[scene 1-1. Mentor and Maya are discussing with Biological computer]
- Mentor : Computer, It seems you need new OS.
- Computer : Ass is more important Than os.
- Mentor : But it's not easy to get the energy from living brains.
- Computer : On earth, there is the species who eat brains of monkeys.
- Mentor : What?
- Computer : That was published in newspapers on earth.
- Maya : Other species eat brains, so you may eat brains?
Does it make sense?
Maytbe food culture can be changed and developed.
- Computer : The biological computter system is for many life forms.
But it depends on....(shut down)
- Mentor : It seems there is no other choice.
Maya, you may go out.
- Maya : What will you do with them?
- Mentor : They are just invaders who stole resources from Psychon.
They would have destroyed Psychon. Even you, Maya.
- Maya : But,,
- Mentor : Please, Maya.
- Maya : Yes.
[scene 1-2. Mentor operates energy source device]
- Mentor : Your brains will be the energy source for Biological computer.
- Unknown crew : What? Are you insane?
Lunar Base Alpha can be your friends!
- Mentor : You are the invaders who stole the resources in Psychon.
- Dr. Russell : Lunar Base wanted to live with you.
It was helpful for you.
- Mentor : Dr. Helena Russell, you are lying.
You were just invaders who need resources.
- Dr. Russell : Commander John Koening will come to here!
- Mentor : John Koening?
Who is he? Is he your boyfriend?
- Alan Carter : Mentor, Psychon people were just your poor slaves.
They did not have civilization.
Lunar base was trying to help them!
- Mentor : It's only your opinion, Mr.Alan.
It looks Invaders theory or some kind of fakes.
Even though Psychon people looks poor, they have the hope for the future, their own civilization based on their traditions.
[The device is working]
[Hostages are screaming]
- Dr. Russell : Koening!
- Alan Carter : Sahala!
- Unknown Crew : Oh,Fu*k~~
- Mentor : Mr.Unknown. This is fu*king situation.
[The computer system room shakes with shock]
- Mentor : What's going on?
[scene 1-3. Necromancer comes in]
- Necromancer : Pyschon is attacked!
- Mentor : Put the power into defense system!
Speed battle stations!
- Necromancer : Yes, sir.
[Necrmancer is getting out ]
[Mentor stops energy source device for Bio computer.]
- Mentor : You got lucky.
[Mentor is getting out]
[ scene 1-4. The Bio computer starts working]
- Computer : Emergency Sequence level 4.
Camouflage C4I post....Done.
Supply Emergeny power....Done.
Ready Network ports....Done.
Self defense system action....Done.
Registered new device....Done.
Registered new interface....Done.
AppArmor filesystem enabled....Done.
System has been reserved....Done.
[scene 1-5. Necromancer is cammanding in Combat information center.]
- Necromancer : Shockwave beam !
Gauss cannon,Fire!
- Mentor : Are they from Lunar base?
- Necromancer : Not sure. It's too many spaceships!
- Mentor : Hail the vessels.
- Dr.Psyche : Long range communication device is damaged.
[Ground forces are landing ]
- Necromancer : Strike teams dispatch!
- Mentor : What are you doing?
- Necromancer : Those teams were training Cobra strike and Tiger strike.
- Mentor : Sounds like assassin skill in Diablo 2..
#2. Lunar base Alpha
[scene 2-1. Paul's request for support]
- Prof. Bergman : Any communication from rescue team?
- Tony Verdeschi : Not yet.
- Sandra Benes : Tony, It is coming from the planet.
[Paul appears on screen]
- Tony Verdeschi : Paul, What's happening?
- Paul Morrow : Rescue team lost contact with commander.
It seems Koening and support team were caught by Psychon forces.
So it needs different operation.
Rescue team is trying to ally with Psychon people.
- David Kano : Is it possible?
- Paul : Maybe. There are many poor people such as slaves.
- Prof. Bergman : Paul, you may respect them.
- Paul : Commander and science team were caught!
Follow-up support is required.
Paul, over and out!
