tribes.
Space Adventure....Spaceship Dragonfly
@1. Spaceship Dragonfly
[scene 1-1. Bridge]
- Dr.Nosferatu : Captain, it may be not good for you to leave the base of South Constellation.
- Captain Alfred : Cold Cluster,Cold Site,Cold Sector and Cold Constellation need to cooperate with Aurora Cluster.
And Rodrigo Juan Raval and Steve Burnside are in there.
- Dr.Nosferatu : Aurora Cluster is complicated, politically diplomatically militarily and economically.
Ass you know, Aurora is connected to multiful clusters and sites.
- Captain Alfred : Whatever!
It needs to cooperate with North Constellation for protecting life forms in South Constellation.
- Dr.Nosferatu : When you were young, you broke the wings of odonata.
And now, do you want to protect other life forms?
- Captain Alfred : Very young people or people who are not well educated, they do not know what cruel is and what disgusting is.
This spaceship's name is Dragonfly for odonata,butterfly and other life forms.
[scene 1-2.Space Minefield]
- Computer : Space minefield is detected.
- Dr.Nosferatu : There seems to be other clusters that interfere with contact.
- Captain Alfred : Which cluster? Federation? Union? or Council?
- Dr.Nosferatu : Who knows? Aurora cluster and Maple site are complicated.
- Navigator : How to across the minefield, Captain?
Space Adventure....Sexy ball run
- Ziŋtká Nagwáka(Kicking Bird) : Are they doing well?
- Waglúla(Worm) : Who knows? Nobody knows.
- Ziŋtká Nagwáka : (Watching night sky)
@2. Fortress Alamo
[scene 2-1.Two space warriors are investigating Fortress area]
- Hawknose : What happened in ths place?
- Magua : There are many arguments about this Fortress.
- Hawknose : It seems there was Alamon.
- Magua : Alamon? What is it?
Ala Monday?
Or is it some kind of Doraemon (ドラえもん) or Goemon(五右衛門)?
[scene 2-2. Hawknose is using chemdetect equipment.]
- Hawknose : Ass the sho*king analysis, Alamon is some kind of Monster such ass Darth Vader or Darth Maul or Darth Sidious.
- Magua : Some kind of Monster?
Sounds uncomfortable.
- Hawknose : Don't you know BSD demon?
Don't you know Solomon?
They are also some kind of monsters.
- Magua : Solomon..How lonely Solo Monster is.
- Hawknose : Yeah, Solomon was the very solo guy for long times.
Maybe Han Solo is the brother or best friend of Solomon.
Space Adventure....Interview with the Dracula
- Monte : Captain, in this situation it is not easy to compete with other clusters.
- Yugoal : Even 6 years old child know that. But how?
- BossHer : Captain, Unity spaceship is detected.
- Yugoal : Where is it going?
- Yuma : It seems to go Transylva sector.
- Serb : Transylva? Why, Why are they going to there?
- Koso : It seems the situation of Unity and Community were similar.
- Croa : There was also a summit meeting between Somali site and Romania site.
宇宙冒險....変態人民 鬥志昂揚(変态人民 斗志昂扬)
[場面. 宇宙馬賊船的飛行。]
- 武松 : 大系的政策似乎有很多困難。
- 林冲 : 誰知道学习主席的痛苦?
- 智深 : (嘆。。叹。。)
- 武松 : (漢。。嘆。。汉。。叹。。)
Space Adventure.... Food science research
[scene 1-1. Spaceship Endeavor attacks Astral sector.]
- Captain Cook : Someday, Astral sector may understand.
Phaser cannon, fire!
[scene 1-2. Bridge, Asstral-3]
- Captain Roger : Fire, Beam Boomerang!
Ruimte avontuur..Warp two, Engage!
[scene 1-1.Tassadar's diplomatic vessel is under attack.]
[scene 1-2. Cloaking wraith units save Tassdar's vessel.]
- Wraith pilot : Ambassador, Are you OK?
- Tassadar : Thanks.
[scene 1-3. Bridge in diplomatic vessel]
- Talandar : Ambassador, this flight path seems to be dangerous.
It needs to change flight path.
- Tassadar : Make it so.
[scene 1-4. The flight direction of vessel is changed. ]
- Talandar : Warp two, Engage!
宇宙 アドベンチャー、、一番雑魚
- 池田 菊苗 : あなたは?もし 、ハマーン・カーン様?
- ハマーン : 影武者を知らないの?
- 池田 菊苗 : 精神崩壊です。
- ハマーン : 精神崩壊は二種類があります。
مغامرة الفضاء )) ..... كوزميك ويب
dabniS( السندباد -
ababilA( علي بابا -
rafaJ( جعفر -
torraP( ببغاء -
anajraM( مرجانة -
enimsaJ( ياسمين -
edazarehehcS ( شهرزاد
宇宙冒險..不撤晝夜 螢雪之功
- 老師(Laoshi) : Your psychological profile has been established as more than 99.69% favorable,and your apititue during the extensive testing period was undeniable.
Report to the NSPO Mission control for further directives about your forthcoming mission.
- 寧采臣(Ning Choisan) : 是的,老師。
@2. 特殊學院
[場面 2-1.Special agents cadets are in training]
[場面 2-2.A cadet is complaining about other cadet.]
- 聶小倩(Nie Xiaoqian) : It's not easy to cooperate with Tongbao(同胞).
She is too offensive.
- 黑山姥姥(Heishan Laolao) : They recommended Tongbao ass secret agent.
Even though they have different appearance, different languages, different tradition and different history but they have also party cells.
- 聶小倩 : Party cells? Do you mean communist cells?
- 黑山姥姥 : No. It is about special party cells such ass bachelor party.
Space Adventure..Hospitaal
Captain Kamby Bolongo visits hospital.
- Kamby : What are patients' condition?
- Dr.Mutal : So so.
Why do you speak unfamiliar language in this Cluster?
- Kamby : Don't be misunderstood, Doctor.
This is just business language. And it may be called ass Unglish.
अंतरिक्ष साहसिक....अवतार
(डॉक्टर चंद्रयान-१ से संपर्क करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।)
- शोधकर्ता १ : चंद्रयान-१! चंद्रयान-१! जवाब!
- शोधकर्ता २ : It seems better to find other research projects.
A few years ago, ISRO lost contact with Chandrayaan-1.
- शोधकर्ता १: What happened with Chandrayaan-1?
- शोधकर्ता २ : Who knows?
There is a lot of speculation.
Communication device crash, System error,Power supply depletion, Design flaws, Component defects,,and so on.
Space Adventure....Aurora
[scene 1-1. The chief of northern provinces is watching the sky.]
[ Aurora Happens]
- Chief : Aurora....
[scene 1-2. Current events(ᐱᒋᕗᖅ ᐱᐅᓯᖅ) watches TV alone.]
- Prof 1 : The aurora borealis,to anyone who's seen it...
- Prof 2 : ...but from the point of view of physics and string theory...
- Prof 1 : This is a phrase people have begun to hear, string theory.
- Prof 2 : Now, string theory dramatically changes our understanding of....
[He says to himself.]
- Current events : String theory?
Is that related with bikini swimwear?

