#1. Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture
[scene 1-1. Gulmurod Khalimov is caught by Xinjiang Uyghur Independent Organization]
- Uyghur Soldier : You look like IS.
Don't you know East Turkestan Liberation Organization is connected with Turkey?
IS and Al-Qaeda are the enemies of Turkey.
- Gulmurod Khalimov : Such a fool!
Think about Kurds! Think about Idlib!
[scene 1-2. Khalimov is imprisoned in the Yurt]

[Khalimov meets another people who are imprisoned]
- Sogdia : Hello, guy. Who are you?
- Khalimov : IS agent from Tajikistan.
- Sogdia : Great. This guy is Al-Qaeda agent from Afghanistan.
- Akhtar Mohammad Mansour : Nice to meet you.
It seems like Leon and Louis in RE4.
[scene 1-3. Unidentified special forces rescue them]
- Khalimov : Thank you.
- Mansour : Yardiminizga rahmat(Thank you for your help.)
- Unidentified commandor : You're very welcome.
#2. Kashgar

[scene 2-1. Khalimov is smoking, Mansour is drinking]
- Badr : Hey! It's Ramadan! Do you want to be punished?
- Mansour : Sir, we are soldiers for Jihad.
- Amr ibn Hishām : Yeah, that's right.
- Badr : Shut up! You are insulting Islam!
- Hishām : No. agent 2AH.
Even if anyone could be the enemy of Muhammad, but that does not mean the enemy of Islam.
- Khalimov : Ramadan is good Islamic Tradition, but Ramadan without Islam mind, that is the shameful thing.
[scene 2-2. They meet a beautiful woman]
- Badr : This is agent Fragrant.
- Mansour : Nice to meet you. Your codename seems like Fragrant princess(香妃).
It seems like shameful history.
- Fragrant : How foolish it is.
Don't you know Wang Zhaojun(王昭君) story?
You need to study history.
Qianlong Emperor(乾隆帝) was not a Han chinese but a Manchurian chinese.
Got some business to take care of. See you later.

- Khalimov : Business? We came for Jihad.
- Mansour : Women like rich guy.
- Hishām : Hey, think about Business Jihad ass well ass Military Jihad!
- Mansour : As the Quran, Abraham was trying to kill his son, Ismail.
And as the Tanakh, Abraham was trying to kill his son, Issac.
- Hishām : Unbelievable!
- Mansour : Anyway, Muslims said Abraham sacrificed goat instead of Ismail.
So Muslims killed goats and ate body of goats.
- 2AH : Do you have any idea? What will you do as Islam?
- Mansour : If Islamic people respect Prophet Muhammad, They need to find a way to live with goats.
Maybe Prophet Muhammad wanted to help the people, so many goats are sacrificed for people.
Ass you know, there are many Nomads in Central Asian area.
Islamic Nomad can get milks and cheeses from goats.
Even they can make good steaks with using milk, cheese and other food materials.
- Hishām : Hey, Don't forget Bacon or Pork!
Maybe it is possible to make bacon or pork with Piggy milk.
Halal Bacon..what do you think?
- Mansour : Muslim don't like to eat bacon and pork.
- Khalimov : There are many Muslims in India.
If Muslim Indian live with goats and cows, Hindi Indian will be happy.
People need to think how to live other people who have different language, different culture, different appearance, different smell..... different things.
- 2AH : But if you don't have noble soul, it is useless.
Silk road is not good enough. Even foolish.
People need to think how to live with Silk worms.
Will you kill Silk worms?
- Mansour : Maybe Caravan road or Art silk road or Great silk road is better.
- Hishām : Well, maybe Central Asian people will think how to live and how to develop industry.
#3. Truck is Riding to Urumchi.
[scene 3-1. in the truck]
- Khalimov : Do you know nickname of Chairman Xi(习主席)?
Ass the rumor, his nickname is Chairman XuéXí(学习主席).
Maybe Chairman XueXi and Han chinese have many difficulties.
- Mansour : We need to think how to live together.
But Chinese government took a foolish mistake.
Ass the fu*king news, African nationals 'mistreated, evicted' in China!
- Hisham : Chinese government is trying to live togethr with many life forms.
Ass the news, Chairman XuéXí prohibited fishing in Yangtze(长江) during 10 years.
- 2AH : That's not good enough.
And it's Nomad culture, No mad tradition! Not Han chinese tradition.
It was difficult for Nomad people to eat Fish.
Because Nomad plains and deserts in Central Asia are far away from the sea.
Don't you know Genghis Khan story in lake Baljuna?
Mongolian people do not think fish as food.
Perhaps they may think eating fish is similar with eating body of human.
It is said when Genghis Khan was in very difficult situation, he and his warriors ate fishes in lake Baljuna with anger.
Ass you know, Mongolians are also Nomad people.
- Hisham : Prophet Muhammad took some mistakes.
But he was trying to live together with many life forms.
- Khalimov : How do you know?
- Hisham : Don't you know Halal food?
At least he was doing something.
Gautama Siddhattha(गौतमबुद्ध) was also doing something.
- Badr : Sometimes it looks that Han-Chinese betrayed Drgaon warriors.
How about Islam warriors will be the friends or partners of Dragon warriors?
- Hisham : Hey, think about the pride of Han-Chinse.
And think about friendship and partnership!
#4. 兰州市,甘肃省
- 天龍仙士 烏魯木 : Let's talk about Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms(掌八十龍降).

