Chiefs of C.A.R come together to discuss peace and development among their tribes unofficially.
- C.A.R : Central Afrikan Republic.
#1. Bangui,C.A.R.

- Sango : This is stupid!!!!! Government army, Christian militia,Islam vigilance committee, French army, UNPF are conflicting in C.A.R.
Sango heard the rumor that tribal chiefs discussion will be held in Bossangoa from Sheval Alomar.
Sheval decides to go Bossangoa with Sango.

#2.Scene - The chiefs of C.A.R come together to Bossangoa.

#3. Scene - CAR amry, Armed groups and S.T.A.R.S send messengers to Bossangoa.

#4. Scene - Idai Admin arrvies in Bossangoa from Uganda.

#5. Scene - DPRK diplomat arrives in Bossangoa from Tanzania.
- Jong il Kim(金情日)

#6. Bossangoa and Bouca...North-west area in C.A.R
People are trying to cultivate a farm.

#7.First Meeting...Bossangoa discussion
- Bantu : In C.A.R, there are many Bantu People. But official languages are Sango and French. That's weird.
- Zulu : Afrika has own culture and traditional religion and languages. But christian and muslims destroyed Afrika.
- Admin : What? Islam have protected Afrika!
- Chris : What? Christians have helped Afrika!
- Sheva : Calm down, gentelmen. Children are hungry, Lions Elephants Monkeys Zebras Giraffes Hyenas Snakes Birds Hippos Crocodiles Butterflis Bees Insects Fishes and so on...every afrikan life forms are in difficult.

- Admin : Maybe first of all, CAR people do not kill Swines(Pigs) and do not eat body of Swines. what do you think Chris?
- Chris : That's easy for C.A.R. Most christian people of C.A.R are not enough rich to buy body of Swines. Second of all?
- Gbaya : Maybe...need to prohibit indiscriminately woodcutting(logging).
- Banda : From a military standpoint or security standpoint, Forest and Trees are shields. Think of Vietmin war case.
- Mandjia : Besides, forest protects water resources.
- Sheva : Not bad. but poor people need farms.
- Sara : That is about river and land reform. Not easy. Good land to farm near Bangui already owned.
- Fulani : There is Chari River near Bossangoa.

- Mboum : To save Chari River!
- Mbaka : No matter religion, No matter race, No matter skin color, No matter language, to save Chari River is the first step for Afrikan Spirit.
- JIK : Land reform should be conducted discreetly. DPRK reformed land already and several forms of farm. But DPRK still have many things to do for agriculture.
- Yokoma : How about Dam for Chari river?
- JIK : Maybe you need AT(Appropriate Technology,適正技術) for Chari River.
Nowadays DPRK is doing funny comedy show about Dam.
DPRK had already Huichon Water Power Plant(熙川水力發電所) that is Water Step Dam.
But Erangchun Water power plant...They need to consider a change of design.
Maybe Earngchun power plant would be tourist spot for environmentalists.
Because it has funny and real story.
- Bantu : Hm...How do you know so well about Dam and Water?
- JIK : The leader of DPRK likes pool and watching bikini women.

- C.A.R : Central Afrikan Republic.
#1. Bangui,C.A.R.

- Sango : This is stupid!!!!! Government army, Christian militia,Islam vigilance committee, French army, UNPF are conflicting in C.A.R.
Sango heard the rumor that tribal chiefs discussion will be held in Bossangoa from Sheval Alomar.
Sheval decides to go Bossangoa with Sango.

#2.Scene - The chiefs of C.A.R come together to Bossangoa.

#3. Scene - CAR amry, Armed groups and S.T.A.R.S send messengers to Bossangoa.

#4. Scene - Idai Admin arrvies in Bossangoa from Uganda.

#5. Scene - DPRK diplomat arrives in Bossangoa from Tanzania.
- Jong il Kim(金情日)

#6. Bossangoa and Bouca...North-west area in C.A.R
People are trying to cultivate a farm.

#7.First Meeting...Bossangoa discussion
- Bantu : In C.A.R, there are many Bantu People. But official languages are Sango and French. That's weird.
- Zulu : Afrika has own culture and traditional religion and languages. But christian and muslims destroyed Afrika.
- Admin : What? Islam have protected Afrika!
- Chris : What? Christians have helped Afrika!
- Sheva : Calm down, gentelmen. Children are hungry, Lions Elephants Monkeys Zebras Giraffes Hyenas Snakes Birds Hippos Crocodiles Butterflis Bees Insects Fishes and so on...every afrikan life forms are in difficult.

- Admin : Maybe first of all, CAR people do not kill Swines(Pigs) and do not eat body of Swines. what do you think Chris?
- Chris : That's easy for C.A.R. Most christian people of C.A.R are not enough rich to buy body of Swines. Second of all?
- Gbaya : Maybe...need to prohibit indiscriminately woodcutting(logging).
- Banda : From a military standpoint or security standpoint, Forest and Trees are shields. Think of Vietmin war case.
- Mandjia : Besides, forest protects water resources.
- Sheva : Not bad. but poor people need farms.
- Sara : That is about river and land reform. Not easy. Good land to farm near Bangui already owned.
- Fulani : There is Chari River near Bossangoa.

- Mbaka : No matter religion, No matter race, No matter skin color, No matter language, to save Chari River is the first step for Afrikan Spirit.
- JIK : Land reform should be conducted discreetly. DPRK reformed land already and several forms of farm. But DPRK still have many things to do for agriculture.
- Yokoma : How about Dam for Chari river?
- JIK : Maybe you need AT(Appropriate Technology,適正技術) for Chari River.
Nowadays DPRK is doing funny comedy show about Dam.
DPRK had already Huichon Water Power Plant(熙川水力發電所) that is Water Step Dam.
But Erangchun Water power plant...They need to consider a change of design.
Maybe Earngchun power plant would be tourist spot for environmentalists.
Because it has funny and real story.
- Bantu : Hm...How do you know so well about Dam and Water?
- JIK : The leader of DPRK likes pool and watching bikini women.