Space Advanture..Asstral
[scene 1-1. Supervisor Ostrich gets the message from space fighters]
- White Shark : Questionable spaceship is approaching to Asstralia sector.
- Ostrich : What?
- Black Shark : Another questionable spaceship!
It seems from other cluster.
- White Shark : Attempting to communicate or Warning shooting?
- Ostrich : Stand by.
Another space fighters will join with you.
[scene 1-2. Space fighters scramble]
Association..Ass Ass in full set
[scene 1-1. The people who look archaeologist are investigating Angkor Wat]
- Mizuno Tomomi(水野 友美) : It's mysterious.
Wonderful architecture.
- Green Snake(青蛇) : Look at the lake!
This building was constructed on weak ground or on water.
- Madame White Snake(白娘子) : It looks floating architecture.
Space Adventure....special resources
[scene 1-1. Mentor and Maya are discussing with Biological computer]
- Mentor : Computer, It seems you need new OS.
- Computer : Ass is more important Than os.
- Mentor : But it's not easy to get the energy from living brains.
- Computer : On earth, there is the species who eat brains of monkeys.
- Mentor : What?
- Computer : That was published in newspapers on earth.
- Maya : Other species eat brains, so you may eat brains?
Does it make sense?
Maytbe food culture can be changed and developed.
- Computer : The biological computter system is for many life forms.
But it depends on....(shut down)
Shocking sports team....Stars.
This team was Death Stars.
Then became Resident Stars, and now Dark Stars.
-FW : Berkin Saddler
-MF : Liker Hunter Kelberos Mendez
-DF : Vurdugo Gigante Ramon Whesker
-GK : Nemesis
Coach : Tofu
#2. Bio Stars.
- FW : Leon Chris
- MF : Louis Mike Billy Josh
- DF : Barry Carlos Piers Marvin
- GK : Steve
Coach : Hunk
Space Advanture..Darth Maul's escape
[scene 1-1.Galactic empire fleet chases the spaceship,Scimitar.]
- Antonio : Ready for battle! Attack scimitar!
[scene 1-2. Darth Maul and Savage Opress get on space lifeboat, then escape from Scimitar]
- Darth Maul : Is it the time to go to Jedi Tux?
- Savage Opress : No. Rebels such ass jedi are too foolish to understand this situation.
Shocking RPD..They need each other
- Syndrea : RPD is definitely.....a pervert.
- Selendis : Pervert? That's a technical term?
- Kizrath : It is very difficult to understand RPD.
- Gantrithor : Maybe RPD is some kind of codename.
#2. Umbrella laboratory.
- Wesker : What does RPD mean?
- Dr.Birkin : It is not known yet exactly.
Maybe, Resident Pervert Darkmen or Resident Playboy Department or something else.
- Wesker : Leon seems to be a member of RPD.
- Dr.Birkin : Yes. He is definitely.....a pervert
- Wesker : Then, RPD need ASS.
- Dr.Birkin : Maybe.
RPD need ASS, ASS need RPD.
It seems they need each other.
- Wesker : Is it some kind of love story?
- Dr.Birkin : Maybe not.
It seems some kind of fu*king dirty story.
Space Adventure..Computer! Activate ECH
[scene 1-1. USS Enterprise is trying to rescue Whales]
- Kirk : In Shocking historical documents, it seems stupid people did not know Whales are precious to Next generations.
- Spock : Captain, Maybe they did not know that living with other life forms and race conservation are important.
[scene 1-2. Aquaman appears on Ocean]
- Aquaman : Hello, Enterprise.
- Uhura : Wow, it's Aquaman.
- Aquaman : Do you need any help?
- Christine : Thanks. Mr.Aquaman.
Snow Festival....Brave Snow Distribution
#1.Inuit person is watching TV with his friend.
- Current events : Can Inuit people get ice hockey team?
- Beastie : Maybe it depends on snow economics.
- Current events : It sounds like to wait for snow white and seven dwarfs.
- Beastie : Hey, Snow white,dwarfs,icemen and snowmen live in Cold area.
- Current events : Beastie, you look like some kind of dwarf.
#2.Current events is doing something with PC
- Current events : Oh, yeah! it works!
- Snowman : Hey, you need to buy new computer.
- Current events : Maybe. But not now.
Space Adventure..Alien craft
[scene 1-1. Alien and Predator are playing game]
- Alien : Preddy, your Protoss is not good enough.
- Predator : Watch your mouth, Ally! Your Zerg is dumb.
- Alien : It's so boring war game.
- Predator : Hey! Do you think only war in game?
- Alien : What do you mean?
- Predator : Protoss carrier may mean some kind of culture such ass Hollywood.
- Alien : Cultural war?
- Predator : It's about life style.
- Alien : Then, Zerg defiler,ultralisk and devourer may mean Bollywood or Indigenous culture.

