#1. Northern provinces
[scene 1-1. The chief of northern provinces is watching the sky.]
[ Aurora Happens]
- Chief : Aurora....
[scene 1-2. Current events(ᐱᒋᕗᖅ ᐱᐅᓯᖅ) watches TV alone.]
- Prof 1 : The aurora borealis,to anyone who's seen it...
- Prof 2 : ...but from the point of view of physics and string theory...
- Prof 1 : This is a phrase people have begun to hear, string theory.
- Prof 2 : Now, string theory dramatically changes our understanding of....
[He says to himself.]
- Current events : String theory?
Is that related with bikini swimwear?

#2. Different snow routes
[scen 2-1. Snöskoter]
- Marvin : Leon should have seen this beautiful landscape.
- Sibelius : Hei! Mikä tämä on?
- Andersen : Aurora. Det er et smukt syn.
- Marvin : It's something strange.
Suddenly it's getting dark.It's too dark to see!
- Andersen : Is it dark aurora or black aurora?
- Sibelius : Turn on flashlight!
- Marvin : It's not working.
- Sibelius : Lantern and lamps are also not working.
Didn't you check the equipments for cold area?
- Marvin : There was nothing wrong with equipments.
- Andersen : Hey, It seems these equipments are for summer vacations.
Mr.Marvin! Where did you buy these equipments?
- Marvin : Well, Mr.Zack recommended.
- Andersen : What? Mr.Zack?
Don't you know Mr.Zack is unfamiliar with winter?
- Sibelius : It seems snow begin to fall.
What will you do? Going to the village or setting up a camp?
- Andersen : Snowmobiling in the dark is dangerous for newbies.
Before it gets completely dark, It would be nice to set up a camp.
[scene 2-2.Fly Nødlanding]
- Lezard : Når du møter vennene dine, hva vil du gjøre?
- Brahms : Maybe drinking. And you?
- Lezard : Gufubað og drykkja. Og eins og þú veist....
[Snow begins falling, it becomes dark]
[Aircraft is shaken.]
- Lezard : What's going on?
- Brahms : No way! Electronic devices are not working.
- Lezard : Not no way.
Do something!
[シーン 2-3。植村直己が雪上車を運転している。 ]
- 植村直己 : これは雪上車です。
- 北条大姫 : どうも。
- 植村直己 : おお、おお、、 何? もう少し不思議ね。
- 北条大姫 : 大丈夫ですか?
- 植村直己 : は、はい。
[scene 2-4. Цас унадаг дугуй]
[ Цас орно.]
[ Xаранхуйлах.]
- Зэлмэ(Zelme) : (Ноцтой харагдах байдал.)
[Zelme rides in the dark]
[He falls into some kind of hole]
#3. After the Aurora
[scen 3-1. Snöskoter]
[ The area around the camp begins to brighten.]
- Sibelius : Dark aurora is gone?
- Andersen : Wow, it's extreme aurora such ass fairy tale.
[They find something like shelter]
- Marvin : Did you see this when Aurora happened?
- Sibelius : Not sure. it was too dark to find.
[3-2. Aircraft]
- Brahms : Hey, Are you OK?
- Lezard : Still in one piece.
What happened? Where is here?
- Brahms : Somewhere in nothern area.
- Lezard : Hey,Is that what expert say?
[Lezard is walking in the plane]
- Lezard : Do you remember what happened?
- Brahms : Suddenly it snows then it was darkened
Perhaps it was extreme weather.
- Lezard : Anyway, send the rescue signal.
- Brahms : Well, communication devices are broken.
[they go outside .]
- Brahms : Look! There is icebreaker.
What is that? Something like monolith.
- Lezard : It seems submarine conning tower.
- Brahms : Is that rescue team?
- Lezard : Already? Maybe not.
- Brahms : Whatever. They may have communication devices.
[シーン 3-3. アルカディア号が雪原を捜索している。]
- 萱野 茂 : 早く。宇宙戦艦ヤマトが先手を打つことができる。
- ハーロック: 宇宙戦艦ヤマト。。そんなバカがいるのか。
- 萱野 茂 : 宇宙戦艦ヤマトも努力している。
- ハーロック: ヤマトガールズが好きですか?
