@1. Мост, Свемирски брод Молитва
- Monte : Captain, in this situation it is not easy to compete with other clusters.
- Yugoal : Even 6 years old child know that. But how?
- BossHer : Captain, Unity spaceship is detected.
- Yugoal : Where is it going?
- Yuma : It seems to go Transylva sector.
- Serb : Transylva? Why, Why are they going to there?
- Koso : It seems the situation of Unity and Community were similar.
- Croa : There was also a summit meeting between Somali site and Romania site.
@2. Tassadar's vessel and Unity escort ships.
[scene 2-1. Escort ship]
- Dr.Mutal : Captain, it is spaceship of Council cluster!
- Captain Kamby : On screen.
- Капитан Юрий : Это Космический корабль Восток в совет кластер.
- Captain Kamby : It is not easy to understand what you said.
Please, use computer language such ass C or Assembly.
- Капитан Юрий : Simply to say, You are under arrest.
You may go to Council cluster.
- Dr.Mutal : What? Is this Council style? You are in Community cluster!
- Captain Kamby : Doctor, enough.
He may be ordered. He is a patriotic soldier.
- Dr.Mutal : Captain, do you know Hit and Run?
- Captain Kamby : It is not easy to control.
But ready Warp drive and Plasma shock wave.
Their computer system may be slow with Plasma desktop.
- Dr.Mutal : Is it some kind of EA?
- Computer : Plasma online.
- Captain Kamby : Fire.
[scene 2-2. Diplomatic Vessel]
- Tassadar : it is harmful for diplomatic vessel to use weapons.
- Talandar : Ambassador! Emergency call from Captain Kamby.
- Captain Kamby : Ambassador, Escape this area.
- Tassadar : What happened?
- Captain Kamby : Hurry up! Operate warp drive!
- Talandar : Warp drive has not charged up yet!
- Captain Kamby :It doesn't matter!
[scene 2-3. Escort ship]
- Dark Templar : Another spaceship is detected!
- Dr.Mutal : What?
- Captain Honoria : You are almost Jill Sandwich.
Stand down your weapons.
- Dark Templar : What is that spaceship?
- Meat Eater : Valentinian of Union cluster.
- Dark Templar : Is it attacked from both sides?
[Spaceship Valentinian fire tractor beam to diplomatic vessel.]
- Dr.Mutal : Ambassador's vessel is being pulled!
[scene 2-4. Diplomatic Vessel]
[Tassadar and Talandar are running to evacuation system]
- Talandar : Ambassador, here is a lifeboat.
- Tassadar : It's a tough journey.
[lifeboat is launched from the Vessel]
@3. Space battle.
[scene 3-1. Bridge, Escort ship]
- Captain Kamby : Follow the lifeboat!
[Spaceship Valentinian and Восток attack Escort ship]
[Escort ship is shaken by attack]
- Dr.Mutal : Shields at 69%
- Captain Kamby : How long can the shield last ?
- Dr.Mutal : It will remain even if this ship is hit 2 more times.
- Captain Kamby : Launch the scout.
[ scene 3-2. Scout takes off from Escort ship]
- Dark Templar : This operation may be similar with docking or aerial refueling.
- Meat Eater : Do you think they can control lifeboat?
- Dark Templar : This scout has special hook gun.
[ scene 3-3. Scout launch hook to the lifeboat]
- Dracula : In order to operate the spaceships smoothly, the economy should support it.
[scene 4-2. Dracula calls Frankenstein]
- Dracula : Captain Frankenstein,what do you think about blood food?
- Frankenstein : Even though it is not human blood, but at least two blood foods are known.
One thing is blood milk mixture in Unity cluster
Second thing is in sunji soup in KRPD site.
There are many blood foods in Universe.
But it seems they are not popular foods with Vempire people.
- Dr.Mutal : If you work together with other people, you can make new recipes and new foods.
- Tassadar : Even though it is not easy, even though your best is not good enough, you can develop your traditions and make universal traditions and customs.
Sunshine on your asses make something.....;D
- Monte : Captain, in this situation it is not easy to compete with other clusters.