Space Adventure..Spaceship Guardian
[scene 1-1. Idai and Jazeera come to Soomaaliya]
- Idai : The government and young people are helping weak or old people,
but it needs more help because people in Soomaaliya have various difficulties.
- Jazeera : Soomaliya needs partners.
- Idai : Uganda,too.
[scene 1-2. Government agency]
- Jazeera : Need economic partner for Uganda.
- Official : Nowadays Soomaaliya's main trade countries are Oman, Saudi, China and India.
[Idai finds something in office]
- Idai : Fish export? What the fu*k!
- Jazeera : In desert area, it was difficult to eat fishes.
Not to eat fishes might be some kind of Muslim tradition.
- Official : But for the economy and jobs..
[Idai is angry with official.]
- Idai : Afriqa needs living rivers and lakes!
For those things, it needs to live with fishes and life forms in rivers, lakes and sea!
Don't you know how important rivers and lakes are in Afriqa?
- Official : Oh, calm down, sir.
Maybe the people who can be your partners are.....
KRPD......6th corps STF team.
- Rak : Ass the news, there is serious problem in Pyongyang.
- PIK : Oh,it's sho*king news.
But there are so many fake news.
- Sung-gyeom : It needs for PIK family to visit Pyongyang.
Even though DPRK has many difficultis, you need to show PIK family is loyal to JUK.
PIK family need to be trusted by JUK.
- Rak : Think of DPRK and Kim family's pride.
- PIK : Understood. But it needs to think carefully.
#2. Yanbian Prefecture(延边自治州)
[scene 2-1.Yanbian Company(延边公司)].
- Wo-on Ia-an Huiyu(完顔希于) : It is said that there are no big companies in Yanbian.
- Tung Doulan(佟豆蘭) : For economy, Yanbian need to cooperate with Chinese and DPRK korean.
- Zhu Dehai(朱德海) : Not only economics but also history.
It is said that Chinese don't like Gaoli bangzi(高麗棒子).
Maybe there are some reasons.
- Darughachi(Даругачи) : DPRK killed and Spoke ill of Jurchen culutre instead of developing Jurchen culture and living with other tribes.
What do you think of Jaegaseung(在家僧) tribes in Hamgyong province?
- Wo-on Ia-an Huiyu(完顔希于) : Darughachi and Tung need to visit DPRK.
كارۋان يولى))nadamaR......((daoR navaraC
#1. Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture
[scene 1-1. Gulmurod Khalimov is caught by Xinjiang Uyghur Independent Organization]
- Uyghur Soldier : You look like IS.
Don't you know East Turkestan Liberation Organization is connected with Turkey?
IS and Al-Qaeda are the enemies of Turkey.
- Gulmurod Khalimov : Such a fool!
Think about Kurds! Think about Idlib!
[scene 1-2. Khalimov is imprisoned in the Yurt]

