Сансрын адал явдал...Нуурын технологи

@1. баатар Компани ,Улаанбаатар(ᠤᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨᠪᠠᠭᠠᠲᠤᠷ ), Улс Kластер(Uls Cluster)

[үзэгдэл 1-1. Наян компьютертэй ажиллаж байна.]

- Наян : (монолог) This computer(компьютер) need to upgrade into workstation such ass Khomputer or Khanputer for Khammunizm.

[Саарал ойртож байна.]

- Саарал : You need to know about Fenglish or Funglish.

- Наян : Fenglish? What is it?

- Саарал : Federation English.

And Funglish is..Future english or Fusion english,Funny english or something else.

- Наян : Monglish do not need to be similar with Fenglish.

Monglish is some kind of programming language.

- Саарал : Monglish?

It sounds like Moron English or something else.

How about Monfrikaans or Monpanish? or Montalian, Monussian, Morabic and so on.

- Наян : Don't you know Khan's warriors did not afraid of writing system?

Even Chinghis Khan was said to be a illiterate person.

To the warriors, writing system and programming languages are just some kind of horse.

- Саарал : But sometimes, writing system could eat language,culture,tradition...even histroy.

[үзэгдэл 1-2.Оффис дээр менежер орж ирдэг.]

- Аригбуха(Arigbuka) : Та юу хийж байгаа юм бэ?

Why don't you work hard,huh?

You are using computer as just gamputer!

And you guys are just chatting instead of working in company!

- Наян : Үгүй, үгүй, эрхэм ээ.

Foolish pervert guys used Cunning Computers, but this machine can be not Cunputer but Canputer.

- Аригбуха : Nowadays Khubilai company is going well.

But computer engineers in this company are just playing and chatting with computer,huh?

Энэ нөхцөл байдлын талаар та юу гэж бодож байна вэ?

- Наян : Ноён.

Khubilai computer seemed to have some technical problems such as OS,Hardware,Network and..

- Аригбуха : Ямар ч байсан,you may go to Kharkhorum Компани.

- Наян : Kharkhorum Компани?

What are you talking about?

- Аригбуха : баатар Компани and Kharkhorum Компани are working together to compete with Khubilai company.

And well,You need to experience outdoor working.

- Саарал : Гэхдээ Ноён Аригбуха!

Outdoor jobs are not suitable for computer engineers.

- Аригбуха :  Maybe not.

You could be fired.

But you are lucky not to be fired.

@ 2.Kharkhorum, Өвөрхангай салбар(Övörkhangai salbar)

[үзэгдэл 2-1. Наян, Саарал хүмүүс гадаа ажиллаж байна.]

- Наян : Хүйтэн байна,Саарал!

- Саарал : Don't you know that many people in this country are Nomads?

Nomad people said, With each passing  year, there was less grass on the steppe.

And the situation was getting worse every year.

- Наян : Anyway, No more work. How about drinking Airag(Aйраг)?

[үзэгдэл 2-2. Тэд Сансрын Гэрт архи ууж байна.]

- Наян: Why Kharkhorum company did not make new Airag?

Travelers tend to say,oh,it's delicious.

But it may be not easy for travelers to eat traditional foods.

- Саарал : Do you think that Kharkhorum company did not know about that?

- Наян : Have you ever eat original and traditional recipe foods of Union or Federation?

It seemed to be some kind of disgusting love.

- Саарал : Not only Kharkhorum but also баатар Компани need capital,skill,business strategy and supply route.

[үзэгдэл 2-2.Бусад ажилчид Сансрын Гэрт орж ирдэг.]

- Тогоонтөмөр : Чи энд юу хийж байгаа юм?

Why don't you work?

- Наян : Who is this? Mr.Toghon Temür!

People say you failed to manage Khubilai company.

Then you are working here.

- Temüge : Guys,you are drunk.

- Саарал : Sir,this guy is computer engineer, he is not good at working yet in cold.

So to make body hot, he drinks a little.

- Kaidu : Don't you know that many people are working in cold for better tomorrow?

- Тогоонтөмөр :  Today,you are off.

