[# Scene 1. Claire is arrested in Paris. ]

Claire is sent to prison in island.
[Scene.1-1.. Terrasave are trying to release her]

- Γαῖα(Gaia) : Release her! She is not a terrorist!
- Tellus Mater : She is a prominent member of Terrasave!
- Ass Nike : She was running and flying Ass Nike!
Don't you know Just Do It Ass Nike?

[# Scene 2.. Paoa i roto o Aotearoa]
- Ko Muss Heke kore he mahi. Kei te inu tahi me nga hoa.

- I pa mai etahi raru. Kei te riri a Muss.

- Ka tiakina e Nig Heke tona whaea.

[# Scene 3..Auckland street, New Zealand]
[Two people are fighting.]
- Abel : New Zealand may be be with Netherlands.
- James : No! New Zealand may be with Commonwealth of Nations
Don't you know Miss Universe 1980 Photogenic?
Miss New Zealand 1980 showed costume play of Captain Cook!
- Abel : No! Maybe that was costume of Captain Tasman.
- Dundee : How stupid it is.
Don't you know Crocodile ate Captain hook's left hand?
Alligator can eat Captain Cook, Captain Tasman and Captain America.
You should know the fairytale of Frying Pan.

- Abel : Who are you?
- Dundee : Crocodile Dundee.
- James : No, It looks like After a while Crocodile.
- Dundee : Whatever. See you later, Alligator!

[# Scene 4. Ray and Mark are training]

[Roger, Gon and Penguin man appears]
- Penguin : Hey newbies! You wanna be warriors of Fighting game? Let's play with us!
- Gon : (whispers to Penguin) To play with beginners?
- Ray : Newbie? beginners?
Play me te Maori,korero i te reo maori!
- Mark : Well, he said that If you want to play with Maori people, Speak to Maori language.
- Penguin : Kia ora.
But this english is a business language or game language.
- Ray : OK. Do you want to play with us,huh?
Don't you know who we are?
We were once were warriors.
- Roger : Everybody has a plan, Until they get punched in the mouth.
[Round 1. Ray Vs Roger..Ray sefo lose.]

[Round 2.Mark Vs Gon..Mark hunt lose]

- Roger : How disappointment.
Once were Warriors?
Not only combo skill but also warrior's mental and weight control have a problem.
- Penguin : Guys, Sit down. take a look at yourself.
Don't you want to be somebody?
Have you heard about the lonesome loser?
Loved by the Goddess of hearts every time.
He's a loser, but he still keeps on trying.

- Ray : Well, it seems that..
Maybe you have heard about little river in Australia.
- Roger : Whatever.
Before pointing out combo skill problem, you need to change physical training.
- Mark : Physical training?
- Gon : Yes. To make warrior's physical, you have to eat good foods.
Even though it is difficult to find good foods.
- Mark : What is good foods for physical training of warriors?
- Penguin : It's your job. Maybe it needs many trial and error.
- Roger : In Australia and New Zealand, there are Muslims.
To live together, You don't kill piggy and you should not eat body of piggy.
And, do you kill whales?
- Mark : No, We don't like kill whales.
- Roger : And sharks?
- Mark : Sharks?
- Roger : Sharks are the warriors of the Ocean such ass you.
- Gon : Sharks are some kind of friends for you.
- Roger : Oceanian Warriors may not kill and may not eat Herring and Cod.
- Mark : Why?

- Roger : For Oceanian pride.
European killed so many Herrings.
Even Cod wars happened between UK and Iceland.
This operation may be called.....Resident Cod Veronica.

- Gon : Warriors do not eat eggs.
- Mark : Why eggs?
- Gon : Because of Jake Muss Hike and Beth Hike.
His wife don't like to kill the eggs for cooking.
- Mark : Then, What will do eat for animal nutrients?
- Penguin : It is said that Maori people was eating human's body, long years ago. right?
- Mark : Yes, it's a shame.
- Roger : It was not a shame. But now it is a shame.
In the extreme situation, modern people ate human's body for survive.
Don't you know movie alive?

- Mark : So we should be Vegan or Sometimes Maneater such ass Zombie?
- Gon : In fact, human can live ass Vegan.
Elephants, Hippos, Horse,Cow, Buffalo..they are very powerful.
and they are Vegan.
- Ray : Hey! think about Lion, Tiger, Bear and....brave animals!
They are not Vegan!
- Penguin : Oh, homo sapiens killed many lions, tigers and bears with mechanic weapon.
And now you are worry about them?
- Roger : Warriors, Be honest.
It seems that you want the taste of meat protein.
- Mark : Look! think about Mr.Dracula and Vampires.
They need bloody food!
- Penguin : Oh, it's really shameful.
The animal Homo sapiens hated Mr.Dracula and Vampires for long times.
And now you think Vampires ass partners or some kind of friends?
- Gon : Maybe some kind of friend to like animal nutrients.
- Penguin : It seems oceanian warriors need new industry.
- Ray : Which industry?
- Gon : It's your job to find new industy.
And that is the first step for Oceania.
- Roger : Whatever, It needs many partners and some kinds of friends.
DOA girls, Tekken girls, Resident girls are not good enough.