[scene 2-2. John's report]
- Prof. Bergman : No study, no research, no respect, just pack up and landing additional units?
What do you think of him?
He seems to be carzy.
- Tony : (he murmurs to himself) What's happening in Psychon.
- David Kano : Professor, Will you do nothing for them?
- Bergman : Psychon think rescue team as invaders!
- Sandra : Tony, communication is coming from the planet.
It's commnder Koening!
[Koening appears on screen]
- Tony : John!
- John : There is communication interference in this planet.
Ass Psychon people's opinion, this planet needs special resources to relate with Psychon system.
- Bergman : Paul requested additional units.
- John : Paul's view is so narrow.
[The screen becomes unstable.]
- Bergman : John, communication is unstable.
- John : In Psychon, battle is going on.
According to Psychon person, Paul seems to be related with fight.
- Tony : What?
[The screen becomes unstable, again]
- John : To relate with special resources, It looks to need business team.
- Yasko : Business?
- Dr.Mathias : It is likely to be misunderstood.
- John : But Psychon....
- Bergman : John, John!
[Communication is lost.]
- Tony : (thinking for a moment)
Ass senior crew, You should protect and manage crews in Lunar base.
- Dr. Mathias : Ass you wish.
- Tony : Professor! You are not a businessman but a Bergman.
But you know about Industry-University Cooperation.
- Bergman : Maybe they need not invader business.
- Tony : It may be business trip.
- Bergman : Ass you wish.
[Tony, Bergman and some crews depart for Psychon]
#3. Spaceship Gorgon, Guardian approaches Psychon.
[scene 3-1.Bridge of Gorgon]
- Captain.Groot : Open communication channels!
Call the commander of Psychon.
- Rocket Raccoon : No signal from the planet.
- Groot : Why don't they answer?
- Computer : Warning! Detected Psychon aims this ship.
It's Gauss cannon.
- Groot : Energy force field!
Fire,Yamato cannon!
[scene 3-2. Combat information center in Psychon]
- Necromancer : Gas storage is hit!
- Mentor : Hail the vessel!
- Dr.Psyche : It needs time to repair long range communication device.
[scene 3-3.Bridge of Guardian]
- Blood Raven : Captain, Psychon people seem crazy or brainwashed.
They are hostile to Guardian ship!
- Captain Andariel : Hail the commander of Psychon.
- Dark Stalker : No respond, Captain.
- Navigator : Psychon fired Shockwave beam!
- Andariel : Dodge move!
Acidic fire spores!
[Psychon mineral storage is hit]
- Raven : Psychon sends the signal.
It seems from computer!
[Biological computer is on screen]
- Andariel : Hail the Gorgon!
[Captain Groot is on screen]

- Andariel : This is interesting signal for you.
On the planet, there is intelligent life forms ass you, Captain Groot.
- Groot : What?
- Andariel : Biological computer, some kind of big thinking tree.
What do you think of joint investigation team?
- Groot : OK.
[Rocket Raccoon arrives Guardian]
- Raccoon : Hello, Ladies.
This guardian ship looks sisterhood ship!
- Rogue : Mr.Raccoon,welcome to guardian.
- Raven : Is this warbird? Thunderbird may be better.
- Raccoon : Watch your mouth, Raven.
- Rogue : Bio computer sent location coordinates of some objects.
- Raven : This is the chance to see Mr.Raccoon's control skills.

#4.天宫空間航天局(Tiangong Space Association)
[现场.4-1.天魁星舰, 神舟舰队 ]
- 呼保義 : 舰长,異常信號가 检测되었다。
- 舰长.宋江 : 異常信號?
- 呼保義 : 信號分析이 不容易하다。
- 宋江 : 天宫空間航天局에 报告하라。
- 沙悟浄 : 博士, 分析结果는 어떻습니까?
- 華佗博士(Dr.Hua) : 이것은 生物电脑(Biological Computer)의 信號로 分析됩니다。
全面分析에는 很大的努力이 要求되지요。
- 沙悟浄 : 全面分析이나 学术分析보다는 实用分析을 优先할 수는 없을까요?
