Space Adventure....Ice Adventurer

@1.Free Sea life forms campaign, Maple Site, Aurora  Group.

[scene 1-1. People's campaign.]

- ᖃᒡᒋᖅ : Free to the fishes! Free to the fishes!

- ᐱᒋᕗᖅ ᐊᓯᐊᙳᑐᖅ : No Fish Farms! No Fish Farms!

- Miss.Krill : Krill process! Krill  process!

- Mr.Leaf : Even if this situation is Sunglasses at the night, Never Surrender!

- Dr.Octopussy : ᓴᓐᓇ!! Queen Sedna is still alive!

[scene 1-2. Maple  police are blocking the street.]

- Police 1 : Are they idiots?

- Police 2 : Perhaps. They did not seem to consider economy of Maple site.

ᠰ᠊ ᠊ᡦ᠊ ᠊ᠠ᠊ ᠊ᡳ᠊ ᠊ᠰ ᠠ᠊ ᠊ᡩ᠊ ᠊ᠸ᠊ ᠊ᡝ᠊ ᠊ᠨ᠋᠊ ᠊ᠴ᠊ ᠊ᡝ᠊ ᠊ᡳ......Manzuliyan

@1. 大系 宇宙艦隊

[場面 1-1.華队长 和 呂蒙隊长  正在向 都督 報告。]

- 赤龍 都督 : So you did not catch  General Guan(關上將),huh?

- 華队长 : Yes,sir.

- 黃龍 元帥 : Do you think Huashan Gongsi(華山公司) and Huashan fleet(華山艦隊) are lacking of ability?

你是 白痴漢嗎?

- 孙队长 : 華山艦隊 是 勇猛漢。

- 黃龍 元帥 :  孙隊长! 你是 奇怪漢嗎?

Huashan fleet were tracking just one ship, the Qinglong-Yanyuehao(靑龍偃月号).

Then you missed him? Does it make sense?

-  呂隊长 : Sir, they seemed to use new technology.

- 赤龍 都督 : You have always reasons about mistakes and faults such ass some kind of sports team in Daxi cluster.

- 華队长 : Sir, there are many different style spaceships such as many different mankinds and races in Daxi cluster.

So it is not easy to make synergy effect.

ᠰ᠊ ᠊ᡦ᠊ ᠊ᠠ᠊ ᠊ᡳ᠊ ᠊ᠰ ᠠ᠊ ᠊ᡩ᠊ ᠊ᠸ᠊ ᠊ᡝ᠊ ᠊ᠨ᠋᠊ ᠊ᠴ᠊ ᠊ᡝ᠊ ᠊ᡳ......Musoi Manzu

@1.满汉全席 研究所,长春 女真公司, 吉林宙域 大系星团

[場面 1-1. 它斯哈 正在操作 电脑。]

- 它斯哈(Tasha,老虎) : It is not easy to operate this machine.

- 瑪法(Mafa,老爷) : Manhan Quanx computer and Quanics OS has some points to be improved.

- 它斯哈 : 则也。满汉全席 飮食物 有問題。

- 瑪法 : 不知何故,活化 機器人。

[場面 1-2.  Robot is lying on testbed.]

- 機器人 : 女真电脑 感知 到 错误。

In this situation, mechanic life forms can not rise.

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