[Тогоонтөмөр Сансрын Гэрээс гарав.]

- Наян : That's not bad.

It is good day to drink,huh?

- Belgutei : Do you really think today you are off?

High manager can say so.

But lower managers tend to train employees at your rest time.

[Belgutei throws Наян]  

- Belgutei : This is Nomad skill to train lazy employees.


[Наян is down.]

- Наян : Is this Khubilai company style?

- Temüge : Whatever.

[Kaidu calls for security assistance.]

- Kaidu : Securtiy! Тээвэрлэгч Гэр Дөрөв!

Violent Bokh occurred!

[Kaidu is trying to cease violent Bokh.]

- Наян : Maybe Khubilai company worked for economics and better life.

With the process,Khubliai company seemed to lost many things.

Therefore you guys are here. Kharakhorum company,huh?

[Temüge throws Nayan]

- Наян : DOOOOOOOOAH!!!!!

- Саарал : Calm down,Mr.

- Temüge : Don't you know Nomad life was tough?

- Наян : So do you know how to develop Bokh traditions?

[Belgutei throws Nayan]


- Belgutei : Don't you have any defense skills?

It is easy to throw this guy.

- Temüge : Yeah, it's funny.

- Саарал : Stop it please! This guy is not a ball!

[Наян almost knocked out.]

[Наян is just breathing lying down on the ground.]

- Belgutei : Wake up drunken ball!

Uls Environment was not suitable for agriculture.

- Саарал : How about Hightech Nomad?

- Belgutei : So Easy to Say, So Hard to Do.

- Саарал : Sir,it seems not suitable for SW speech.

- Belgutei : SW? What is it?

Space Warrior? Soft Ware? Star Wars? Secret Weapon? Silent Wizard?  or..

- Саарал : Whatever.

So Easy to Say,So Happy to do seems to be better.

- Temüge : Oh really?

So being happy to do, this guy need to be trained in Bokh style.

[Temüge raise up Наян, then throws Наян]

- Наян : DOOOOOOOOAH!!!!!

- Саарал : Do not throw him,please.

- Kaidu : Securtiy! Hurry up! Тээвэрлэгч Гэр Дөрөв!

[үзэгдэл 2-2.Аюулгүй байдлын баг ирдэг.]

- Mönkh : Сайн байна уу(Sain baina uu)?

What a mess! What were you doing?

- Belgutei : Coaching new employees.

[Mönkhu raise up Наян.]

- Mönkh : Are you OK?

- Наян : Maybe.

[Security team transports Nayan and Саарал.]

- Наян : Sir,Can you shoot while riding from horseback?

- Mönkh : Khan's warriors had long range weapon,so they did not need run away shooting.

It seemed to insult horse archers or to express their skills extremely.

Probably side shooting.

You seem to be brainwashed by Journey to the West(西游记).

- Наян : Sir,it is funny novel.

Sun Wukong(孫悟空),Zhu Bajie(豬八戒),Sha Wujing(沙悟浄) were not Naked Apes.

But they were treated as Naked Apes.

- Mönkh : In the novel,they had supernatural powers,but they seemed to be some kind of slaves of Naked Apes.

- Наян : Because they harmed naked apes.

- Mönkh : Don't you know that naked apes also harmed other life forms?

- Наян : Naked apes were hungry.

- Mönkh : Maybe other life forms,too.

Making life forms into slaves..Was that the purpose of the novel?

- Наян : Maybe not.

- Mönkh : Horses were friends and comrades of Khan's warriors.

It is said that there was a Veteran Horse in Khan's army.

When the veteran horse became older, the horse got free and became Stallion on the grass field.

- Наян : Stallion Greenfield..Hm,it sounds like head of pleasure committee(愛馬委員長).

- Саарал : Stallion Greenfield? Is he related with Chris Redfield? or Khmer Redfield?

- Mönkh : Even Khan's warriors need to think how to live with wolves such ass Captain Navare or Mr.Саарал.

- Саарал : Uls cluster is related with Grey wolf.

- Mönkh : Where is your lady hawk? Mr.Саарал?

Don't you know that Hawk saved Chinghis Khan's life?

