Aventura în spațiu.....Satul rezidențial

@1. Castelul Dimitrescu
[scenă 1-1.Familia Dimitrescu se uită la televizor în sufragerie.]
- Contesă Dimitrescu )): Este război divin sau război fals?
Pare a fi războiul maimuțelor.
- Bela Dimitrescu )): Uhm...cine știe asta?
[Intră un Şambelan.]
- Şambelan )): Heisenberg vrea să vorbească cu tine la telefon.
Vorbește o limbă diferită.
[scenă 1-2.Contesă Dimitrescu răspunde la telefon.]
- Heisenberg )): (voce) Hello,hello! Countess Dimitrescu!
- Contesă Dimitrescu )): De ce vorbești..altă limbă?
- Heisenberg )): (voce) Din cauza calculatorului.
- Contesă Dimitrescu )): Uh huh.
E o poveste plictisitoare.
[Countess Dimitrescu yawns.]
- Heisenberg )): (voice) Hey,hey! Please listen carefully.
Scientists and engineers in Between labs study computing culture ass well ass economic businesses.
They said that it seems monkeys waited for the super monkey or made super monkey machine such as Colossus or Skynet.
- Countess Dimitrescu )): Super monkey?
Hey! It's fake news!
It's just novel or movie or...
- Heisenberg )): (voice) Some zoologists said there is a possibility it was basic instinct or some kind of hope for naked apes.
- Countess Dimitrescu )): Do you think fake news and lies can be the basis of the hope?
- Heisenberg )): (voice) Anyway some engineers want to find useful items in trash or make real machine.
- Countess Dimitrescu )): Make new computing system?
- Heisenberg )): (voice) Some engineers want to make new system, some engineers want to fix and repair old systems.
Both of them want to develop it.
[Countess Dimitrescu yawns,again.]
- Countess Dimitrescu )): It's so boring.
- Heisenberg )): (voice) Hey,hey! Countess!
Do you know that Ethan Winters infiltrated Resident Village?
He is also engineer.
- Countess Dimitrescu )): Ethan Winters? Oh,shift!

Fw: 宇宙冒険....暗闇の中で少しづつ


[シーン 1-1.ぐれえ・スルカイが仮面教堂の廊下を歩いている。]



- ぐれえ )): なんだこの階段は!?


[シーン 1-2. 仮面教堂の集会。]

- ヤギ仮面 )): 皆さん、おおかみさんが草ばかり食べて生きることができますか。

- 教徒たち )): いいえ、おおかみさんは草食男ではありません。

- ヤギ仮面 )): 羊の仮面を着用した狼が非難を受けた場合もありました。


- 教徒たち )): そうです。


- ヤギ仮面 )): ヤギと羊だけでなく、狼と蛇、ネズミ、カラス、サソリ、昆虫 、雜龍と雜魚などに関連する人間たちも幸せに暮らせる科学技術を開発しなければなりません。

- 教徒たち )): 科学技術の開発は容易ではありません。

- ヤギ仮面 )): まだ科学技術に不満足な部分もある。
