#1.Чингис хаан олон улсын нисэх буудал, Улаанбаатар,Монгол Улс
(Chinggis Khaan Inter National Air Port, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

Зэлмэ and his friends are talking in the air port.
- Зэв(Jebe): Take care, Zelme. It may be long and tough journey.
- Зэлмэ(Zelme) : Don't worry. Mongolian warrior is tough, too.
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Good luck!
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : You can go to Moscow or Beijing or Tokyo at first. Why another city?

- Зэлмэ(Zelme) : Cold country such as Shkha need many friends.
Mongolia needs many friends,too.
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Maybe Yakutsk(Якутскай)is more cold than Samjiyeon in DPRK.
- Зэв(Jebe): What? Samjiyeon? You are kidding.
Just think about cold class.
To compare with Bökh(Mongolian Wrestling), Yakutsk is Heavy weight Cold and Samjiyeon,Harbin,Sapporo...they are Bantam or Fly weight cold.
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Hey Jebe! It is said that Bökh do not have weight class rules.
- Зэв(Jebe): That's the reason why Bokh can talk with any weights.

- Жамуха(Jamukha) : How stupid Bokh idiots.
- Зэв(Jebe): What! Stupid?
- Зэлмэ(Zelme) : Hey, guys. Calm down.
Do you think cold weather is bad?
Don't you think cold weather is protecting life forms,resources and own culture?
Think about Afrika.
#2.Өймөкөөн(Оймяко́н), Саха Өрөспүүбүлүкэтэ, Российская Федерация.
Yakuts,Russians,etc ethincs, animals...they are same in front of heavy cold.

[Secene 2-1] Oymokoon...-51.3ºC(-60.3°F)

- It is said that -51.5ºC is cool in oymokoon.

#3.Ненэцие’’ автономной округ/Ненёцие автономной ӈокрук(Nenets Autonomous Okrug),
In tundra, Nenets people are living with Reindeerses and Russians.

$4. Nomad in Mongolian Field.

Жамуха(Jamukha) is a little upset to Zelme.
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : Mongolia needs new industry and developing traditional culutre.
Travel to cold country?
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Calm down. Mongolian nomad needs many friends.
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : Hey, Kongolian! what do you think?
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : : ROK took many mistakes in developing economics.
Mongolia do not need to repeat same mistakes.
Jamukha, Mongolia have large land and great history.
In other countries many poor people's situation... economical situation, environmental situation, diplomatic situation, climate situation are disadvantageous.
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : Don' you know Great Mongolian Empire?
We can make Mongolia great again!
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : There are many various Jamukha style on earth.
Trumpad in USA, Xing in China, Pubin in Russia, Melon in France, Model in India...etc.
CIVAL engineering is more important than Architecture and Civil engineering.
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : CIVAL?
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Cival has many meanings.
for example, CIVAL may mean City Infra Valuable ASS Life.
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : Are you kidding?
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Many species 5618 was speaking ill of Mongolian roads.
But it seems that Mongolian roads have good basis.
(Chinggis Khaan Inter National Air Port, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

- Зэв(Jebe): Take care, Zelme. It may be long and tough journey.
- Зэлмэ(Zelme) : Don't worry. Mongolian warrior is tough, too.
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Good luck!
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : You can go to Moscow or Beijing or Tokyo at first. Why another city?
- Зэлмэ(Zelme) : Cold country such as Shkha need many friends.
Mongolia needs many friends,too.
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Maybe Yakutsk(Якутскай)is more cold than Samjiyeon in DPRK.
- Зэв(Jebe): What? Samjiyeon? You are kidding.
Just think about cold class.
To compare with Bökh(Mongolian Wrestling), Yakutsk is Heavy weight Cold and Samjiyeon,Harbin,Sapporo...they are Bantam or Fly weight cold.
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Hey Jebe! It is said that Bökh do not have weight class rules.
- Зэв(Jebe): That's the reason why Bokh can talk with any weights.

- Жамуха(Jamukha) : How stupid Bokh idiots.
- Зэв(Jebe): What! Stupid?
- Зэлмэ(Zelme) : Hey, guys. Calm down.
Do you think cold weather is bad?
Don't you think cold weather is protecting life forms,resources and own culture?
Think about Afrika.
#2.Өймөкөөн(Оймяко́н), Саха Өрөспүүбүлүкэтэ, Российская Федерация.
Yakuts,Russians,etc ethincs, animals...they are same in front of heavy cold.

[Secene 2-1] Oymokoon...-51.3ºC(-60.3°F)
- It is said that -51.5ºC is cool in oymokoon.

#3.Ненэцие’’ автономной округ/Ненёцие автономной ӈокрук(Nenets Autonomous Okrug),
In tundra, Nenets people are living with Reindeerses and Russians.

$4. Nomad in Mongolian Field.

Жамуха(Jamukha) is a little upset to Zelme.
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : Mongolia needs new industry and developing traditional culutre.
Travel to cold country?
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Calm down. Mongolian nomad needs many friends.
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : Hey, Kongolian! what do you think?
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : : ROK took many mistakes in developing economics.
Mongolia do not need to repeat same mistakes.
In other countries many poor people's situation... economical situation, environmental situation, diplomatic situation, climate situation are disadvantageous.
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : Don' you know Great Mongolian Empire?
We can make Mongolia great again!
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : There are many various Jamukha style on earth.
Trumpad in USA, Xing in China, Pubin in Russia, Melon in France, Model in India...etc.
CIVAL engineering is more important than Architecture and Civil engineering.
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : CIVAL?
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Cival has many meanings.
for example, CIVAL may mean City Infra Valuable ASS Life.
- Жамуха(Jamukha) : Are you kidding?
- Ijirbuqa(Chungseon) : Many species 5618 was speaking ill of Mongolian roads.
But it seems that Mongolian roads have good basis.
The basic of Cival engineering.