#1.Eastern European Republic
[Scene 1-1. Cabinet meeting ]

-Svetlana Belikova : Gentlemen!
This country is between Western Europe and Russia.
Eastern European needs national strategy.
Do you have any idea for Resident Eevil or Vempire Country ?
- Secretary : Resident Eevil? Vempire Country? What's that?
- Svetlana : Eevil is the Eastern European Village.
Vempire means V plus Empire( V + Empire) in Eastren Europe.
Well, V in Vempire is maybe Virtues or Vulcan or Vulture or V.....;D
You know already Virtues Angel.
Vulcan is a kind of Alien Human such ass Mr.Spock.

Vulture is maybe a kind of eagle or black eagle.
But another V.....that is not known yet.
- Secretary 1 : That's Great, Ms.President!!
- Secretary 2 : Only man can know what another V means in Vempire.
- Svetlana : What is it?
- Secretary 3 : It is very diffilut to eaplain, because it is Vulgar.
- Svetlana : Oh, man!
Dr.Acula,Do you have any idea for Vempire civilization?
- Dr.Acula : Many brothers and researchers in API is studying about EEV policy.
*API : Asscula Policy Institute
The API suggests that EE Village need to think the direction of Eastern Europe.
- Secretary : Direction? About what?
- Dr.Acula : Eastern Europe do not have the useful ports.
For international trade, EE have to pass through Western Europe.
Ass API study, Go west or Go east policy is good to be used by another country.
If so, How about Go south?

- Svetlana : Go South?
Southern area of Eastern Europe is.....mostly Islamic Countries.
- Dr.Acula : What will we do for new trade route between Eastern Europe and Central Asia?
It looks that not killing piggy is insufficient.
- Svetlana : Do you mean that Christian in Europe should convert to Muslim for economics?
- Dr.Acula : No, Ms.President.
It may be that Central Asia needs Eastern Europe.
We need to do something more for each other.
[Scene 1-2.Billy Coen is captured by EE youth group]
- Sasha : Do you think our hostage will be of any use?
- Comăneci : (Said to Billy) Do you know who we are?
- Billy : Are you Gypsy?

- Дула(Dulo) : You people in the CIA, GRU and NATO call us terrorists.
But we prefer to call ourselves pro-independence fighters.
- Sasha : What is the CIA doing here?
- Billy : You watch too many movies.
- Sasha : Then what are you?
Is it common for people in America to be packing one of these while on vacation?

- Billy : Sure. We've been doing it since the country was founded.
- Дула(Dulo) : Whatever.
But even if you're not a CIA, there is no doubt you must be pretty special for Superpower to send you here.
#2.Velvyslanectví DPRK, Praha, Česká republika

- Sean Sung-gyeom :Aurelia Dobre rano!
- Kim Pyongil : Není to vůbec vtipné.
Aurelia Dobre není Čech, ale romanský Američan.
- Kim Rak : Dobrý den! Aurelia Dobre byla každopádně EE (východní Evropa).

- Pyongil : Kde se tu berete?
- Sung-gyeom: Poslali nás sem JCK.
- Pyongil : JCK?
- Rak : Řekl, že soudruh Pyongil může podporovat nejen JUK, ale také EE.
- Sung-gyeom :Rodina Kim v Pyongyangu, rodina Lee v Hamhungu, rodina Wangů v Kaesŏng .... Každá rodina v DPRK má problémy.
- Pyongil : Česká rodina má také mnoho problémů.
Ale vypadá to, že chtějí jít kupředu.
[Russian old man read newspaper]

- Юрий Андропов(Yuri Andropov) : This is weird news.
- Сергей Владимир(Sergei Vladimir): What happened in Russia?
- Юрий : Soviet was consist of many countries in the name of Socialism and Communist party.
But the Soviet union dissolved.
And now..Even though Belarus and Russia is very close, but..
Is that good for Russia?
- Валерий Петровский(Valeri Petrofsky): Well, nobody knows.
- Сергей : It can be diplomatic disaster.

#5. Somewhere in Eastern Europe.
[Ass Wong is meeting with Luna and Ivan Judanovich]
- Luna : We should have become a member of the STARS five years ago.
And by now be a respected member of the international community in our role ass a Resident Nation.
If we don't act soon,we will lose our chance for true independence.
And we cannot allow that to happen at any cost.
- Ass Wong : BSAA wants to cooperate with BKU.
- Ivan : BKU think that the situation in Eastern Europe is similar with Afrika.