@3. Нуурын Лаборатори(Lake's Laboratory)

[үзэгдэл 3-1.Эмч нарыг Зуд флотоос дууддаг.]

- Др.Морь : Улс Kластерд техник технологи хэрэгтэй байна.

- Др.Загас : Maybe exportable technology.

[Адмирал Зуд нь дэлгэц дээр байна.]

- Адмирал Зуд : How are your studies going?

- Др.Загас : Well,it is not easy,Sir.

Because naked apes tend to think life forms on the ground.

- Адмирал Зуд : Don't you know that proverb, Two bears in one cave will not end up well?

- Др.Морь : Therefore this laboratory is studying two caves or multi caves.

- Др.Загас :This study is about life forms in the water,in the ground and under ground.

Before large scale Bokh match opens, there seems to be some kind of ceremony for the earth. The ground.

- Адмирал Зуд : It might be for nomads,horses,goats,sheeps,deers and other life forms.

- Др.Загас : Space warriors think many life forms in the ground and under ground.

When digging the ground for building,some people had a ceremony.

Was the ceremony some kind of message for life forms in the ground?

- Др.Зуд : Do you think the message was..this building was not only for naked apes but also life forms in the ground?

Life forms in the ground! Evacuate for a while! Until this building was made,huh?

- Др.Морь : Nomad people seemed not to know the meaning of tradition,sir.

- Адмирал Зуд : Whatever.

Did you develop technology?

Don't you know that a donkey that carries nomad is worth more than a horse that kicks nomad?

- AБBOPГ : Admiral,He is a doctor, not a donkey.

- Адмирал Зуд : What is this?

- Др.Морь : AБBOPГ,the multipurpose bionic hologram.

Sometimes AБBOPГ is called ass A6VORG.

- Др.Загас : Admiral,it seems to be related with water.

But...Ass you know,Each country’s customs are different, just as each meadow’s grass is different.

- Адмирал Зуд : What are you talking about?

- AБBOPГ : Admiral,it is not easy to find the lake for water power electricity.

Because it needs to think environment preservation.

- Адмирал Зуд : Don't you know that Uls cluster studied lake power electricity?

There were technical difficulties.

- Др.Загас :  One of the problem is reverse technology,sir.

If artificial waterfall is made in underground, lake can be drying up.

Then many life forms in lakes may be in trouble.

- Др.Зуд : Theory of reverse water in underground is simple.

Water flows reverse when downstream water level is higher than upstream water level.

And Osmotic pressure cause reverse stream.

So it needs U-shaped downstream water tunnel and water gate system in the ground.

Then Lake can be maintained.

Artificial underground waterfall can be used for Life forms in the ground.

Life forms in the ground also need water and moisture.

- AБBOPГ : Another issue is scale.

Some nomads seems to be interested in agriculture.

Probably they are interested in underground agriculture.

- Адмирал Зуд : Do you mean underground city?

- AБBOPГ : Yes, Admiral.

But it needs many studies and experiments.

- Др.Загас : Hydro electricity was not successful yet.

But it seems this technology can help underground people such as Count.Dracula and other people in other clusters.

- Др.Морь : Admiral,it is not easy study.

But Khan's warriors are comrades and friends of horse and other life forms.

They can overcome technical problems.

[үзэгдэл 3-2.Адмирал Зуд бусад ахмадуудтай холбоо барьдаг.]

- Адмирал Зуд : Zud cannon is useful for protecting this cluster.

But Uls fleet needs other technology for making Space supply route.

- Ахмад Шонхор : It needs Exportable technology.

- Ахмад Малчин : Admiral, one of the problem seems to be doctors do not know where Lake Baljuna is exactly.

- Адмирал Зуд : They do not know where Lake Baljuna is,huh?

Does it make sense? Are you kidding?

- Ахмад Малчин : Well,it is not easy to believe,but actually they do not know where Chinghis Khan was buried exactly.

@3.Darughachi company

[Darughachi spaceship is going somewhere.]

- Lt.Dharambal : Is it useful technology?

- Major.Amuge : Who knows?

But many people are interested in technology. 




 Never Surrender Stallion Greenfield.