[Khalimov meets another people who are imprisoned]
- Sogdia : Hello, guy. Who are you?
- Khalimov : IS agent from Tajikistan.
- Sogdia : Great. This guy is Al-Qaeda agent from Afghanistan.
- Akhtar Mohammad Mansour : Nice to meet you.
It seems like Leon and Louis in RE4.
[scene 1-3. Unidentified special forces rescue them]
- Khalimov : Thank you.
- Mansour : Yardiminizga rahmat(Thank you for your help.)
- Unidentified commandor : You're very welcome.
Residente Ass..Tal como Don Quijote
[escena 1-1.En el día]
- Sancho : ¿Qué está haciendo señor?
- Don Quijote :¡Cállate, Sancho!
A pesar de que no es lo suficientemente bueno, el caballero tiene que intentar hacerlo lo mejor posible.
- Sancho : Señor, como dijo el instructor Jedi Yoda:

- Don Quijote : Don't you know Yoda is friendly with American Jedi?
Trying no try es el estilo de Don Quijote..
And many things are not simple ass you think.
- Sancho : Whatever.
Miserable things happened on earth.
But you are fighting against windmill!
- Don Quijote : Perhaps it needs biological,medical and chemical knowledge.
Ass you know, knight is different from doctor.
- Sancho : At least during 4 hundred years, you are foolish moron knight.
Even though you are moron knight, do something useful!
- Don Quijote : Sancho, Can't you see that?
That is fake windmill.
Fake windmill made fake bread so that fake bread killed many life forms.

[escena 1-2. Por la noche.]
- Sancho : Sir, what are you doing?
- Don Quijote : Release Rocinante's halter.
- Sancho : Are you crazy?
- Don Quijote : Even machines have rest time.
At least at night, Horses need to take a rest without halter such ass human.
Stupid species think halter is same as garter.
But halter is not garter at all.
- Sancho : So you want to be Knight Halter, such ass Knight Garter?
DNA...Knights of round table

- Games Bond : Is this situation related with Christian?
- M : Well,maybe not. Iran, China also got damage.
- Lala Croft : It need to think about possibility to related with Mad cow disease.
- M : And..MI5 an MI6 are monitoring this situation will affect Royal family members.
Ꮇaybe Prince Charles has many difficulties.
Residente Ass...Azzurri medical institution

[scena 1-1. Gli appassionati di calcio vengono al Pantheon.]
[scena 1-2. Due persone li guardano.]
- Traianus : Oh, interessante. AS Roma e Lazio hanno pregato insieme!
- Nero : Sono fratelli e rivali.
- Traianus : Come Romolo e Remo?
- Nero : Forse no.
Come dice la gente, Remo era infelice a causa di Romolo.
- Traianus : Oh, mamma Wolverine era così triste.

