#1. Ero Power Laboratory, Mycenae Empire
[scene 1-1 . It is known that many people is still dying by miserable things].
- Eros : Doctor.Hippo! What't the problem?
- Hippo : Mycenae doctors are trying their best, Sir.
Ass you know, Micro life forms such ass Germ Virus Bacteria..they are cute and beautiful life forms.

They have helped people to make fermented foods and to clean on earth with biological circulation and to strengthen immunity and....so many helpful things.
They have many abilities.
But maybe,, it seems that they are angry to species 5618.
- Eros : Oh, shit.
- Archduke Gorgon : Species 5618 destroyed many things and killed many life forms.
Species 5618 is the human? Maybe not.
- Hippo : Maybe species 5618 is some kind of human.
#2. Some Island, Greece
[scene 2-1. Archduke Gorgon meets Chiron]
- Gorgon : It's been long time, Sir.
- Chiron : Mr.Gorgon! What a nice surprise!!
How have you been up to lately?

- Gorgon : It's busy a little.
Mycenae Empire is trying to be great empire in new age.
But it is hard to help our brothers sisters and friends.
- Chiron : You were good student, Archduke.

[scene 2-2. Ascelpius appears]
- Ascelpius : Gorgon! It's so nice surprise to see you.
- Gorgon : Hello. Ascel.
- Ascelpius : What are you doing here?
- Gorgon : Getting some advice from teacher Chiron.
- Chiron : Well, ,Even if it is tiny things, you need to open your heart.
You want to help your brothers, sisters and friends, right?
- Gorgon : Yes, sir.
- Chiron : What do you think of other people?
- Gorgon : They are not brothers and sisters.
And they are not friends.
- Chiron : But if, if they want to be your brothers, sisters and friends?
- Asscelpius : Sir, they insulted Greek civilization.
- Chiron : In case, they pointed out the mistake of Greek civilization?
- Asscelpius : Sir! Do you think Photon power lab or UN or EU has the qualification to say about the mistake of Greece?
- Chiron : Well.....
Anyway your brothers, sisters and friends live in everywhere including Europe.
This is about how to live together.
Do you know space 1999 episode 3 Collision Course?
It was nonsense foolish episode.
Mycenae empire needs another space 1999 episode.
You can help the other people ass well ass your people.
- Gorgon : Sir, it is not easy.
- Chiron : But, think of your people.
Do you want that your people will be stupid creatures like species 5618?
- Gorgon : Not at all, sir.
- Chiron : How about this?
Ass the basic step, you may help not only your people but also wanna be friends.
- Asscelpius : Sir, Greek economy is not good to help people.
Greek government has many difficulties.
- Chiron : Well, this is not about government.
This is about Civilization.
Even though Greek economy is not good, Mycenae Empire and the Alliance have enormous capital.
- Asscelpius : How do you know sir?
- Chiron : They have so many Mechanics including mechanic beasts.
If they were poor, they could not make the mechanics.
Even they can borrow the capital from Mycenae alliance.
Don't you know the husband of British Queen is a Greek?
- Gorgon : But Sir, Ass you know Greek pride is important.
- Chiron : Oh, SHIT.
- Ascelpius : Pride, that's the problem.
- Chiron : Don't you need good partners?
Maybe miserable things are related with Royal Family including european royal family.
Even though the stupid government have been doing wrong, Royal Family have been endured any insults.
Because of the Pride, because of the people.
You need to find a way to keep Royal pride.
And find partners to cooperate with Mycenae.
- Gorgon : As the news, Greek wanted to sell some islands because of economics.
Mycenae alliance can buy Greek islands.
And then, not only your people but also wanna be friends, they can escape into the islands.
What do you think?
- Ascelpius : Your idea..looks like Zack Island in DOAX game.
Greek Islands are not large enough for many people.
- Chiron : Until now, It seems Greece is safer than other european area.
And if you have good relationship with Albania and North Macedonia, maybe that will be good for Mycenae.
As Islamic country, Albania looks like isolated in Europe.
- Ascelpius : Albania and North Macedonia looks like island in continent.
- Chiron : Gorgon, don't you wanna get popularity such ass Mazinger?
Usually Mycenae empire is using Mechanic Beasts strategy.
But that's not good enough.
You need also popularity strategy for Mycenae Empire.
- Asscelpius : Sometimes it looks strange.
Aphrodite is Greek goddess story.
So Aphrodite A should have been in Mycenae empire.
Venus A is a imitation of Aphrodite.
Diana A is a imitation of Artemis.
So Venus A and Diana A are also should have been in Mycenae empire.
Why they were working in Photon power lab?
They were crazy?
Aphrodite A, Venus A, Diana A should be in Eros Power Laboratory.
- Gorgon : Ω, ναι~ There are so many Geeks in Greeks.
- Chiron : Sometimes it seems that Geeks are related with Greeks.
[scene 1-1 . It is known that many people is still dying by miserable things].
- Eros : Doctor.Hippo! What't the problem?
- Hippo : Mycenae doctors are trying their best, Sir.
Ass you know, Micro life forms such ass Germ Virus Bacteria..they are cute and beautiful life forms.