English writhing system may be comfortable to read from left to right.
Chinese characters(字汉) system may be comfortable from top to down or from right to left or from left to right.
- 崑崙眞人 西戎装 : Because Chinese characters(汉字) is Logogram(语素文字)
- 天龍仙士 烏魯木 : In China civilization(中華文明) history, in many cases Chinese characters wrote from top to down or from right to left.
And maybe Uyghur language wrote from right to left.
- 崆龍侠侣 西夏 : Perhaps Unification is not bad.
But stupid unification or making people as slaves is....what do you think of that?
It is related with habit, tradition and culture of many people in China.
- 吾圖撒合里(Urtu Saqal,耶律楚材) : Maybe making new alphabet or new writing system for minor tribes is not difficult ass you think.
But we need to discuss with many sisters, brothers,friends and partners.
#5. Tiangong Space Association(天宫空间航天局)
[scene 5-1.Laboratory]
- Six of nine : Completed.
The data and information of space station Tiangong-1 converted to new life form such ass Borg.
- Tiangong Empress : Is it successful?
- Six of nine : Sometime this life form functions improperly such ass Doc Hologram.
- Tiangong one : Sex of nine, you are very sexy and beautiful.
Tiangong want docking to you.
Residence hotel.
- Six of nine : Oh, fu*k.
- Tiangong Empress : Six, Tiangong one looks like Space debris!
- Tiangong one: Don't worry assly. He is comming for you.
- Tiangong Empress : One of nine, This station need good cooks such ass Neelix in Voyager.
- Tiangong one : Why?
- Tiangong Empress : Maybe Central Asian needs good cooks.
- Xiaolongnü(小龍女) : For sending good cooks such ass Neelix to Central Asia, borgs need other ship's help such ass Shenzhou 8(神舟八号), Shenzhou 10(神舟十号),Shenzhou 11(神舟十一号).
- Tiangong one : That's not good enough.
You need not only Shenzhou fleet but also special ships such ass friendship, partnership and special relationship.
[scene 5-2. Communication center]
- Tiangong Empress : Hail the Shenzhou fleet and agent Octopussy.
- Six : Connected.
- Shenzhou fleet : This is Shenzhou fleet.
- Tiangong Empress : Species 5618 killed many life forms in the Ocean.
And they have problems about sea area.
Maybe Nomad people do not want to kill life forms in the ocean.
- Xiaolongnü(小龍女) : Species 5618 just need beach and shore for salt, seaweed.
Ass you know, the Ocean is for Sharks, Whales, Craps, Cods, Clams,Squids,Polipos,Stingrayes, Fishes,,,,,and many Sea life forms.
In China civilization history, chinese people did something for Ocean and Sea life forms.
- Six : What was that?
- Xiaolongnü(小龍女) : China got the fleet stronger than European fleet. But they burned the Chinese fleet.
- Six : But it was,,it might be.....
- Xiaolongnü(小龍女) : Even though there was a problem in that event, maybe dragon warriors can solve the problem.
Are you listening Shenzhou fleet?
Shenzhou fleet need to do something for life forms in Oceans, Rivers and Lakes.
And,, Shenzhou fleet need to protect and support people who want to live with another people and other life forms in cold area until they get some business to take care of.
Ass you know, Inuit people are similar with Chinese.
And many tribes live in Siberia and Cold area.
- Shenzhou fleet : Yes, your highness.
- Six : Agent Octopussy!
- Agent Octopussy : Hello, 006!
- Tiangong Empress : This is Six of Nine. Not 006.
- Tiangong one: Agent Octopussy, you are very sexy and beautiful.
Residence Hotel.
- Agent Octopussy : Oh,fu*k.
- Xiaolongnü : Ass Tiangong information, some American and European don't like to eat octopus and rotten stingray.
Maybe some American baseball player did not like to eat octopus, and American and European did not like the smell of rotten stingray.
Do something for life forms in Oceans, Rivers and Lakes.
- Agent Octopussy : Yes, agent Xiaolongnü.
- Tiangong Empress : That's not good enough.
- Six : Ass the people, Borg such ass Bionic Organization and Cyborg need to do something for life forms.
- Tiangong one : Six. You are very sexy and beautiful. Resident Hotel.
There is special medical speech for poor people.
Don't you want to live ass American people without destroying your tradition and pride?
- Xiaolongnü : Don't you want to live ass American people?
It sounds like some kind of magical spell.
But American people have also many difficulties and problems.
- Six : Anyway, it needs to do something for life forms in Oceans, Rivers and Lakes.
- Tiangong one : Six, you need to do more.
- Six : What is it?
- Tiangong one : Some kind of special relationship.