Shocking sports team....Stars.

#1.Dark Stars.

This team was Death Stars.

Then became Resident Stars, and now Dark Stars.

-FW : Berkin  Saddler  

-MF : Liker Hunter Kelberos Mendez

-DF : Vurdugo Gigante Ramon Whesker

-GK : Nemesis 

Coach : Tofu

#2. Bio Stars.

- FW : Leon Chris

- MF : Louis Mike Billy Josh

- DF : Barry Carlos Piers Marvin

- GK : Steve

Coach : Hunk

Space Advanture..Darth Maul's escape

#1.Space Battle

[scene 1-1.Galactic empire fleet chases the spaceship,Scimitar.]

- Antonio : Ready for battle! Attack scimitar!

[scene 1-2. Darth Maul and Savage Opress get on space lifeboat, then escape from Scimitar]

- Darth Maul : Is it the time to go to Jedi Tux?

- Savage Opress : No. Rebels such ass jedi are too foolish to understand this situation.