Space Advanture..Asstral

#1. Asstralia space station.

[scene 1-1. Supervisor Ostrich gets the message from space fighters]

- White Shark : Questionable spaceship is approaching to Asstralia sector.

- Ostrich : What?

- Black Shark : Another questionable spaceship!

It seems from other cluster.

- White Shark : Attempting to communicate or Warning shooting?

- Ostrich : Stand by.

Another space fighters will join with you.

[scene 1-2. Space fighters scramble]

#2. Spaceship Endeavor

[Captain Cook says himself on bridge]

- Captain Cook : It's been long time, Asstralia sector.

You can be good member of Commonwealth.

[Lt.Dundee reports]

- Lt.Dundee : Captain, It's going smoothly.

- Captain Cook : Mr.Crocodile.

Keep careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

- Counselor Simpson : Ass the shocking information, Asstralia sector has special system.

- Captain Cook : What is it?

- Counselor Simpson : The quarter flash system.

But it is not known yet, exactly.

#3. Ruimteschip Neanderthal

[De kapitein mompelt.]

- Kapitein Tasman : Het is lang geleden, Asstralische sector.

Je kunt een goed lid zijn van Union.

[Lt.Chatterley meldt.]

- Lt.Chatterley  : Kapitein, This ship is surrounded by Asstralian Space fighters.

- Kapitein Tasman : Red alert!

- Lt.Chatterley : It seems they are ready to attack.

- Instructeur Kristel : Prive lessen are required for them ass well ass you.

- Lt.Chatterley : Perhaps not.

#4. Asstralia space station.

[scene 4-1. Situation room]

- Ostrich : Questionable spaceships seems from other cluster.

Ass the information analysis,they are from Commonwealth cluster and Union Cluster.

- Captain Roger : What do they want?

Is there anything they want in this sector?

- Ostrich  : Perhaps they want resources and wide land.

- Captain Roger : What resources?

There is wide desert area in Asstralia.

- Captain Alex : What a foolish captain.

You look like a member of three quarters foolish or to be brainwashed by Mammal mankind.

Desert may be some kind of shield for many life forms.

- Captain Roger : So you like wide desert, huh?

People need rivers and forests!

- Captain Alex : Have you ever think about Desert Civilization?

Little river, many sections and sites for many life forms..

Even some people like desert.

They just don't know how to live with desert.

Have you heard about the Lonesome Looser?

He's a looser but he still keeps on trying.yeah~

- Captain Roger : Even though Mammal mankind is arrogant, But you are also arrogant.

- Captain Alex : What? Arrogant?

The arrogance of mammal mankind is universal.

Even Borg mankind and Seven know that!

- Captain Jaws : Please calm down.

This is operational meeting for Asstralia sector.

- Captain Assori : Yes,that's right.

You need to think that there are poor indigenous mankinds in Asstralia.

- Captain Roger : There are poor imigrant mankinds,too.

It needs to think how to live together.

- Captain Alex : But how?

The term Asstralia is from Astral or Astronaut or Asstralo Pithecus or something else.

But mammal mankind insist that the term is from latin language!

- Captain Roger : Maybe the Consortium in Union had some reasons.

- Captain Assori :   Fu*king reasons,Fu*king pride,,that's the problem!

It seems Commonwealth and Union tend to think Asstralia ass their colony.

- Captain Roger : Captain Assori, Captain Alex and Jaws,

Think about your brothers and sisters who live in Union and Commonwealth cluster.

And think the case some of them accepted Union or Commonwealth's traditions and cultures.

What will you do?

Don't you want to help them?

How to live together, that's the problem.

Maybe they need partners or friends.

- Captain Assori : It is said that some immigrants are descendants of prisoners.

Immigrants situation is not easy.

- Captain Jaws : Oh,sh*t!

In this situation,it is difficult to make good relationship.

- Captain Roger : Anyhow!

It needs to find how to live together and to respect different traditions and cultures.

[scene 4-2. Observation post]

- Observation officer : OP to Situation room.

Other cluster spaceships are detected by monitoring system.

[scene 4-3. Situation room]

- Ostrich : Captains?

- Captain Jaws : It's game time.

- Captain Roger : It was a good day to drink.

- Captain Alex : Anyhow, have a good day.

- Captain Assori : Where is good days....Oh,fu*k!

[scene 4-4. Spaceships dispatch]

[Spaceship Asstral-1]

- Information Officer : This is not an idle threat.

But something strange.

- Captain Assori : What?

- Information Officer : It looks Spaceship of Union is not regular.

[Spaceship Asstral-2]

- Ambassador : Location acknowledged.

- Captain Alex : Open the channel.

- Tactics Officer : Ready to roll out!

- Captain Alex : Make it so.

[Spaceship Asstral-3]

- Captain Roger : This fleet looks quarter flash system.

- Science Officer : A quarter flash, three quarters foolish.

Sometimes intelligent, Usually foolish.

- Doctor : Well, it may be also called ass Quarter flash fleet.

- Captain Roger : Anyway, Shields up weapons online! Engage!

[Spaceship Asstral-4]

- Captain Jaws : Ass you know, quarter flash means a quarter flash, three quarters foolish.

Which spaceships are three quarters foolish?

- Tiger shark leader : Asstral 1,2,3.

- Flying shark leader : Asstral-4 is a quarter flash.

- Captain Jaws : Be careful not to be three quarters foolish. Engage!