- Yugoal : Even 6 years old child know that. But how?
- BossHer : Captain, Unity spaceship is detected.
- Yugoal : Where is it going?
- Yuma : It seems to go Transylva sector.
- Serb : Transylva? Why, Why are they going to there?
- Koso : It seems the situation of Unity and Community were similar.
- Croa : There was also a summit meeting between Somali site and Romania site.
@2. Tassadar's vessel and Unity escort ships.
[scene 2-1. Escort ship]
- Dr.Mutal : Captain, it is spaceship of Council cluster!
- Captain Kamby : On screen.
- Капитан Юрий : Это Космический корабль Восток в совет кластер.
- Captain Kamby : It is not easy to understand what you said.
Please, use computer language such ass C or Assembly.
- Капитан Юрий : Simply to say, You are under arrest.
You may go to Council cluster.
- Dr.Mutal : What? Is this Council style? You are in Community cluster!
- Captain Kamby : Doctor, enough.
He may be ordered. He is a patriotic soldier.
- Dr.Mutal : Captain, do you know Hit and Run?
- Captain Kamby : It is not easy to control.
But ready Warp drive and Plasma shock wave.
Their computer system may be slow with Plasma desktop.
- Dr.Mutal : Is it some kind of EA?
- Computer : Plasma online.
- Captain Kamby : Fire.
[scene 2-2. Diplomatic Vessel]
- Tassadar : it is harmful for diplomatic vessel to use weapons.
- Talandar : Ambassador! Emergency call from Captain Kamby.
- Captain Kamby : Ambassador, Escape this area.
- Tassadar : What happened?
- Captain Kamby : Hurry up! Operate warp drive!
- Talandar : Warp drive has not charged up yet!
- Captain Kamby :It doesn't matter!
[scene 2-3. Escort ship]
- Dark Templar : Another spaceship is detected!
- Dr.Mutal : What?
- Captain Honoria : You are almost Jill Sandwich.
Stand down your weapons.
- Dark Templar : What is that spaceship?
- Meat Eater : Valentinian of Union cluster.
- Dark Templar : Is it attacked from both sides?
[Spaceship Valentinian fire tractor beam to diplomatic vessel.]
- Dr.Mutal : Ambassador's vessel is being pulled!
[scene 2-4. Diplomatic Vessel]
[Tassadar and Talandar are running to evacuation system]
- Talandar : Ambassador, here is a lifeboat.
- Tassadar : It's a tough journey.
[lifeboat is launched from the Vessel]
@3. Space battle.
[scene 3-1. Bridge, Escort ship]
- Captain Kamby : Follow the lifeboat!
[Spaceship Valentinian and Восток attack Escort ship]
[Escort ship is shaken by attack]
- Dr.Mutal : Shields at 69%
- Captain Kamby : How long can the shield last ?
- Dr.Mutal : It will remain even if this ship is hit 2 more times.
- Captain Kamby : Launch the scout.
[ scene 3-2. Scout takes off from Escort ship]
- Dark Templar : This operation may be similar with docking or aerial refueling.
- Meat Eater : Do you think they can control lifeboat?
- Dark Templar : This scout has special hook gun.
[ scene 3-3. Scout launch hook to the lifeboat]
[The lifeboat is pulled by scout.]
- Meat Eater : It works!
[scene 3-4.Escort ship is shaken by attack]
- Dr.Mutal : Shields at 38%
- Captain Kamby : Fire, Phaser!
[scene 3-5. Scout rescue the lifeboat]
- Meat Eater : It works!
[scene 3-4.Escort ship is shaken by attack]
- Dr.Mutal : Shields at 38%
- Captain Kamby : Fire, Phaser!
[scene 3-5. Scout rescue the lifeboat]
[scene 3-6. Scout and lifeboat are landing on Escort ship.]
[scene 3-7. Escort ship is shaken by attack again.]
- Dr.Mutal : Shields at 7%
- Sound : (Dark Templar) Transporter room to bridge.
Ambassador Tassadar's team is on board, sir.