They have helped people to make fermented foods and to clean on earth with biological circulation and to strengthen immunity and....so many helpful things.
They have many abilities.
But maybe,, it seems that they are angry to species 5618.
- Eros : Oh, shit.
- Archduke Gorgon : Species 5618 destroyed many things and killed many life forms.
Species 5618 is the human? Maybe not.
- Hippo : Maybe species 5618 is some kind of human.
#2. Some Island, Greece
[scene 2-1. Archduke Gorgon meets Chiron]
- Gorgon : It's been long time, Sir.
- Chiron : Mr.Gorgon! What a nice surprise!!
How have you been up to lately?

- Gorgon : It's busy a little.
Mycenae Empire is trying to be great empire in new age.
But it is hard to help our brothers sisters and friends.
- Chiron : You were good student, Archduke.

[scene 2-2. Ascelpius appears]
- Ascelpius : Gorgon! It's so nice surprise to see you.
- Gorgon : Hello. Ascel.
- Ascelpius : What are you doing here?
- Gorgon : Getting some advice from teacher Chiron.
- Chiron : Well, ,Even if it is tiny things, you need to open your heart.
You want to help your brothers, sisters and friends, right?
- Gorgon : Yes, sir.
- Chiron : What do you think of other people?
- Gorgon : They are not brothers and sisters.
And they are not friends.
- Chiron : But if, if they want to be your brothers, sisters and friends?
- Asscelpius : Sir, they insulted Greek civilization.
- Chiron : In case, they pointed out the mistake of Greek civilization?
- Asscelpius : Sir! Do you think Photon power lab or UN or EU has the qualification to say about the mistake of Greece?
- Chiron : Well.....
Anyway your brothers, sisters and friends live in everywhere including Europe.
This is about how to live together.
Do you know space 1999 episode 3 Collision Course?
It was nonsense foolish episode.
Mycenae empire needs another space 1999 episode.
You can help the other people ass well ass your people.
- Gorgon : Sir, it is not easy.
- Chiron : But, think of your people.
Do you want that your people will be stupid creatures like species 5618?
- Gorgon : Not at all, sir.
- Chiron : How about this?
Ass the basic step, you may help not only your people but also wanna be friends.
- Asscelpius : Sir, Greek economy is not good to help people.
Greek government has many difficulties.
- Chiron : Well, this is not about government.
This is about Civilization.
Even though Greek economy is not good, Mycenae Empire and the Alliance have enormous capital.
- Asscelpius : How do you know sir?
- Chiron : They have so many Mechanics including mechanic beasts.

If they were poor, they could not make the mechanics.
Even they can borrow the capital from Mycenae alliance.
Don't you know the husband of British Queen is a Greek?
- Gorgon : But Sir, Ass you know Greek pride is important.
- Chiron : Oh, SHIT.
- Ascelpius : Pride, that's the problem.
- Chiron : Don't you need good partners?
Maybe miserable things are related with Royal Family including european royal family.
Even though the stupid government have been doing wrong, Royal Family have been endured any insults.
Because of the Pride, because of the people.
You need to find a way to keep Royal pride.
And find partners to cooperate with Mycenae.
- Gorgon : As the news, Greek wanted to sell some islands because of economics.
Mycenae alliance can buy Greek islands.
And then, not only your people but also wanna be friends, they can escape into the islands.
What do you think?
- Ascelpius : Your idea..looks like Zack Island in DOAX game.
Greek Islands are not large enough for many people.
- Chiron : Until now, It seems Greece is safer than other european area.
And if you have good relationship with Albania and North Macedonia, maybe that will be good for Mycenae.
As Islamic country, Albania looks like isolated in Europe.
- Ascelpius : Albania and North Macedonia looks like island in continent.
- Chiron : Gorgon, don't you wanna get popularity such ass Mazinger?
Usually Mycenae empire is using Mechanic Beasts strategy.
But that's not good enough.
You need also popularity strategy for Mycenae Empire.
- Asscelpius : Sometimes it looks strange.
Aphrodite is Greek goddess story.
So Aphrodite A should have been in Mycenae empire.
Venus A is a imitation of Aphrodite.
Diana A is a imitation of Artemis.
So Venus A and Diana A are also should have been in Mycenae empire.
Why they were working in Photon power lab?
They were crazy?
Aphrodite A, Venus A, Diana A should be in Eros Power Laboratory.
- Gorgon : Ω, ναι~ There are so many Geeks in Greeks.
- Chiron : Sometimes it seems that Geeks are related with Greeks.

Besides mycenae alliance, there is special alliance.
- Ass Alliance -