
Residente Ass...Azzurri medical institution

#1. Pantheon, Roma

[scena 1-1. Gli appassionati di calcio vengono al Pantheon.]

[scena 1-2. Due persone li guardano.]

- Traianus : Oh, interessante.  AS Roma e Lazio hanno pregato insieme!

- Nero : Sono fratelli e rivali.

- Traianus : Come Romolo e Remo?

- Nero : Forse no.

Come dice la gente, Remo era infelice a causa di Romolo.

- Traianus : Oh, mamma Wolverine era così triste.

noitaziliviC naitpygE.....rotanidrooC

natsinaghfA, lubaK.1#

natsinaghfA morf lawardhtiw ymra SU taht nwonk si tI.

[tnemnrevog natsinaghfA 1-1. enecs ]

- Official 1 : USA betrayed Afhganistan!

- Officail 2 : Is this American style?

We could have made new Islamic Afhganistan with USA!

[scene 1-2. Kabul store]

- Mirwais Elmi : What's going on in Afhganistan?

- Haidari : Taliban, Al-Qaeda..Oh, shit!

Because of them, it is not easy to live in Afhganistan.

Even it is not easy to date with woman!

- Jamila Qambari : Well,you have endured so far....

Maybe government have many difficulties, and Taliban, Al-Qaedia have many difficulitis, too.

- Mirwais Elmi : Oh, shit~

Shocking Dirty,,Dirty best is good enough.

Even though it is not good enough, he will be never surrender.

Because he is dirty enough.

In spite of so many sufferings, miserable things, shameful things......

Maybe Dirty best is good enough for Ass Alliance.