Space Adventure....Pandemonium fortress

@ 1. Space Crafts are approaching Pandemonium fortress.

[Saturn Shuttle ]

- Dracula : Pandemoniun fortress seems not to welcome Space Warriors.

- Osman : Something strange.

[Space Dream]

- Computer : Warning! Pandemoniun fired Photon Power Beam.

- Talandar : Activate defense system!

- Abathur : Desert Curtain system activated.

[Other Space craft's report]

- Snowman : Blizzard Curtain system activated.

- Стуков(Stukov) : Iron Curtain system activated.

- 小龍女(Xiaolongnü) : Bamboo Curtain system activated.[竹帘系统已激活。]

[Space Cube]

- あしゅら男爵(Baron Ashura) : Photon Power Beam?

It's Koshiryoku Beam!(光子力ビームだ!)

Hentairyoku Beam! Fire!! (変態力ビーム! 発射!!)

- Hermes : Sugoiyo! Ashura-Danshaku!

- Predator John : Ohh,,ohh,,Sugoi Hentairyoku Da.「おお、、おお、、すごい変態力だ。」

[Space Dream]

- Abathur : Envoy! Ganesha seems to activate Language Curtain system!

- Talandar : What? Call him!

[Ganesha is on screen.]

- Talandar : Ganesha,What are you doing?

Are you crazy?

Language Curtain can be harmful for integration device.

-  गणेश (Ganesha)  : शायद।(Shaayad,Maybe.)

But it is useful for protecting internal communication system.

- Roger Jr : Pandemoniun seems to prepare Photonic Cannon!

- Talandar : What? Are you sure?

Do they have photonic cannon?

Hm, It seems to be copy of Photon Cannon of Protoss tribes.

Can they use it correctly?

- Abathur : : There are many copies of Photon Cannon.

- Talandar : Computer! Change screen resolution!

[Talandar see the weapon on screen.]

- Talandar : It does not look like photonic cannon.

It seems photo cannon or some kind of telescope.

[Space Cube]

-(Jinn)[جن]: Activate Cosmo Warrior Zero Shield!

- Thirteen : Nice work, Jinn.

[Jaguary is on screen.]

- Jaguary : What did you do?

- Мангудай(Mangudai) : Cosmo Warrior Zero Shield activated.

- Jaguary : Is it AEUG(エゥーゴ) technology?


It is said that Zero system was invented or discovered in Indinational and League cluster.

Many people lack of OS technology.

But Zero system can be used for Shield system.  

[Space Station]

- Jaguary : Activate Cosmo Warrior Zeronimo Shield!

- Ogre : Hey,hey! What are you doing?

The Indi chief was not Zeronimo but Geronimo!

Are you jealous?

- Jaguary : You don't know enough.

Indi native language was used for military code for security.

There is a possibility that Geronimo was some kind of security code for Zeronimo.

- Frayne the Feral : Yes,yes. It sounds logical!

Ancestors knew math ideas, but they seemed to lack of publishing tools.

In myth,legend and traditional culture, mathematical ideas remains.

- Dracula : Oh,man...

Your logic looks so silly.

- Frayne the Feral : Don't you know that sometimes people who don't know math in detail, those people look better than math expert?

Even if some people do not have any mathematical culture, sometimes people who like Wise Old Torrasque are more wise than mathematician.
Do you think life is math?

- Valkyrja : Some people seem to think that Math is some kind of simple symbolic language.

- 小龍女(Xiaolongnü) : Ass a matter of fact, there are mathematical and scientific ideas in Philosophy.

Xū(虛),Kōng(空),Wú(無) look similar with Zero(零), but they seem to be different from Zero.

[Space Dream]

- Savage Opress : Pandemoniun fired calculus cannon!

- Roger Jr : Oh,fu*k! It's  harrowing weapon!

That weapon can make many students almost crazy and sad!

[Space Cube]

- Мангудай(Mangudai) : Activate Cosmo Dragoon Cannon! Blow them up!

[Talandar is on screen]

- Talandar : Wait! Think for the people who are studying in tough conditions!

