He was not in good conditions.
His BH is not Bio Hazard.
Maybe Bio Hasard or Bio Herzard or Bio Hotzard...etc.
- HASARD : Hentai Alliance of SARD.
*SARD : Sexy Ass Rescue Division.

- Her ZARD : Zeal Ass Rescue Division.
* Zeal Vulentine.

- Hot ZARD : Zombie Ass Rescue Division.

In BH and RE game series, Zombies Lickers Cerberuses and all creatures is not dead.
Most high level players knows that.
Because players can not find the dead bodies of zombies.
As a joke or as a rumor, they are actors and actresses who look dead.

*Lickers are as good as Suckers...lol

Specially, William Berkin...Shery's father, he is alive.
William's body was transformed.
Sometimes, he looks dead.
But in the game, he is always alive.
- William transformer 1st.
- William transformer 2nd

- William transformer 3rd, 4th, 5th...

*ウィリアムは生きている(William is alive)
What is G-virus?
Maybe Game Virus...;D
Hey, G-virus creatures!!...How to live and what to do on earth?...that is the question.
Dirtyboy never surrender.
快感組は生きている!! 性感組还活着!! (The Organization is Alive!!)