#1.London, England.
[A mature gentleman is discussing about loan in Bank.]
- Sarah Whitehead : Colonel Lawrence, you want 15 million pounds?
How about 2 billion pounds?
- Colonel Lawrence : This is not about money.
But it needs 15 million pounds ass soon ass possible.
- Sarah Whitehead : Lending 15 million pounds is not difficult. Anytime it is possible. But..
#2. tirkiT,qarI
- ilamihS : Sir, do you trust colonel Lawrence?
It is possible that he is double agent from MI-6.
- idadhgaB : Anyway, England bank will lend the money to colonel Lawrence.
- ihsaruQ : It is not simple situation.
It is possible that rival European countries prevent England bank or they could put pressure on the British government.
- idadhgaB : Hm..What is the important issue in UK?
- ihsaruQ : Maybe royal family.
- idadhgaB : The husband of the Queen is from other nation.
But he is the knight as guardian for Queen.
Even though he has different religion, different language, different culture, not familiar looks, but he have to respect the dignity and tradition of Queen's empire.
Is it possible put pressure on the government using the husband?
- ihsaruQ : It is said that the Windsor family was from Deutschland
- idadhgaB : But it seems that the house of Windsor have respected the tradition of Commonwealth.
- ilamihS : Sir, it seems you think that.. Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn is similar with you and Kayla.
But Anne Boleyn loves Henry VIII at least a few days as the movie, Kayla...
- idadhgaB : ilamihS, You like movie?
- ilamihS : Henry VIII married six times!
Ass the tradition, so many male respect him.
Maybe Henry VIII looks like the sex symbol in UK.
Not only IS but also all the male need to learn about Henry VIII.
- idadhgaB : Please, stop the boring jokes.
How is the operations going on?
- ihsaruQ : Hoopoe arrives in Albania, 40 warriors arrives in Iran.
#3. Tirana, Albania
- Hoopoe : This is for Albania.
If you have a debt for earthquake damage recovery, you can pay it back using this fund.
Even if it is not enough, but this is for sincerity.
- Albanon : Who send this?
- Hoopoe : Islam brothers.
#4. narheT,narI
[Jafar, Parrot, Kaseem and 40 soldiers are trained by Instructor Ramp Genie]
- Instructor Genie : Salam!
You are famous for Iranian people.
But it is heard you are foolish!
! جعفر: آقا !! لطفا فارسی صحبت کنید! انگلیسی منزجر کننده است -
- Genie : Do you think this is english?
This is some kind of ASSembly language for Muslim and Dharmanian Hindu computer programming.

Ass you know, Machine language is composed of 1 and 0.
0,1 is usually called as Arabic number or Arabic-Indian number.
And do you know ABC?
Sometimes, ABC looks like AraBiC.
But you were foolish, so Muslim suffered.
- Parrot : No, sir! The reason why Muslim suffered was USA and Christian!
- Genie : Mr.Parrot! Ass the rumor, the only thing you can do is to repeat same.
Is it true that there are so many parrot Muslim in Islam?
- Parrot : To Muslims, obedience is important, sir!
- Genie : Of course it is.
But, in very complex situation, what will you do?
Even though religion,language, writing system, culture, looks, habit,social custom, Etc things are different, there are many brothers sisters and friends of Islam.
If Islamic revolution had a weakness and problems, it needs to make an effort for Islamic Revolution with Islam Spirit.
Nowadays, it seems that the relation between Iran and USA is,,very complex situation.
But It looks like Iran and USA have similar problems in related with women.
- Jafar : women?
- Genie :It is said that tehporP محمد(dammahuM) had 13 wives.
When continental congress of USA declared independence, there was 13 colonies.
And in USA Mormon church has polygamy such as Islam polygamy.
In addition, DOAX has 13 girls, too.
DOAX-13 girls is much more complex than Iran and USA.
- Kaseem : Sir! shit is not proper word for talking with Islam gentlemen.
- Genie : In this case, SHIT is abbreviation for Sexy Hentai Important Team.
