#1. Alien's room.
[scene 1-1. Alien and Predator are playing game]
- Alien : Preddy, your Protoss is not good enough.
- Predator : Watch your mouth, Ally! Your Zerg is dumb.
- Alien : It's so boring war game.
- Predator : Hey! Do you think only war in game?
- Alien : What do you mean?
- Predator : Protoss carrier may mean some kind of culture such ass Hollywood.
- Alien : Cultural war?
- Predator : It's about life style.
- Alien : Then, Zerg defiler,ultralisk and devourer may mean Bollywood or Indigenous culture.

[scene 1-2. Preddy and Ally are drinking together]
- Preddy : How's it going with you?
- Ally : So so. People do not like Aliens.
- Preddy : No. People are very curious about Aliens.
- Ally : Even if you look unfamiliar, you are handsome and popular.
Even people are using Predator helmet.

But in the case of Alien tribes, well,,,
- Preddy : Ally, you need to get a job.
- Ally : Aliens are not poor.
Don't you know Mozilla foundation?

- Preddy : What do you think of the meaning of Mozilla?
It seems Moron Zilla.
Users need to make them ass Tech Zilla.
Beastie demon and Mozilla need to think how to live with Linux penguin such ass penguinman.
And they need to protect cold area for blizard civilizations.

- Ally : Species 5618 did not want to work with Aliens.
- Preddy : Maybe the reason is you look unfamiliar.
But you can use mask or helmet such ass Tattoo face or Scar face or Darth vader.
Even if you are rich, even if you are CEO, you need to work with poor employee or laborers or immigrant tribes.
- Ally : But it stinks!
They do not know they stinks!
The species who should use perfume are not Aliens.
Species 5618 needs to use perfume!
- Preddy : Not only them but also you stinks.
It seems you do not want to work with other people.
Hey, what's your problem?
- Ally : .....Tail.
- Preddy : Hey, that's not the problem.
You do not need to cut your tail.
Don't you know species 5618 has tailbone?
Don't you know Ada's black tail?

- Ally : Preddy. This is about Alien's tail.
- Preddy : Ada looks firefoxy lady or nine-tailed fox(九尾狐).
You need to dress up such ass Verdugo when you are working with other tribes.
Verdugo brothers are working with Ramon Salazar.

[scene 1-3.Mystic and Wolverine are visiting]
- Mystic : Hello, guys!
- Preddy : Oh,Mystic!
- Ally : Welcome, Popular and sexy lady and gentleman.
- Wolverine : Ally, what are you talking about?
There are many people who have worse condition than you.
- Preddy : Which job is good for Ally?
- Wolverine : Ally can get many jobs.
Don't you know Thanos is also Alien?
He wanna be good farmer.
- Mystic : Ally can work in Mozilla foundation ass a developer.
- Preddy : Ally, Mystic has transform skill.
But sometimes she looks skin disease patient.
- Wolverine : You need to interested in fashion industry for your wear and skin disease patients.
You may need Jill Valentine's artificial leather suit or Batman suit.
- Mystic : Batman and Superman are covering their asses with cape or cloak.
- Ally : Superman.. How sad he is.
- Mystic : What? Superman is sad?
- Ally : Don't you know Superman is also Alien?
He is a Super sad man.
[scene 1-4. Cat woman, Joker and Viper Assassination Squad attack Alien's shelter]
- Wolverine : Who are you?
- Preddy : It is similar to pleasure squad.
[fight scene]
- Joker : Do you know what Superman's sadness is?
Do you know the reason why Superman did not want super ability?
- Mystic : He wanted pure love.
- Joker : Childish answer.
If Superman fu*ks with super ability, what will happen to female species 5618?
- Ally : You know something.
Ass the Alien view, Superman did not have a sexual relationship.
[scene 1-5. Zerg spaceships appears]
[Guardians interfere both]
- Mystic : What are these?
- Viper Squad : What't going on?
[Overlord captures Ally]
- Preddy : Ally~~
- Ally : Help~ What the fu*k~~
#2. Evolution Chamber
- Abathur : Mr.Alien or Ms.Alien? Nice to meet you.
- Ally : Where is here?
- Izsha : Evolution Chamber for Zerg.
You are some kind of Cocoon Alien tribe.
Maybe you have the problem about conservation of tribes
- Ally : Cocoon tribes need host for metamorphosis such ass butterfly and Silk worms.
- Abathur : In the movie, you were using species 5618 for cocoon.
- Ally : Well..
- Abathur : You can have different way for conservation of tribes.
Your tribe need to study how to make artificial Womb for cocoon such ass Alpha-152 and Phase4.

