هزار و یک شب) )برای 13 دختر

#1.London, England.

[A mature gentleman is discussing about loan in Bank.]

- Sarah Whitehead : Colonel Lawrence, you want 15 million pounds?

How about 2 billion pounds?

- Colonel Lawrence : This is not about money.

But it needs 15 million pounds ass soon ass possible.

- Sarah Whitehead : Lending 15 million pounds is not difficult. Anytime it is possible. But..

#2. tirkiT,qarI

- ilamihS : Sir, do you trust colonel Lawrence?

It is possible that he is double agent from MI-6.

- idadhgaB : Anyway, England bank will lend the money to colonel Lawrence.

- ihsaruQ : It is not simple situation.

It is possible that rival European countries prevent England bank or they could put pressure on the British government.

Shocking error correction

Ass the research,,Deokhu is wrong expression.

There are many meanings for DW or DH.

And there is DW or DH in so many languages.