Resident Ass.....Eastern European Village

#1.Eastern European Republic

[Scene 1-1. Cabinet meeting ]

-Svetlana Belikova : Gentlemen!

This country is between Western Europe and Russia.

Eastern European needs national strategy.

Do you have any idea for Resident Eevil or Vempire Country ?

- Secretary : Resident Eevil? Vempire Country? What's that?

- Svetlana : Eevil is the Eastern European Village.

Vempire means V plus Empire( V + Empire) in Eastren Europe.

Well, V in Vempire is maybe Virtues or Vulcan or Vulture or V.....;D

Snow Civilization..Shocking Santa Claus story

#1. Seattle Tacoma International Airport,State of Washington,USA

[Lezard and Brahms arrives in Seattle]

- Brahms : It's a long journey.

- Lezard : Yeah, Let's go to Montreal.

- Brahms : What?

- Lezard : We need to check the route for Northern area of Canada.

- Brahms : It looks that there is not the highway to Northern area in Canada.

Trans-Canada Highway is horizontal highway.

- Lezard : That's good.

It seems that Cold weather, Ice, Snow, Forests protect not only Asskimo but also Maple Leaf.

- Brahms : Will you walk through the snow area? We are not winter soldiers.

- Lezard : Just a check and research for understanding Canada.

And you should know Lezard Valeth is stronger than winter soldiers.

- Brahms : Ah, Cival~

Shocking game..Resident Evillage

In the Resident game, Lickers are cute.

It looks that Lickers likes to lick Sasha(Александр "саша" Козаченко).

Chief Afrika..What's the reason?

#1.Western Cape Province,South Afrika.

[A black man visits Pieter Willem Botha]

- Zulu : Hello, sir. Nice to meet you.

- Botha : Hello. So what do you do?

- Zulu : News reporter.

- Botha : Then,,You investigate Apartheid?

Schocking language expert

Dirtyboy's LW(Language and Writing system) is absolutely not south-korean language and writing system.

And his LW is absolutely not related with joseon dynasty on DPRK peninsula.

His common language and writing systems are influened by cultural language of DPRK,English,Nihongo,Hanese(漢語),Mongolian,Manchurian, Indian and ETC common languages, communication languages,traditional languages.

egaugnal malsI(Islam language),egaugnal barA(Arab language),Hindu languae,Budda language,Jew language, Chris language, American language,European language,Asian language,First generation language, Afrikan language, Oceanian language,Cival language, Forest language, Desert language, Lake language......they also have been influencing to Dirtyboy.

Of couse his common language and writing system are influened by Computer language, Aliens language, Animal language, Fish lanuage, Ocean language,Plant language, Body language,Art language,Sexy language,ASS language.....;D

In short, his language may be D-language.

Snow Civilization..ᓴᓐᓇ ᐱᒋᕗᖅ ᐊᓯᐊᙳᑐᖅ(Senda Current events)

#1. ᐃᖃᓗᐃᑦ, ᓄᓇᕗᑦ iu(Iqaluit,NU(Nunavut))

- ᓴᓐᓇ (Sedna) : It's difficult to live in cold area.

ᐱᒋᕗᖅ ᐊᓯᐊᙳᑐᖅ : Asskimo have many friends. People say that chiefs invited friends.

- ᓴᓐᓇ(Sedna) : Eskimo? Don't you know that word is not popular with early generation in Canada?

-ᐱᒋᕗᖅ ᐊᓯᐊᙳᑐᖅ : Not Eskimo, But Asskimo!

Shocking foxy lady.....X with foxy lady

It seems that firefox loves to lick the sexy ball.


Shocking sexy commando song.....Anna's melancholy

- エリーゼのゆううつ : ジッパーを下ろす。

- アンナのゆううつ : ジッパーを上げる。



[シーン1. 二人の男が重信房子を面会している]

- 義経 :はじめまして。

- 房子 : はじめまして。 あなたは誰?

- 義経 : ヤクザです。

- 房子 : ヤクザ? ヤクザがどのような理由で面会を?

- 義経 : ヤクザと日本赤軍は、似たような部分があると思いまして。

Pезидент Ass..Дорога в холодную зону.

#1.Аэропорт Якутскай ,  Респу́блика Саха́(Саха Өрөспүүбүлүкэтэ, Республика Якутия)

[Джэлмэ(Зэлмэ) выходит из аэропорта.]

- Бйнeяский(Buinevsky):  Здравствуйте! Вы Джэлмэ?

- Джэлмэ(Зэлмэ) : Эҕэрдэ а также Здравствуйте!

- Бйнeяский : Нөрүөн нөргүй [nörüön nörgüy. You are welcome]. Вы можете говорить на якутском языке.