- Captain Kamby : Warp 2, engage!
[Escort ship escapes from the area]
@4. Transylva Sector
[scene 4-1. Tassadar meets Captain Dracula in secret base]
- Tassadar : Nu ne-am văzut de mult.
- Dracula : Bun venit, ambasador.
- Marishka : What brought you here?
- Verona : Do you come here to fight against Captain Dracula?
- Tassadar : No, no.
It's about business.
- Dracula : Business?
- Mr.Vlad : Maybe you can find better partner in Union.
- Tassadar : Well,,it seems people in Union do not like Dracula and Mr.Vlad.
- Mr.Vlad : It seems Union depreciated this sector,sometimes.
- Tassadar : Maybe Mr.Emmanuel and other leaders in Union have some reasons.
And this business is about tradition and custom.
- Verona : What is it?
- Tassadar : Well, some people say, there are vempires in Transylva sector.
Ass you know there are many mankinds in Universe.
So it is possible that some people want human blood as foods.
- Mr.Vlad : It's disgusting.
- Talandar : Don't you think blood transfusion is some kind of eating human blood?
- Mr.Vlad : So some people opposed blood transfusions.
- Talandar : What's the reason? Why do they oppose blood transfusions?
- Dracula : Maybe there are many reasons.
- Tassadar : It seems one of the reason is that some people think Vempire tribes was cursed.
- Aleera : No,vempire tribes are not cursed.
- Tassadar : Some people do not like light such ass Vempires
Even they may be killed by the light, because of thirst and dehydration.
But is it the evidence they are cursed?
- Dracula : No. Vempires are not stupid.
Vempires know common sense such ass Batman.
- Mr.Vlad : Batman seems to be some kind of Vempire such ass vampire bat.
- Dr.Mutal : It seems there are many earthworm people such ass Vempire.
Earthworms offer many benefits to soil,but it seems earthworms do not like light.
- Mr.Vlad : Because earthworms need moisture.
- Dr.Mutal : There are many life forms who may be damaged by sunlight.
Even too much sunlight is harmful to human skin.
- Dracula : Even though sunlight may be harmful to Vempires, but Vempires know sunlight make environments and circumstances for Vempires.
Vempires just avoid sunlight such ass people avoid high voltage current .
Vempires are not stupid.
- Tassadar : Anyway, you can make human bloody foods as space food without biting human neck.
Think about dirty guy.
Mr.Dracula, Do you want to bite and suck dirty guy?
- Dracula : It's really disgusting.
- Meat Eater : Eating meat means almost same as drinking blood.
Blood molecules, atoms of blood..Is it possible to get rid of the blood completely in meat?
- Mr.Vlad : It's too extreme.
- Tassadar : It's about space science and space foods.
You need to think about molecules,atoms and quantum.
[scene 3-7. Escort ship is shaken by attack again.]
- Dr.Mutal : Shields at 7%
- Sound : (Dark Templar) Transporter room to bridge.
Ambassador Tassadar's team is on board, sir.
- Captain Kamby : Warp 2, engage!
[Escort ship escapes from the area]
@4. Transylva Sector
[scene 4-1. Tassadar meets Captain Dracula in secret base]
- Tassadar : Nu ne-am văzut de mult.
- Dracula : Bun venit, ambasador.
- Marishka : What brought you here?
- Verona : Do you come here to fight against Captain Dracula?
- Tassadar : No, no.
It's about business.
- Dracula : Business?
- Mr.Vlad : Maybe you can find better partner in Union.
- Tassadar : Well,,it seems people in Union do not like Dracula and Mr.Vlad.
- Mr.Vlad : It seems Union depreciated this sector,sometimes.
- Tassadar : Maybe Mr.Emmanuel and other leaders in Union have some reasons.
And this business is about tradition and custom.
- Verona : What is it?
- Tassadar : Well, some people say, there are vempires in Transylva sector.
Ass you know there are many mankinds in Universe.
So it is possible that some people want human blood as foods.
- Mr.Vlad : It's disgusting.