- 有紀螢 : 海底から電波信号が捕捉された。
- ハーロック: 追跡して。
- あしゅら男爵 : お姫様! お姫様! お元気ですか?
- 鉄仮面 1 : 男が意識を回復しました。
- 鉄仮面 2 : シュルツ前線基地司令官の連絡です。
- シュルツ : 作戦状況は?
- あしゅら : お姫様を救出した。
- シュルツ : アルカディア号が追跡している。
- あしゅら : なるほど。
- シュルツ : アルカディア号は北海道宙域住民の支持を受けている。
[3-4. Zelme is awaken in dim light]
- Zelme : Oh..au...What happened?
Where is here?
[Zelme is walking around in underground facilities]
- Zelme : Is there anyone here?
[Mysterious soldiers seize Zelme]
[In the dark, the dim light shines on him]
- (sound) : How did you come here?
- Zelme : The chief invited his friends.
But some kind of accidents happend.
- (sound) : So do you have any invitation from chief?
- Zelme : Ass matter of fact, there were no invitations.
Just think and discuss about how to live together ass brothers and sisters, friends, partners in cold area, that's the invitation.
[The sound of quiet discussion between them.]
- (sound) : Do you know where here is?
- Zelme : No. Where is here, sir?
[Saurfang apperas with his friends]
- Saurfang : You look like warrior of Horde.
This is dark world.
- Penguinman : In other words, this is underground of cold plain.
You fell into burrow of Mr. Lurker.
- Zelme : Are you a brother of Luke Skywalker?
Luke, Lurker..Sounds like similar.
- Lurker : It's not funny.
- Penguinman : Homeless live in underground such ass subway station.
- Lurker : But it's not simple ass you think, Mr.Penguin.
Ass universal view, Survival environments are different.
Some people need river and farmland, some people need mountain and forest, some people need desert and hot weather,
some people need snow plain and cold weather, some people need dark underground, some people need ocean and underwater environment,
some people need....
- Saurfang : There are many life forms, many tribes, many races, many ethnic groups.
Will you discuss about this issue with chief?
- Zelme : Ah, well....It is difficult for nonprofessional.
But it was thought that the people in cold area and in underground need business.
And....sometimes it seems some kind of civilization movie or game.
[scene 1-1. The chief of northern provinces is watching the sky.]
[ Aurora Happens]
- Chief : Aurora....
[scene 1-2. Current events(ᐱᒋᕗᖅ ᐱᐅᓯᖅ) watches TV alone.]
- Prof 1 : The aurora borealis,to anyone who's seen it...
- Prof 2 : ...but from the point of view of physics and string theory...
- Prof 1 : This is a phrase people have begun to hear, string theory.
- Prof 2 : Now, string theory dramatically changes our understanding of....
[He says to himself.]
- Current events : String theory?
Is that related with bikini swimwear?

#2. Different snow routes
[scen 2-1. Snöskoter]
- Marvin : Leon should have seen this beautiful landscape.
- Sibelius : Hei! Mikä tämä on?
- Andersen : Aurora. Det er et smukt syn.
- Marvin : It's something strange.
Suddenly it's getting dark.It's too dark to see!
- Andersen : Is it dark aurora or black aurora?
- Sibelius : Turn on flashlight!
- Marvin : It's not working.
- Sibelius : Lantern and lamps are also not working.
Didn't you check the equipments for cold area?
- Marvin : There was nothing wrong with equipments.
- Andersen : Hey, It seems these equipments are for summer vacations.
Mr.Marvin! Where did you buy these equipments?
- Marvin : Well, Mr.Zack recommended.
- Andersen : What? Mr.Zack?
Don't you know Mr.Zack is unfamiliar with winter?
- Sibelius : It seems snow begin to fall.
What will you do? Going to the village or setting up a camp?
- Andersen : Snowmobiling in the dark is dangerous for newbies.
Before it gets completely dark, It would be nice to set up a camp.
[scene 2-2.Fly Nødlanding]
- Lezard : Når du møter vennene dine, hva vil du gjøre?
- Brahms : Maybe drinking. And you?
- Lezard : Gufubað og drykkja. Og eins og þú veist....
[Snow begins falling, it becomes dark]
[Aircraft is shaken.]
- Lezard : What's going on?
- Brahms : No way! Electronic devices are not working.
- Lezard : Not no way.
Do something!