- Джэлмэ(Зэлмэ) : немного.

[они садятся в машину.]

- Джэлмэ :Это прекрасная земля.

- Бйнeяский : Путешественник может так сказать. Но жители города испытывают трудности из-за сильного снегопада и очень холодной погоды.

- Джэлмэ : Разве? Выглядит как Сильный снегопад и холод защищают многие этносы и леса(Тайга́) в России.


Coordinator...Hêzên Sûriya Demokratîk

#1. Hêzên Sûriya Demokratîk‎(HSD) camp, Rojava, Syria.

*HSD is Kurdish expression, HSD means Syrian Democratic Forces(SDF) in english.

[scene 1-1] HSD became known USA army's withdrawal

[scene 1-2] Kurdish people are upset.

- Öcalan : USA army do not remember the efforts of HSD(SDF).

They can't do this to Kurd!

- Salah Addin : Calm dowm.

Now, Kurd is the key player of Arab.

Maybe Kurd should not depend on USA , Israel, and IS.

- Öcalan : USA betrayed Kurd.

- Salah Addin : Are you sure? It is a complex situation.

Maybe it seems that that USA do not want to take same mistake.

Resident ASS...Ass architecture engineering

#1.Чингис хаан олон улсын нисэх буудал, Улаанбаатар,Монгол Улс
(Chinggis Khaan Inter National Air Port, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

Зэлмэ and his friends are talking in the air port.

- Зэв(Jebe): Take care, Zelme. It may be long and tough journey.

- Зэлмэ(Zelme) : Don't worry. Mongolian warrior is tough, too.

- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon)  : Good luck!


#1.バンクーバー、カナダ (Vancouver、 Canada)


- 北条大姫 : ここでは、平成22年に冬季オリンピックが開催されたところですね。

- 植村直己 : はい。日本では、昭和時代と平成時代に 冬季オリンピックが開催されました。


昭和51年。オーストリア、 インスブルック

昭和55年。アメリカ合衆国、 レークプラシッド



平成4年。フランス、 アルベールビル

平成6年 。ノルウェー、リレハンメル

平成10年 。 日本、長野

平成14年 。 アメリカ合衆国、ソルトレークシティ

平成18年 。 イタリア、トリノ

平成22年 。カナダ、バンクーバー

- 北条大姫 : 東京オリンピックのためなら、モントリオール観光が良くなかったのか?

- 植村直己 : 植村は冬の専門ガイドです。バンクーバー観光もして、モントリオール観光もして...その後、されていませんか?

- 北条大姫 : 令和時代には冬季オリンピックがどこから始まるのですか?

- 植村直己 : 中国の北京とイタリアのミラノが予定されています。

- 北条大姫 : ちょっと 微妙ですね。

Resident ASS...黑龍 LAFW festival

#1.(하이빈,哈爾濱),黑龍江省, 中国


People are talking about the Ice and Snow Festival.

- 朱由儉 : 這對民族很重要。

- Aiseen Gioro Hong Taiji(愛神覺路 洪打時) :

This festival should have been good for the harmony of many nations and ethnic groups in cold area.

- Doragon(道路坤) :Saiyoon, Sain ucharambi suwe!(Hello, Nice to meet you!)

-  朱由儉 :  Many things will be prepared.

Resident ASS...Homunculi Delta

#1. Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.

Indigenous leaders and environmentalists march in protest against Canadian government.

ref : Trans Mountain and First Nations along the pipeline route

#2. Ottawa, Canada.

Canadian government apologized to the First Nations and LGBT of Canada about genocide.

ref : Canada Reckons With Genocide

48浪人物語。。変態工作 フライング トンカツ

#1.本能寺,京都市 中京区

[scene 1-1]源氏義経と後藤右樹が 本能寺 境内を歩いている。

- 義経 : 以前にここで大きな事件があった。

- 後藤 : 日本人の多くが、その事件を知っている。

Shocking Hentai Kamen skill

What kind of music is this?

Animal rock? Berserker Rock?

- Emotions / Man with a mission

This song is for Hentai Kamen(変態仮面).

How about Hentai Rock?

- Hentai Ningen(変態人間,Hentai Human)

Hentai Human may be called Homo Hentaiens such as Homo Sapiens.

It is said that Homo sapiens means wise man in latin language.

But Homo sapiens species are wise?

Shocking spider man...007 Spy the man

- Where is Spy the suit?

- Aunt May(梅嬸,梅叔母) : Tired a little bit.

Game talk...BH2 classic

Dirtyboy have been playing BH2 Classic with PC.

He was not in good conditions.