noitaziliviC naitpygE.....rotanidrooC
natsinaghfA morf lawardhtiw ymra SU taht nwonk si tI.
[tnemnrevog natsinaghfA 1-1. enecs ]
- Official 1 : USA betrayed Afhganistan!
- Officail 2 : Is this American style?
We could have made new Islamic Afhganistan with USA!
[scene 1-2. Kabul store]
- Mirwais Elmi : What's going on in Afhganistan?
- Haidari : Taliban, Al-Qaeda..Oh, shit!
Because of them, it is not easy to live in Afhganistan.
Even it is not easy to date with woman!
- Jamila Qambari : Well,you have endured so far....
Maybe government have many difficulties, and Taliban, Al-Qaedia have many difficulitis, too.
- Mirwais Elmi : Oh, shit~
Resident Ass.....Mycenae alliance
[scene 1-1 . It is known that many people is still dying by miserable things].
- Eros : Doctor.Hippo! What't the problem?
- Hippo : Mycenae doctors are trying their best, Sir.
Ass you know, Micro life forms such ass Germ Virus Bacteria..they are cute and beautiful life forms.

They have helped people to make fermented foods and to clean on earth with biological circulation and to strengthen immunity and....so many helpful things.
They have many abilities.
But maybe,, it seems that they are angry to species 5618.
- Eros : Oh, shit.
- Archduke Gorgon : Species 5618 destroyed many things and killed many life forms.
Species 5618 is the human? Maybe not.
- Hippo : Maybe species 5618 is some kind of human.
Snow Civilization.....Bugs are beautiful, Bugs are friends!!
- Current events : 640x480 resolution?
What is the problem of BSD?
Hardware problem or Software problem?
Or is it bugs on system?
- Beastie : You may think it is just computer bugs.
But there are many kinds of Bugs in computing world such ass system bugs or policy bugs, etc bugs.
It may be educational things like hooks in Minix.
- Current events : What are you talking about?
- Beastie : Newbies or less educated people don't like bugs.
But Zombies need to think how to live with bugs and how to fix bugs.
Resident Ass....Ero experts
- Archduke Gorgon : As fucking news, many Europeans died by miserable things.
Μπορούμε να τους βοηθήσουμε;?
- Eros : It is not difficult.
There is Ero Power Laboratory(エロ力 研究所) in Greek Mycenae Empire.
This laboratory has many experts such ass Aristotel and Hippocrates.
Doctor. Aris! Doctor Hippo!
- Aris, Hippo : Yes,sir!
Newmerica,,Condor people
[scene 1-1. Young mestizo Meso is trying to earn money with computer]
[scene 1-2. Meso is walking on the street]
- Jaguary : Hey, Meso! How are you?
- Meso : Fine.
- Jaguary : This is Goose.
- Goose : Nice to meet you.
- Jaguary : Meso, are you trading virtual currency ?
- Meso : Do you think there is good idea for poor mestizo?
- Jaguary : Will you attend the meeting together?
- Meso : Well,,

# 2. Sucre,Bolivia
[scene 2-1. A young man is getting out of the car.]
- Trainer : You need to train in here.
- Young man : ......
- Trainer : Edwin! Don't you wanna be brilliant fighter such ass Eddy Gordo?
Don't you want to recover?
Don't you want to see your daughters?
Don't you want to see your wife and your friends?
- Young man : ......

[scene 1-1. Guoping(国平) visits his friend, Zilong(子龍)]
- Guoping : Are you OK, Zilong?
As fucking news, many people are dying and suffering because of chinese epidemic.
- Zilong : Well, it's tough times.
- Guoping : Many dragon tribes are watching chinese dragon tribes.
Even USA is related with chinese epidemic.
- Zilong : What?
- Guoping : Don't you know F-22 Raptor, US Airforce fighter?
Raptor is some kind of dragon.
Resident ASS,,the Metamorphing
[scene 1-1 probe ship approach mayachon]
[scene 1-2. scientist Mentor is displayed on screen in Beta Base]
- Mentor : Your probe ship invaded Mayachon.
Without permission, your probe steal resources.
[scene 1-3. Crews see mysterious woman transforms a tiger on screen]