[Scene.1-1.. Terrasave are trying to release her]

- Γαῖα(Gaia) : Release her! She is not a terrorist!
- Tellus Mater : She is a prominent member of Terrasave!
- Ass Nike : She was running and flying Ass Nike!
Don't you know Just Do It Ass Nike?
[# Scene 2.. Paoa i roto o Aotearoa]
- Ko Muss Heke kore he mahi. Kei te inu tahi me nga hoa.

- I pa mai etahi raru. Kei te riri a Muss.

- Ka tiakina e Nig Heke tona whaea.

[# Scene 3..Auckland street, New Zealand]
[Two people are fighting.]
- Abel : New Zealand may be be with Netherlands.
- James : No! New Zealand may be with Commonwealth of Nations
Don't you know Miss Universe 1980 Photogenic?
Miss New Zealand 1980 showed costume play of Captain Cook!
- Abel : No! Maybe that was costume of Captain Tasman.
- Dundee : How stupid it is.
Don't you know Crocodile ate Captain hook's left hand?
Alligator can eat Captain Cook, Captain Tasman and Captain America.
You should know the fairytale of Frying Pan.

- Abel : Who are you?
- Dundee : Crocodile Dundee.
- James : No, It looks like After a while Crocodile.
- Dundee : Whatever. See you later, Alligator!

[# Scene 4. Ray and Mark are training]

- Penguin : Hey newbies! You wanna be warriors of Fighting game? Let's play with us!
- Gon : (whispers to Penguin) To play with beginners?
- Ray : Newbie? beginners?
Play me te Maori,korero i te reo maori!
- Mark : Well, he said that If you want to play with Maori people, Speak to Maori language.
- Penguin : Kia ora.
But this english is a business language or game language.
- Ray : OK. Do you want to play with us,huh?
Don't you know who we are?
We were once were warriors.
- Roger : Everybody has a plan, Until they get punched in the mouth.
[Round 1. Ray Vs Roger..Ray sefo lose.]

[Round 2.Mark Vs Gon..Mark hunt lose]

- Roger : How disappointment.
Once were Warriors?
Not only combo skill but also warrior's mental and weight control have a problem.
- Penguin : Guys, Sit down. take a look at yourself.
Don't you want to be somebody?
Have you heard about the lonesome loser?
Loved by the Goddess of hearts every time.
He's a loser, but he still keeps on trying.

- Ray : Well, it seems that..
Maybe you have heard about little river in Australia.
- Roger : Whatever.
Before pointing out combo skill problem, you need to change physical training.
- Mark : Physical training?
- Gon : Yes. To make warrior's physical, you have to eat good foods.
Even though it is difficult to find good foods.
- Mark : What is good foods for physical training of warriors?
- Penguin : It's your job. Maybe it needs many trial and error.
- Roger : In Australia and New Zealand, there are Muslims.
To live together, You don't kill piggy and you should not eat body of piggy.
And, do you kill whales?
- Mark : No, We don't like kill whales.
- Roger : And sharks?
- Mark : Sharks?
- Roger : Sharks are the warriors of the Ocean such ass you.
- Gon : Sharks are some kind of friends for you.
- Roger : Oceanian Warriors may not kill and may not eat Herring and Cod.
- Mark : Why?

European killed so many Herrings.
Even Cod wars happened between UK and Iceland.
This operation may be called.....Resident Cod Veronica.

- Gon : Warriors do not eat eggs.
- Mark : Why eggs?
- Gon : Because of Jake Muss Hike and Beth Hike.
His wife don't like to kill the eggs for cooking.
- Mark : Then, What will do eat for animal nutrients?
- Penguin : It is said that Maori people was eating human's body, long years ago. right?
- Mark : Yes, it's a shame.
- Roger : It was not a shame. But now it is a shame.
In the extreme situation, modern people ate human's body for survive.
Don't you know movie alive?

- Mark : So we should be Vegan or Sometimes Maneater such ass Zombie?
- Gon : In fact, human can live ass Vegan.
Elephants, Hippos, Horse,Cow, Buffalo..they are very powerful.
and they are Vegan.
- Ray : Hey! think about Lion, Tiger, Bear and....brave animals!
They are not Vegan!
- Penguin : Oh, homo sapiens killed many lions, tigers and bears with mechanic weapon.
And now you are worry about them?
- Roger : Warriors, Be honest.
It seems that you want the taste of meat protein.
- Mark : Look! think about Mr.Dracula and Vampires.
They need bloody food!
- Penguin : Oh, it's really shameful.
The animal Homo sapiens hated Mr.Dracula and Vampires for long times.
And now you think Vampires ass partners or some kind of friends?
- Gon : Maybe some kind of friend to like animal nutrients.
- Penguin : It seems oceanian warriors need new industry.
- Ray : Which industry?
- Gon : It's your job to find new industy.
And that is the first step for Oceania.
- Roger : Whatever, It needs many partners and some kinds of friends.
DOA girls, Tekken girls, Resident girls are not good enough.
Just do it Ass Nike,, Someday and Somewhere