People are talking about the Ice and Snow Festival.
- 朱由儉 : 這對民族很重要。
- Aiseen Gioro Hong Taiji(愛神覺路 洪打時) :
This festival should have been good for the harmony of many nations and ethnic groups in cold area.
- Doragon(道路坤) :Saiyoon, Sain ucharambi suwe!(Hello, Nice to meet you!)
- 朱由儉 : Many things will be prepared.
- Youngirlday(龍傑大) : Yes,many things will be prepared for LAFW
- 由儉 : LAFW? 洛杉磯(Los Angeles)和前鋒(Forward)?
- Youngirlday : Oh no~ Don't you know LAFW?
- Doragon : Youjian(由儉) is a Kǒngzǐ(孔子)'s student. Maybe he thinks chinese pride is very important.
- Youngirlday : What pride? Chinese pride? Hanzu(漢族) pride?
- 由儉 : Maybe both.
- Youngirlday : Anyway LAFW means maybe... Lakes of Alcohol and Forests of Women(酒池女林).
LAFW have many meanings.
For example Love Aid F...
- Doragon : Well, well...be quiet,Youngirlday.
Ass matter of fact, Originally Youngerldae(龍傑大) means that Dragon Hero is Great.
Maybe Youngerldae(龍傑大, 龍骨大) is a kind of heroic legend in Heilongjiang society.
- 龍傑大 : 黑龍 豪傑 偉大
- 龍骨大 : 黑龍 强骨 偉大
But it seems that he likes Youngirlday ass a legend.
Youngirlday(龍傑大) needs to learn your ethnic language and to meet your friends in other countries for the festival.
There are many languages such as national language, communication language, business language, ethnic language...etc.
*應天興國 弘德彰武 寬溫仁聖 睿孝敬敏 昭定隆道 顯功文皇帝。

龍傑大 : 學習多種語言促進LAFW將是一件好事。