Dirty Games...

- Dirty Quest.

- Dirty Fantasy.

- Dirtymeki Memorial

Secreto Caribeño...Caribbean rescue team

The hurricane dorian hit the Bahamas.

#1.Nassau, Bahamas

- After hurricane dorian hit Bahamas.

#2. Culiacán, estado de Sinaloa, México

- Noriega : Dorian hit Bahamas, it is thought that almost generational devastation in Bahamas.

Even though disaster is miserable, but it may be the beginning to reflect carribean conscience.

Schocking sexy commando...Disgusting Adrian

Because of hurricane Dorian, it is said that  people of florida of USA and Bahamas worry very much.

But Dirtyboy think another thing about Dorian.

Even he have to go to station for work,  but he think Sexy Commando.

Secreto Caribeño...Carribean village

캐러밴들이 버스를 타고 바자 캘리포니아 수르(Baja California Sur)주와 소노라(Sonora)주 주변으로 이동한다.

#1. 버스안에서 온두라스 여성 두 명이 이야기를 하고 있다.]

- 캐러밴1 : 괜한 헛고생을 하는게 아닐까?

- 캐러밴2 : 계속 난민 신세로 지낼 수는 없잖아.

- 캐러밴1 : 값싼 미국산 농산물로 인해서, 농사를 지어봤자 먹고 살기는 힘들어.

- 캐러밴2 : 중남미가 해야 하는 일이 무엇일까. 현실적인 목표와 계획이 있어야 하는데...

Operations order C-2

It is said that a big fire broke out in Amazon, Brazil.

메텔군단이 주도하고, 퉁스군단 애니군단이 협력하라.

1. 아마존 밀림에 발생한 불을 꺼라.

상황 파악후 추가 명령을 하달하기로 한다.

Shocking Butterfly Effect

What is Butterfly Effect?

1. In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

2. Maybe butterfly effect is related with a Bust Morphing in DOAX.

Secreto Caribeño...Caravan Frontiers pou Maya

UBCS, BSAA ak Sinaloa katèl panse Tijuhana refijye kòm Maya Frontiers.

Se kantite moun ki refijye estime yo dwe sou 6 ~ 10 dè milye

(UBCS,BSAA and Sinaloa cartel think Tijuhana refugee as Maya Frontiers.

The number of Refugee people is estimated to be about 6~10 thousands.)

#1. Tijuana Caravan Village, Baja California

- Alex : Prèske ti bouk tant.

Li se yon soulajman gen twalèt pòtab.

(Almost tent village.

It's a relieve there is portable toilet.)

- Olmeca : 관광버스 회사라면 400대 정도의 버스는 보유하고 있을거야. 25인승 버스 200대면 5천명을 수송할 수 있으니까, 개척자들이 이동하는 데에는 문제가 없다고 봐야지.

Chief Afrika...Jinsi ya kupata vifaa vya C.A.R(How to get tools for C.A.R)

Wakuu wa Kiafrika huko C.A.R wanazungumza juu ya zana za mto na kilimo

(Afrikan chiefs in C.A.R are talking about tools for river and agriculture.)

#1.Second Meeting...Bouca discussion

- Bantu : africa need AK-48.

- Sheva : What?

- Bantu : To save river, C.A.R needs tools.

such as AK-48 shovel, RPG-8 Pick, Saw, hammer,stretcher, bucket,wheelbarrow, equipments...and so on.

Chief Afrika...Momwe mungalankhulire(How to commnicate)

Atsogoleri achi Africa ali ndi chilankhulo chawo, kulankhulana sikophweka.

(African chiefs have their own language, communication is not easy.)

- Sheval : Parlons français. C'est la langue officielle par constitution.

(Let's spaek French. In C.A.R, it is official language by constitution.)

- Shona : Kwete, ingori bumbiro remutemo chete. inogona kunge iri mutauro wechikoloni.

(No, it's only constitutional language. and it may be colonial language.)

- Sango : How about Sango language?

- Baya : Not bad as a trade language.

But diplomats from another country can not use Sango.

Mr.Idai and Mr.Kim, What do you think ?

Chief Afrika...Tattaunawa kan shugabannin kabilanci(Tribal chiefs discussion)

Chiefs of C.A.R come together to discuss peace and development among their tribes unofficially.

- C.A.R : Central Afrikan Republic.

#1. Bangui,C.A.R.

- Sango : This is stupid!!!!! Government army, Christian militia,Islam vigilance committee, French army, UNPF are conflicting in C.A.R.

Sango heard the rumor that tribal chiefs discussion will be held in Bossangoa from Sheval Alomar.

Sheval decides to go Bossangoa with Sango.