Animal rock? Berserker Rock?
- Emotions / Man with a mission

This song is for Hentai Kamen(変態仮面).
How about Hentai Rock?
- Hentai Ningen(変態人間,Hentai Human)
Hentai Human may be called Homo Hentaiens such as Homo Sapiens.
It is said that Homo sapiens means wise man in latin language.
But Homo sapiens species are wise?
What future is good for hentai people?
Hentai Kamen have been using special skills for hentai people.

Maybe Hentai Kamen is related with Kekko Kamen(けっこう仮面) or Feng Kuangni Kamen(瘋狂女仮面) ...who knows?

Hentaiboy has many problems and difficulties,too.
But he is going to the Hentai sunny beach...;D
Blue sky, bright sun(青い空 、 眩しい 太陽......)