[シーン 2-3。植村直己が雪上車を運転している。 ]
- 植村直己 : これは雪上車です。
- 北条大姫 : どうも。
- 植村直己 : おお、おお、、 何? もう少し不思議ね。
- 北条大姫 : 大丈夫ですか?
- 植村直己 : は、はい。
[scene 2-4. Цас унадаг дугуй]
[ Цас орно.]
[ Xаранхуйлах.]
- Зэлмэ(Zelme) : (Ноцтой харагдах байдал.)
[Zelme rides in the dark]
[He falls into some kind of hole]
#3. After the Aurora
[scen 3-1. Snöskoter]
[ The area around the camp begins to brighten.]
- Sibelius : Dark aurora is gone?
- Andersen : Wow, it's extreme aurora such ass fairy tale.
[They find something like shelter]
- Marvin : Did you see this when Aurora happened?
- Sibelius : Not sure. it was too dark to find.
[3-2. Aircraft]
- Brahms : Hey, Are you OK?
- Lezard : Still in one piece.
What happened? Where is here?
- Brahms : Somewhere in nothern area.
- Lezard : Hey,Is that what expert say?
[Lezard is walking in the plane]
- Lezard : Do you remember what happened?
- Brahms : Suddenly it snows then it was darkened
Perhaps it was extreme weather.
- Lezard : Anyway, send the rescue signal.
- Brahms : Well, communication devices are broken.
[they go outside .]
- Brahms : Look! There is icebreaker.
What is that? Something like monolith.
- Lezard : It seems submarine conning tower.
- Brahms : Is that rescue team?
- Lezard : Already? Maybe not.
- Brahms : Whatever. They may have communication devices.
[シーン 3-3. アルカディア号が雪原を捜索している。]
- 萱野 茂 : 早く。宇宙戦艦ヤマトが先手を打つことができる。
- ハーロック: 宇宙戦艦ヤマト。。そんなバカがいるのか。
- 萱野 茂 : 宇宙戦艦ヤマトも努力している。
- ハーロック: ヤマトガールズが好きですか?
- 有紀螢 : 海底から電波信号が捕捉された。
- ハーロック: 追跡して。
- あしゅら男爵 : お姫様! お姫様! お元気ですか?
- 鉄仮面 1 : 男が意識を回復しました。
- 鉄仮面 2 : シュルツ前線基地司令官の連絡です。
- シュルツ : 作戦状況は?
- あしゅら : お姫様を救出した。
- シュルツ : アルカディア号が追跡している。
- あしゅら : なるほど。
- シュルツ : アルカディア号は北海道宙域住民の支持を受けている。
[3-4. Zelme is awaken in dim light]
- Zelme : Oh..au...What happened?
Where is here?
[Zelme is walking around in underground facilities]
- Zelme : Is there anyone here?
[Mysterious soldiers seize Zelme]
[In the dark, the dim light shines on him]
- (sound) : How did you come here?
- Zelme : The chief invited his friends.
But some kind of accidents happend.
- (sound) : So do you have any invitation from chief?
- Zelme : Ass matter of fact, there were no invitations.
Just think and discuss about how to live together ass brothers and sisters, friends, partners in cold area, that's the invitation.
[The sound of quiet discussion between them.]
- (sound) : Do you know where here is?
- Zelme : No. Where is here, sir?
[Saurfang apperas with his friends]
- Saurfang : You look like warrior of Horde.
This is dark world.
- Penguinman : In other words, this is underground of cold plain.
You fell into burrow of Mr. Lurker.
- Zelme : Are you a brother of Luke Skywalker?
Luke, Lurker..Sounds like similar.
- Lurker : It's not funny.
- Penguinman : Homeless live in underground such ass subway station.
- Lurker : But it's not simple ass you think, Mr.Penguin.
Ass universal view, Survival environments are different.
Some people need river and farmland, some people need mountain and forest, some people need desert and hot weather,
some people need snow plain and cold weather, some people need dark underground, some people need ocean and underwater environment,
some people need....
- Saurfang : There are many life forms, many tribes, many races, many ethnic groups.
Will you discuss about this issue with chief?
- Zelme : Ah, well....It is difficult for nonprofessional.
But it was thought that the people in cold area and in underground need business.
And....sometimes it seems some kind of civilization movie or game.