- Ass Wong : Maybe somebody who wants to do something expects good performances from BKU and BOW.
[Scene 1-1. Cabinet meeting ]

-Svetlana Belikova : Gentlemen!
This country is between Western Europe and Russia.
Eastern European needs national strategy.
Do you have any idea for Resident Eevil or Vempire Country ?
- Secretary : Resident Eevil? Vempire Country? What's that?
- Svetlana : Eevil is the Eastern European Village.
Vempire means V plus Empire( V + Empire) in Eastren Europe.
Well, V in Vempire is maybe Virtues or Vulcan or Vulture or V.....;D
You know already Virtues Angel.
Vulcan is a kind of Alien Human such ass Mr.Spock.

Vulture is maybe a kind of eagle or black eagle.
But another V.....that is not known yet.
- Secretary 1 : That's Great, Ms.President!!
- Secretary 2 : Only man can know what another V means in Vempire.
- Svetlana : What is it?
- Secretary 3 : It is very diffilut to eaplain, because it is Vulgar.
- Svetlana : Oh, man!
Dr.Acula,Do you have any idea for Vempire civilization?
- Dr.Acula : Many brothers and researchers in API is studying about EEV policy.
*API : Asscula Policy Institute
- Secretary : Direction? About what?
- Dr.Acula : Eastern Europe do not have the useful ports.
For international trade, EE have to pass through Western Europe.
Ass API study, Go west or Go east policy is good to be used by another country.
If so, How about Go south?

- Svetlana : Go South?
Southern area of Eastern Europe is.....mostly Islamic Countries.
- Dr.Acula : What will we do for new trade route between Eastern Europe and Central Asia?
It looks that not killing piggy is insufficient.
- Svetlana : Do you mean that Christian in Europe should convert to Muslim for economics?
- Dr.Acula : No, Ms.President.
It may be that Central Asia needs Eastern Europe.
We need to do something more for each other.
[Scene 1-2.Billy Coen is captured by EE youth group]
- Sasha : Do you think our hostage will be of any use?
- Comăneci : (Said to Billy) Do you know who we are?
- Billy : Are you Gypsy?

- Дула(Dulo) : You people in the CIA, GRU and NATO call us terrorists.
But we prefer to call ourselves pro-independence fighters.
- Sasha : What is the CIA doing here?
- Billy : You watch too many movies.
- Sasha : Then what are you?
Is it common for people in America to be packing one of these while on vacation?

- Billy : Sure. We've been doing it since the country was founded.
- Дула(Dulo) : Whatever.
But even if you're not a CIA, there is no doubt you must be pretty special for Superpower to send you here.
#2.Velvyslanectví DPRK, Praha, Česká republika

- Sean Sung-gyeom :Aurelia Dobre rano!
- Kim Pyongil : Není to vůbec vtipné.
Aurelia Dobre není Čech, ale romanský Američan.
- Kim Rak : Dobrý den! Aurelia Dobre byla každopádně EE (východní Evropa).

- Pyongil : Kde se tu berete?
- Sung-gyeom: Poslali nás sem JCK.
- Pyongil : JCK?
- Rak : Řekl, že soudruh Pyongil může podporovat nejen JUK, ale také EE.
- Sung-gyeom :Rodina Kim v Pyongyangu, rodina Lee v Hamhungu, rodina Wangů v Kaesŏng .... Každá rodina v DPRK má problémy.
- Pyongil : Česká rodina má také mnoho problémů.
Ale vypadá to, že chtějí jít kupředu.
[Russian old man read newspaper]

- Юрий Андропов(Yuri Andropov) : This is weird news.
- Сергей Владимир(Sergei Vladimir): What happened in Russia?
- Юрий : Soviet was consist of many countries in the name of Socialism and Communist party.
But the Soviet union dissolved.
And now..Even though Belarus and Russia is very close, but..
Is that good for Russia?
- Валерий Петровский(Valeri Petrofsky): Well, nobody knows.
- Сергей : It can be diplomatic disaster.

#5. Somewhere in Eastern Europe.
[Ass Wong is meeting with Luna and Ivan Judanovich]
- Luna : We should have become a member of the STARS five years ago.
And by now be a respected member of the international community in our role ass a Resident Nation.
If we don't act soon,we will lose our chance for true independence.
And we cannot allow that to happen at any cost.
- Ass Wong : BSAA wants to cooperate with BKU.
- Ivan : BKU think that the situation in Eastern Europe is similar with Afrika.

- Ass Wong : Maybe somebody who wants to do something expects good performances from BKU and BOW.
*BKU : Bio Keepers Union.
*BOW : Bio Organic Women.