[A mature gentleman is discussing about loan in Bank.]
- Sarah Whitehead : Colonel Lawrence, you want 15 million pounds?
How about 2 billion pounds?
- Colonel Lawrence : This is not about money.
But it needs 15 million pounds ass soon ass possible.
- Sarah Whitehead : Lending 15 million pounds is not difficult. Anytime it is possible. But..
#2. tirkiT,qarI
- ilamihS : Sir, do you trust colonel Lawrence?
It is possible that he is double agent from MI-6.
- idadhgaB : Anyway, England bank will lend the money to colonel Lawrence.
- ihsaruQ : It is not simple situation.
It is possible that rival European countries prevent England bank or they could put pressure on the British government.
- idadhgaB : Hm..What is the important issue in UK?
- ihsaruQ : Maybe royal family.
- idadhgaB : The husband of the Queen is from other nation.
But he is the knight as guardian for Queen.
Even though he has different religion, different language, different culture, not familiar looks, but he have to respect the dignity and tradition of Queen's empire.
Is it possible put pressure on the government using the husband?
- ihsaruQ : It is said that the Windsor family was from Deutschland
- idadhgaB : But it seems that the house of Windsor have respected the tradition of Commonwealth.
- ilamihS : Sir, it seems you think that.. Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn is similar with you and Kayla.
But Anne Boleyn loves Henry VIII at least a few days as the movie, Kayla...
- idadhgaB : ilamihS, You like movie?
- ilamihS : Henry VIII married six times!
Ass the tradition, so many male respect him.
Maybe Henry VIII looks like the sex symbol in UK.
Not only IS but also all the male need to learn about Henry VIII.
- idadhgaB : Please, stop the boring jokes.
How is the operations going on?
- ihsaruQ : Hoopoe arrives in Albania, 40 warriors arrives in Iran.
#3. Tirana, Albania
- Hoopoe : This is for Albania.
If you have a debt for earthquake damage recovery, you can pay it back using this fund.
Even if it is not enough, but this is for sincerity.
- Albanon : Who send this?
- Hoopoe : Islam brothers.
#4. narheT,narI
[Jafar, Parrot, Kaseem and 40 soldiers are trained by Instructor Ramp Genie]
- Instructor Genie : Salam!
You are famous for Iranian people.
But it is heard you are foolish!
! جعفر: آقا !! لطفا فارسی صحبت کنید! انگلیسی منزجر کننده است -
- Genie : Do you think this is english?
This is some kind of ASSembly language for Muslim and Dharmanian Hindu computer programming.

0,1 is usually called as Arabic number or Arabic-Indian number.
And do you know ABC?
Sometimes, ABC looks like AraBiC.
But you were foolish, so Muslim suffered.
- Parrot : No, sir! The reason why Muslim suffered was USA and Christian!
- Genie : Mr.Parrot! Ass the rumor, the only thing you can do is to repeat same.
Is it true that there are so many parrot Muslim in Islam?
- Parrot : To Muslims, obedience is important, sir!
- Genie : Of course it is.
But, in very complex situation, what will you do?
Even though religion,language, writing system, culture, looks, habit,social custom, Etc things are different, there are many brothers sisters and friends of Islam.
If Islamic revolution had a weakness and problems, it needs to make an effort for Islamic Revolution with Islam Spirit.
Nowadays, it seems that the relation between Iran and USA is,,very complex situation.
But It looks like Iran and USA have similar problems in related with women.
- Jafar : women?
- Genie :It is said that tehporP محمد(dammahuM) had 13 wives.
When continental congress of USA declared independence, there was 13 colonies.
And in USA Mormon church has polygamy such as Islam polygamy.
In addition, DOAX has 13 girls, too.
DOAX-13 girls is much more complex than Iran and USA.
- Kaseem : Sir! shit is not proper word for talking with Islam gentlemen.
- Genie : In this case, SHIT is abbreviation for Sexy Hentai Important Team.
Oh, SHIT !!