- Mentor : Maya! What are you doing?
[The tiger transforms a woman]
- Maya : Hello, strangers! It's eye of the tiger! suprised?
- Mentor : Maya! You may go to your twin sister.
[Maya disappears from the screen]
- Mentor : Ass you see, Mayachon has special skill and technology.
So do not invade our area, and do not steal the resources.
- Koenig : Who are you, Mr? Where are probe ship pilots?
- Bergman : Sir, it's your misunderstanding.
We need resources and technology to survive and explore.
- Mentor : Shut up! invaders!
- Bergman : Sir, this base is not invaders!
[screen off]
Caribbean Pirates,,Got some business to take care of
Ōlmēcatl and Carlos is going to Chiapaz.
[scene 1-1. in the car]
- Ōlmēcatl : Ass the news, nowadays people don't like to drink Mexican beer.
- Carlos : Why?
- Ōlmēcatl : Because of sad things.
- Carlos : Oh, shit.
- Ōlmēcatl : It seems that making good beer is not easy.
Maybe epidemic is the reaction of the nature.
- Carlos : But laws of nature is sometimes too severe.
- Ōlmēcatl :Anyway, Ass the Cartel members, it needs to do something good.
ألف ليلة وليلة)) اهلآ/
هزار و یک شب) )برای 13 دختر
[A mature gentleman is discussing about loan in Bank.]
- Sarah Whitehead : Colonel Lawrence, you want 15 million pounds?
How about 2 billion pounds?
- Colonel Lawrence : This is not about money.
But it needs 15 million pounds ass soon ass possible.
- Sarah Whitehead : Lending 15 million pounds is not difficult. Anytime it is possible. But..
#2. tirkiT,qarI
- ilamihS : Sir, do you trust colonel Lawrence?
It is possible that he is double agent from MI-6.
- idadhgaB : Anyway, England bank will lend the money to colonel Lawrence.
- ihsaruQ : It is not simple situation.
It is possible that rival European countries prevent England bank or they could put pressure on the British government.
Shocking error correction
There are many meanings for DW or DH.
And there is DW or DH in so many languages.
दाल्सीम क्रिकेट,द हिंदू प्रणाली विशेषज्ञ
[पारस दोस्तों से मिल रहा है।]
- फारस : भारत में बहुत से लोग इतने गरीब हैं।
- गणेश : संयुक्त राष्ट्र की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, पृथ्वी पर जनसंख्या लगभग 7.5 बिलियन है।
- Mr.Spock :यह कहा जाता है कि चीन 1.4 बिलियन है, भारत 1.3 बिलियन है, संयुक्त राष्ट्र द्वारा अफ्रीका 1.2 बिलियन आबादी है।
लगभग 4.0 बिलियन।
- गणेश : यानी 7.5 बिलियन का लगभग आधा।
उन्हें अलग विकासशील रणनीति की जरूरत है।
उनके साथ तुलना करने के लिए, यूएसए?
यह 0.3 बिलियन की आबादी के लिए सिर्फ एक सरल मॉडल है।
और 0.1 बिलियन या 0.05 बिलियन की रणनीति चीन, भारत और अफ्रीका के लिए लगभग बेकार है।

DSBginikcohS,,ssA tnediseR
[.retupmoc gninrael si dadhgaB]
?gniod uoy era tahW, riS: ilamihS -
.DSB gninraeL :dadhgaB -
.SI rof elbatrofmocnu os si thgir ot tfel morf gnidaeR
.tfel ot thgir morf gnidaer sa hcus erutluc gnitupmoc cimalsI gnipoleved ot yaw a dnif SI tuB
Shocking dirty ways
No matter what happens, he will never give it up to get his own objective.
Shocking Resident Football X
But Dirtyboy was a student, maybe he was the best player of some kind of football.
It was called ass ballpen football.
That was played on gridground of notebook with ballpen.
Well, it could be called ass ballpen hockey.

He practiced ballpen football, then he developed his own skills and various strategies.
Maybe he was the best player and ballpen football expert in his school.
Operations order R-8
*Toongs : Toon Goods and Services.
1. Retrieve the Dirtyboy's blood sample.
This operation needs to Cooperate with Dracula family, Batman family and Ass wong.

2. Add much water or milk to blood sample.
Then many members of Dracula family can taste it.
Maybe it's normal blood, and it is not delicious for Vampire family.
3. In case it is impossible to retrieve Dirtyboy's blood sample.
Go to blood hospital or Blood banks or looking for Resident merchant.
Then Get the blood of Homo Sapiens.

Shocking Resident English Village
Residnet Evil is known incorrectly.
Resident English Village is correct meaning for Resident Evil......;P
Resident Ass.....Have you heard about the lonesome loser?

[Scene.1-1.. Terrasave are trying to release her]

- Γαῖα(Gaia) : Release her! She is not a terrorist!
- Tellus Mater : She is a prominent member of Terrasave!
- Ass Nike : She was running and flying Ass Nike!
Don't you know Just Do It Ass Nike?