- 華佗博士(Dr.Hua) : 基础가 弱하면 实用主义는 危险할 수 있습니다.
그래서, 实用分析과 傳统分析의 並行性 需要가 있습니다.
生物电脑는 萬年古木,萬年何首烏, 萬年雪蔘,萬年蔘王,萬年靈芝,格鲁特(Groot)와 类似한 部分이 있습니다。
[猪八戒 出现]
- 猪八戒 : 研究成果报告가 왜 이리 늦는거요?
生物电脑를 食材로 이용하는 烹飪方式을 研究라도 하는거요?
- 華佗博士 : 八戒成員은 가끔 朝鲜半岛의 金某氏와 类似하게 보입니다.
八戒成員은 萬年古木이나 千年古木을 切斷하고 싶습니까?
- 猪八戒 : 切斷하고 싶지는 않지만, 飲食으로 먹고 싶은 때는 있지.
- 沙悟浄 : 八戒成員! 你疯了吗?
- 猪八戒 : 食物缺乏과 飲料缺乏情况 이면, 어떻게 해?
- 沙悟浄 : 食品生產과 食品工业을 发展시킬 생각을 해야지, 萬年古木을 먹을 생각을 해?
- 華佗博士 : 山地文明,沙漠文明,冰雪文明, 瀛海文明,海底文明 등 각 文明에는 각각의 特征이 있을 겁니다.
沙漠文明처럼 森林이 有害한 文明도 있을 테지요.
그러나,文明之間的和谐与平衡을 생각할 필요가 있습니다.
- 猪八戒 : 沙漠文明? 沙悟浄文明처럼 들려요.
- 華佗博士 : 八戒成員, 萬年古木이나 千年古木을 切斷해서 食品으로 먹는다..?
生物电脑 또는 超级英雄,格鲁特(Groot)를 食物로 먹는다는 느낌입니다.
- 沙悟浄 : 高丽参도 同樣的情況일까요?
- 華佗博士 : 高丽参相關任務는 壮鼹博士(Dr.Mole)가 연구중이라 합니다만.
[4-3. 天宫二号 ]
- 沙悟浄 : 高丽参 相關任務 다.
華佗博士의 分析에 의하면, 人参은 危險한 食人文化的表达이다.
그래서 高丽参에 대한 名稱和產品 研究가 需求된다.
- 牛郎(Niulang) : 参을 日文으로는 gin, 中文으로는 shen으로 發音하지.
- 鳳雛(Fengchu) : 红参、白参 등 多樣한 名稱和產品이 있지 않나?
- 沙悟浄 : 国際体育比賽에서, 人参을 有害藥物로 지정하려 했던 적이 있었다고 한다.
天宫의 人格과 品格을 고려한 食品과 藥品을 發展시킬 필요가 있다.
- 牛郎 : 알았다. 相關機構에 연락하겠다.
[4-4. 天宫空間機構(Tiangong Space Agency)]
- 九之六(Six of nine) : 天機星舰의 报告, 陰地基地(Lunar Base)에서 侦察部队를 派出。
- 露娜(Luna) : 陰地人이 陽地에서의 生存方法研究目的으로 分析。
- 小龍女(Xiaolongu) : 漢族도 陰历을 利用하는 陰地族(Lunar People)이지。
- 嫦娥(Change) : 漢族은 虫族과 类似한 民族이에요.。
- 小龍女 : 你在说什么?漢族이 虫族?
- 嫦娥 : 無賴漢,門外漢,癡漢,怪漢,好色漢。。漢族气质같아요。
- 露娜 : 漢族,虫族,野蠻族, 夷族,戎族,狄族......陰地人입니다。
- 九之六 : 陰地族은 印度,阿非利加,沙漠地區,冰雪地區에도 多数。
- 露娜 : 陰地族의 繁榮可能性은?
- 电脑 : 陰地文明繁榮可能。
그러나, 陰地族은 注意部分이 있습니다。
- 露娜 : 它是什么?
- 电脑 : 很难解释。