- Talandar : Don't you think blood transfusion is some kind of eating human blood?
- Mr.Vlad : So some people opposed blood transfusions.
- Talandar : What's the reason? Why do they oppose blood transfusions?
- Dracula : Maybe there are many reasons.
- Tassadar : It seems one of the reason is that some people think Vempire tribes was cursed.
- Aleera : No,vempire tribes are not cursed.
- Tassadar : Some people do not like light such ass Vempires
Even they may be killed by the light, because of thirst and dehydration.
But is it the evidence they are cursed?
- Dracula : No. Vempires are not stupid.
Vempires know common sense such ass Batman.
- Mr.Vlad : Batman seems to be some kind of Vempire such ass vampire bat.
- Dr.Mutal : It seems there are many earthworm people such ass Vempire.
Earthworms offer many benefits to soil,but it seems earthworms do not like light.
- Mr.Vlad : Because earthworms need moisture.
- Dr.Mutal : There are many life forms who may be damaged by sunlight.
Even too much sunlight is harmful to human skin.
- Dracula : Even though sunlight may be harmful to Vempires, but Vempires know sunlight make environments and circumstances for Vempires.
Vempires just avoid sunlight such ass people avoid high voltage current .
Vempires are not stupid.
- Tassadar : Anyway, you can make human bloody foods as space food without biting human neck.
Think about dirty guy.
Mr.Dracula, Do you want to bite and suck dirty guy?
- Dracula : It's really disgusting.
- Meat Eater : Eating meat means almost same as drinking blood.
Blood molecules, atoms of blood..Is it possible to get rid of the blood completely in meat?
- Mr.Vlad : It's too extreme.
- Tassadar : It's about space science and space foods.
You need to think about molecules,atoms and quantum.
- Aleera : In Daxi cluster, it seems there was Humanmeat Jiaozi(人肉餃子).
People in other cluster were eating human blood foods.
- Dracula : In Collaboration cluster, there was human cannibalism.
- Dr.Mutal : Oh, it seems to be similar with Defiler in Zerg story.
- Dr.Mutal : There was also interesting story about drinking blood in Federation cluster.
- Tassadar : What story?
- Dr.Mutal : In Federation novel, there was a cowboy.
He was drinking pollued water in desert or dry meadow,
He had fever and he was almost dead.
There was nobody to help him.
Then, excellent dog Crowsaw hunted animals for him.
The cowboy was stabbing animals with a knife, drinking blood.
- Tassadar : It seems he was drinking blood as fever remedy or water.
People in other cluster were eating human blood foods.
- Dracula : In Collaboration cluster, there was human cannibalism.
- Dr.Mutal : Oh, it seems to be similar with Defiler in Zerg story.
- Dr.Mutal : There was also interesting story about drinking blood in Federation cluster.
- Tassadar : What story?
- Dr.Mutal : In Federation novel, there was a cowboy.
He was drinking pollued water in desert or dry meadow,
He had fever and he was almost dead.
There was nobody to help him.
Then, excellent dog Crowsaw hunted animals for him.
The cowboy was stabbing animals with a knife, drinking blood.
- Tassadar : It seems he was drinking blood as fever remedy or water.
- Meat Eater : Whatever.
You can make variety space meats with variety milks and variety bloods without shame.
Think about foods to prevent anemia.
- Mr.Vlad : Will this business be successful? - Dracula : In order to operate the spaceships smoothly, the economy should support it.
[scene 4-2. Dracula calls Frankenstein]
- Dracula : Captain Frankenstein,what do you think about blood food?
- Frankenstein : Even though it is not human blood, but at least two blood foods are known.
One thing is blood milk mixture in Unity cluster
Second thing is in sunji soup in KRPD site.
There are many blood foods in Universe.
But it seems they are not popular foods with Vempire people.
- Dr.Mutal : If you work together with other people, you can make new recipes and new foods.
- Tassadar : Even though it is not easy, even though your best is not good enough, you can develop your traditions and make universal traditions and customs.
Even though life ass a dog, every dog has his day.,
Sunshine on your asses make something.....;D
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