Atsogoleri achi Africa ali ndi chilankhulo chawo, kulankhulana sikophweka.
(African chiefs have their own language, communication is not easy.)
- Sheval : Parlons français. C'est la langue officielle par constitution.
(Let's spaek French. In C.A.R, it is official language by constitution.)
- Shona : Kwete, ingori bumbiro remutemo chete. inogona kunge iri mutauro wechikoloni.
(No, it's only constitutional language. and it may be colonial language.)
- Sango : How about Sango language?
- Baya : Not bad as a trade language.
But diplomats from another country can not use Sango.
Mr.Idai and Mr.Kim, What do you think ?
- JIK : DPRK don't have Sango dictionary, yet. But young people are interested in Chichewa, Hausa, Igbo, Sesotho,Shona, Somali, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu, Swahili, Africanns,Swazi, Tsonga and so on.
Spoken Language(言語) and Writing system(文字) are different.
Maybe Afrikan tribes need their own writing system in future. who knows?
DPRK people made their own writing system.(Korean Language,文化語,朝鮮語)
- Admin : Japanese people also made their own Kana writing system(仮名 文字).
Kana system has HiraKana and Katakana.
- HiraKana : Hand writing, Cursive script (筆記體)
- KataKana : Printing,Logo script (活字體, 印刷體)
Katakana later made into writing system.
And actual supply of Japanese Katakana was very late.
- Sheval : You look intelligent gentlemen.
But, this is not academic symposium. This meeting have to find practical way for C.A.R.
As a Stopgab, as only temporary measure, this meeting use english.
This is not about skin colors, not about tribes, not about hatred.
This is for Afrika and C.A.R

(African chiefs have their own language, communication is not easy.)
- Sheval : Parlons français. C'est la langue officielle par constitution.
(Let's spaek French. In C.A.R, it is official language by constitution.)
- Shona : Kwete, ingori bumbiro remutemo chete. inogona kunge iri mutauro wechikoloni.
(No, it's only constitutional language. and it may be colonial language.)
- Sango : How about Sango language?
- Baya : Not bad as a trade language.
But diplomats from another country can not use Sango.
Mr.Idai and Mr.Kim, What do you think ?
- JIK : DPRK don't have Sango dictionary, yet. But young people are interested in Chichewa, Hausa, Igbo, Sesotho,Shona, Somali, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu, Swahili, Africanns,Swazi, Tsonga and so on.
Spoken Language(言語) and Writing system(文字) are different.
Maybe Afrikan tribes need their own writing system in future. who knows?
DPRK people made their own writing system.(Korean Language,文化語,朝鮮語)
- Admin : Japanese people also made their own Kana writing system(仮名 文字).
Kana system has HiraKana and Katakana.
- HiraKana : Hand writing, Cursive script (筆記體)
- KataKana : Printing,Logo script (活字體, 印刷體)
Katakana later made into writing system.
And actual supply of Japanese Katakana was very late.
- Sheval : You look intelligent gentlemen.
But, this is not academic symposium. This meeting have to find practical way for C.A.R.
As a Stopgab, as only temporary measure, this meeting use english.
This is not about skin colors, not about tribes, not about hatred.
This is for Afrika and C.A.R