@1. Spire Hospitaal(Hospital,Hôpital,Krankenhaus,Ospedale,مستشفى,Ziekenhuis )
Captain Kamby Bolongo visits hospital.
- Kamby : What are patients' condition?
- Dr.Mutal : So so.
Why do you speak unfamiliar language in this Cluster?
- Kamby : Don't be misunderstood, Doctor.
This is just business language. And it may be called ass Unglish.
Captain Kamby Bolongo visits hospital.
- Kamby : What are patients' condition?
- Dr.Mutal : So so.
Why do you speak unfamiliar language in this Cluster?
- Kamby : Don't be misunderstood, Doctor.
This is just business language. And it may be called ass Unglish.