If you destroy Pandemonium fortress, it can be more difficult to help your brothers.

- Mangudai : Then,Space Warriors should use Baron Munchausen's skill?

- Predator John : Do you mean riding the Cannonball?

[Space Dream]

- Talandar : Computer! Activate dxdy system!

- Computer : Dxdy system activated.

[Saturn Shuttle]

- Defiler : Dxdy system? What is it?

- Ganesha : It's basic defense system for calculus cannon.

Ass you know, it is said that ENIAC was designed and primarily used to calculate artillery firing.

Maybe d in dx,dy means Diminutive, extremely small.

- Osman : Diminutive? Oh,it looks not easy.

How about Detail?

- Ganesha : Whatever. Tiny Detail X(dx) and tiny Detail Y(dy) can be used for calculating cannonball slope.

And integral symbol S means Sum.


- Navarre : Symbol S? Cannonball slope?

What are you talking about?

- Anubis : Mr.Navarre. Please.

Don't you understand what it means?

[Talandar is on screen.]

- Talandar : Dxdy system calculated calculus cannonball, then avoided attack.

Space Warriors! Prepare for landing on Pandemonium fortress.

@2.Pandemonium fortress

[scene 2-1. Space crafts arrive]

- Octopussy : It looks harrowing.

- Anubis : Not only earth but also this fortress seems to be harrowing.

[Decakard appears].

- Deckard : Stay awhile and listen.

- Baron Ashura : え? なにこれ?

Is this Holodeck program?

- Deckard : Stay awhile and listen.

- Ganesha : This Deck system seems to be always saying stay awhile and listen.

- Anubis : Well, This model is likely to be equipped with some kind of ARD.

Do you know ARD?  


- Ganesha : ARD? Al Right Daemon.?

It's some kind of background process.

- Deckard : Anyway, stay awhile and listen.

- Valkyrja : It gets very unnerving here. Especially when you're alone.

- Deckard : Whatever! Stay awhile and listen!

- Mangudai : Enough! Mr.Deckard!

Dr.Hologram in Voyager seems to be more popular than you.

- Anubis : ARD...that seems to be the problem.

- Octopussy : But it may be the hope.

[Warriors find system devices.]

- Ganesha : Oh, it looks C3PO system!

- Xiaolongnü(小龍女) : C3PO system? What is that?

Cocktail and 3 Popular guys?

- Navarre : Do you like Cocktail?

It seems to be similar with Count Gunthur and 3 guys.

- Octopussy : Anyway,it needs to find another system such ass Computer and 3 Peripheral Objectives

- Defiler : This C3PO system is some kind of arrogance or Cheating system.

It seemed to be used for stealing items and insulting other life forms.

C3PO may mean Cheating 3 Package Official.

- Valkyrja : They might need OS.

And maybe they were afraid of Mr.Diablo.

- Thirteen : It's almost same situation ass Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye.

- Dracula : Hey,look at this!

There is female hologram.

This C3PO system seems to be Countess and 3 Playboy Odyssey.

Does she need Count Gunthur or Count Broken or Count Dracula?

- Ganesha : Count Dracula,please.

Were you friendly with pervert or playboy?

- Dracula : Clam down.

The point is... this system seems to be related with PC.

- Ganesha : PC? Personal Computer?

- Dracula :  Well, PC may mean Playboy Club, Penthouse Club,,

- Ganesha : And Pervert Count, huh?

- Predator John : Problem is sauce code of Hologram.

- Ganesha : क्या तुम मजाक कर रहे हो?(நீங்கள் கேலி செய்கிறீர்களா?)

This is about source code for programming, not about sauce!

You seem to think always eating,drinking and women!

Don't you know that Ambassador,Envoy and Mothers in Universe are expecting you?

[Baron Ashura, Anubis and other warriors are getting out of Pandemonium fortress]

- Abathur : Hey hey, don't go out there. It may be dangerous for you.

- Baron Ashura : Dr.Hell and Underground Empire know this area very much.

- Anubis : It's for the sisters of Ema Hesire and Janus.

Even if life is not easy, there is Dirty UGly dream.