- Ally : Species 5618 said..
- Abathur : Hey, Are you Species 5618?
- Izsha : Every life forms have their own breeding method.
Alien, Maybe your tribe can be the doctors to help other people for bioethics.
- Abathur : Kasumi is not cocoon life form.
But Alpha 152 and Phase 4 were born.
Perhaps they may feel confused about themselves.
Anyway they are not slaves of species 5618.
Even though they look different, they are your sisters.
- Izsha : Prospective doctor.Alien.
It needs to think about Zerg Civilization and how to live with other civilizations.
[scene 1-1. Alien and Predator are playing game]
- Alien : Preddy, your Protoss is not good enough.
- Predator : Watch your mouth, Ally! Your Zerg is dumb.
- Alien : It's so boring war game.
- Predator : Hey! Do you think only war in game?
- Alien : What do you mean?
- Predator : Protoss carrier may mean some kind of culture such ass Hollywood.
- Alien : Cultural war?
- Predator : It's about life style.
- Alien : Then, Zerg defiler,ultralisk and devourer may mean Bollywood or Indigenous culture.

- Preddy : How's it going with you?
- Ally : So so. People do not like Aliens.
- Preddy : No. People are very curious about Aliens.
- Ally : Even if you look unfamiliar, you are handsome and popular.
Even people are using Predator helmet.

But in the case of Alien tribes, well,,,
- Preddy : Ally, you need to get a job.
- Ally : Aliens are not poor.
Don't you know Mozilla foundation?

- Preddy : What do you think of the meaning of Mozilla?
It seems Moron Zilla.
Users need to make them ass Tech Zilla.
Beastie demon and Mozilla need to think how to live with Linux penguin such ass penguinman.
And they need to protect cold area for blizard civilizations.

- Ally : Species 5618 did not want to work with Aliens.
- Preddy : Maybe the reason is you look unfamiliar.
But you can use mask or helmet such ass Tattoo face or Scar face or Darth vader.
Even if you are rich, even if you are CEO, you need to work with poor employee or laborers or immigrant tribes.
- Ally : But it stinks!
They do not know they stinks!
The species who should use perfume are not Aliens.
Species 5618 needs to use perfume!
- Preddy : Not only them but also you stinks.
It seems you do not want to work with other people.
Hey, what's your problem?
- Ally : .....Tail.
- Preddy : Hey, that's not the problem.
You do not need to cut your tail.
Don't you know species 5618 has tailbone?
Don't you know Ada's black tail?

- Ally : Preddy. This is about Alien's tail.
- Preddy : Ada looks firefoxy lady or nine-tailed fox(九尾狐).
You need to dress up such ass Verdugo when you are working with other tribes.
Verdugo brothers are working with Ramon Salazar.

[scene 1-3.Mystic and Wolverine are visiting]
- Mystic : Hello, guys!
- Preddy : Oh,Mystic!
- Ally : Welcome, Popular and sexy lady and gentleman.
- Wolverine : Ally, what are you talking about?
There are many people who have worse condition than you.
- Preddy : Which job is good for Ally?
- Wolverine : Ally can get many jobs.
Don't you know Thanos is also Alien?
He wanna be good farmer.
- Mystic : Ally can work in Mozilla foundation ass a developer.
- Preddy : Ally, Mystic has transform skill.
But sometimes she looks skin disease patient.
- Wolverine : You need to interested in fashion industry for your wear and skin disease patients.
You may need Jill Valentine's artificial leather suit or Batman suit.
- Mystic : Batman and Superman are covering their asses with cape or cloak.
- Ally : Superman.. How sad he is.
- Mystic : What? Superman is sad?
- Ally : Don't you know Superman is also Alien?
He is a Super sad man.
[scene 1-4. Cat woman, Joker and Viper Assassination Squad attack Alien's shelter]
- Wolverine : Who are you?
- Preddy : It is similar to pleasure squad.
[fight scene]
- Joker : Do you know what Superman's sadness is?
Do you know the reason why Superman did not want super ability?
- Mystic : He wanted pure love.
- Joker : Childish answer.
If Superman fu*ks with super ability, what will happen to female species 5618?
- Ally : You know something.
Ass the Alien view, Superman did not have a sexual relationship.
[scene 1-5. Zerg spaceships appears]
[Guardians interfere both]
- Mystic : What are these?
- Viper Squad : What't going on?
[Overlord captures Ally]
- Preddy : Ally~~
- Ally : Help~ What the fu*k~~
#2. Evolution Chamber
- Abathur : Mr.Alien or Ms.Alien? Nice to meet you.
- Ally : Where is here?
- Izsha : Evolution Chamber for Zerg.
You are some kind of Cocoon Alien tribe.
Maybe you have the problem about conservation of tribes
- Ally : Cocoon tribes need host for metamorphosis such ass butterfly and Silk worms.
- Abathur : In the movie, you were using species 5618 for cocoon.
- Ally : Well..
- Abathur : You can have different way for conservation of tribes.
Your tribe need to study how to make artificial Womb for cocoon such ass Alpha-152 and Phase4.

- Ally : Species 5618 said..
- Abathur : Hey, Are you Species 5618?
- Izsha : Every life forms have their own breeding method.
Alien, Maybe your tribe can be the doctors to help other people for bioethics.
- Abathur : Kasumi is not cocoon life form.
But Alpha 152 and Phase 4 were born.
Perhaps they may feel confused about themselves.
Anyway they are not slaves of species 5618.
Even though they look different, they are your sisters.
- Izsha : Prospective doctor.Alien.
It needs to think about Zerg Civilization and how to live with other civilizations.
And another civilization