宇宙冒險....変態人民 鬥志昂揚(変态人民 斗志昂扬)

@1.   山東宙域(山东宙域)

[場面. 宇宙馬賊船的飛行。]

- 武松 : 大系的政策似乎有很多困難。

- 林冲 : 誰知道学习主席的痛苦?

- 智深 : (嘆。。叹。。)

- 武松  : (漢。。嘆。。汉。。叹。。)

@2. 延邊宙州,吉林宙域

[場面. 宙州居民正在練習詩歌(练习诗歌)。]

红太阳照邊疆 。


変態人民  鬥志昂揚。

軍民团結  建設大系。

@3. 黑龍宙域

- 正白 : 胡道星團과 站灣宙領,宙港과의 協力이  쉽지 않은것 같은데.

- 正紅 :  赤龍宙域에 困難한 부분이 많은것 같습니다.

- 鑲白 : 協力을 妨害하는勢力이 있는게 아닐까요?

- 鑲紅 : 赤龍宙域이 天下의 民心을 얻지 못한다면, 黑龍宙域의 宇宙八旗艦隊가 출동해서 大系星團을 領導하면 됩니다.

- 鑲白 : 胡道星團의 宇宙忙忽惕艦隊가 大系星團을 領導했던 적도 있지.

- 正紅 :  靑龍偃月艦隊와  丈八蛇矛艦隊는 站灣宙領의 戰略的優點을 利用할 줄 모르는게 아닐까?

- 正白 : 站灣宙領의 戰略的優點을 無力化하려는 시도가 있을 수도 있소.

@4. 大仁分舵, 宇宙丐幫


- 花丐 : 打!


- 丐智 : 那個年輕人是誰?

- 丐仁 : 宇宙丐幫 後起之秀 飛龍花丐。

- 丐勇 : 有了這樣的棒法和武器,丐幫將是天下的笑。

- 丐義 : 甚至維吾爾星座也会嘲笑丐幫。


- 丐勇 : 打狗棒法?


- 丐義 :  打狗棒法,兎死狗烹。。這似乎是在侮辱孔子。

- 花丐 : 丐幫新來的人, 有很多不足之處。

- 丐智 : 宇宙丐幫不是小说,不是幻想。

- 丐德 : 根据丐幫情报, 群小幫派長百派的後起之秀, 飛花燕子是高强的武功實力者。



- 丐仁 :  It is not always good to blame.

- 丐義 :  Get this hightech umbrella.

This umbrella is ass powerful ass lightsaber in Federation cluster.

- 丐智 : When it rains, beggars need umbrella.

And you need to practice Umbrella staff martial arts (雨傘棒法) for protecting yourself.

- 丐勇 : What is the reason why foolish writers make Dog Beating Staff Technique(打狗棒法)?

- 花丐 : It seems they  thought Beggars' Sect(丐幫)  as fantasy novel.

Or they did not think about Beggars' Sect  expert(丐幫高手).

They seemed to think only professional beggar(職業乞丐).

- 丐勇 : It seems people in Uyghur constellation(維吾爾星座) did not like dogs.

Some people said, because of dogs  Prophet Muhammad(穆罕默德) was in dangerous situation.

- 花丐 : Perhaps Uyghur people like  Dog Beating Staff Technique(打狗棒法).

- 丐仁 : Hey, do you want to say Prophet Muhammad was a professional beggar?

- 丐勇 : No, no.

The point is Uyghur constellation(維吾爾星座) and Beggar's sect(丐幫) are in similar situation.

And it needs to think together about the future.

- 丐仁 : This Cluster is very complicated.

- 丐智 : Even though League and Organization Cluster criticize this cluster,  maybe League and Organization are in similar situation with Daxi.

- 丐徳 : Even though they are not members of Beggars' Sect, there are many friends of Beggars' Sect.

In Community cluster, Gypsy tiger is similar with Beggars' Sect  expert.

- 丐勇 : Anyway,  Mr. Rookie beggar.

When you are attacked, you may protect yourself using umbrella.

- 花丐 : 是的,老師。

[場面 4-5.丐幫高手小組正在討論有關宇宙食品的問題。]

- 丐智 :  Ass the shocking information, MU sector in Collaboration Cluster is studying new space foods.

It may be using female human's milk.

- 丐勇 : What? Daxi cluster is famous for foods.

- 丐義 : Universal  Beggars sect(宇宙丐幫) needs to cooperate with Space Pirates(宇宙馬賊), Space Wudang(宇宙武當),Space Shaolin(宇宙少林) and other Clusters, Sites,areas.

- 丐德 : Daxi cluster may make new Jiaozi and space foods such ass Sincere egg(人功卵).

- 丐仁 : Maybe Konzi(孔子) like New Jiaozi(新餃子) or Space Jiaozi (宇宙餃子)

変態人民  丐德昂揚 。