#1.Inuit person is watching TV with his friend.
- Current events : Can Inuit people get ice hockey team?
- Beastie : Maybe it depends on snow economics.
- Current events : It sounds like to wait for snow white and seven dwarfs.
- Beastie : Hey, Snow white,dwarfs,icemen and snowmen live in Cold area.
- Current events : Beastie, you look like some kind of dwarf.
#2.Current events is doing something with PC
- Current events : Oh, yeah! it works!
- Snowman : Hey, you need to buy new computer.
- Current events : Maybe. But not now.
- Sedna : What's going on?
- Current events : USB device is working on this system.
And sound volume increase.
- Snowman : How did you do?
- Current events : It's difficult to explain.
Maybe Darth Maul mask is useful for BSD newbies.
Developers, Hackers and Beastie need to know emotional situation of BSD newbies.

- Snowman : Perhaps computer business is difficult in cold area.
- Current events : Linux was from Finland such ass cold country.
- Snowman : No,no.
Linux was made of many developers and users in various countries.
- Current events : Anyway, the people who including Inuit, Eskimo and other tribes in Cold area, they need industries and business.
- Snowman : Such as Sapporo or Vladivostok?
- Sedna : Maybe not.
For Snow Festival such ass Ice dragons, it needs business.
- Current events : What business?
- Sedna : Old people are thinking about it for next generations.
- Current events : In cold area, it is difficult to get fantastic physical relationship with women.
It needs hot water for bath, warm room,,it looks not easy.
- Sedna : Maybe that is about snow civilization or blizzard civilization.
Even though it is cold, never surrender.....;D