- Archduke Gorgon : As fucking news, many Europeans died by miserable things.
Μπορούμε να τους βοηθήσουμε;?
- Eros : It is not difficult.
There is Ero Power Laboratory(エロ力 研究所) in Greek Mycenae Empire.
This laboratory has many experts such ass Aristotel and Hippocrates.
Doctor. Aris! Doctor Hippo!
- Aris, Hippo : Yes,sir!
- Eros : It is not known yet the reason of miserable thing.
So it needs to study why miserable thing happened in Europe.
It is said that you are very wise and intelligent.
You can find many ways to help your brothers, sisters and friends.
Ass you know, economic conditions of Greece is not good.
If this lab help European brothers, that will be good for Ελλάδα(Greece).
- Archduke Gorgon : And Mycenae Empire can get popularity in Europe.
- Psyche : Popularity? well, it does not look easy.
It seems Greek situation is tough.
- Archduke Gorgon : Hey, We need to find the reason of the miserable things.
And Mycenae Empire need to find many ways to help people.

- Nike : Maybe Greek Helen and Helena are good sisters.
But do you want that Ελλάδα(Greece) will be Hellas such as Hell?
Maybe not.
- Eros : Ass fucking news, Greece was almost economic Hell.
Greek Geeks! Find many ways to help your European brothers, sisters and friends!!
- Doctor Hippo : Yes, sir!

#2. Moscow, Russia.
- Bosconovitch : Dear Alisa!
- Alisa : What?
- Bosconovitch : Don't be friendly with pervert guy such ass Count Brocken.
- Alisa : But he looks friendly . His head is...

- Bosconovitch : Even if he is same species ass you, He is a Pervert!
- Alisa : He is a Count, noble man.
- Bosconovitch : So do you wanna be Countess?
Alisa, you have Russian Soul. But He is a Pervert!!
Maybe he is only interested in your body!
- Alisa : How do you know he is a pervert?
- Bosconovitch : Just think about it.
Guess what he will do with his head.
- Alisa : Well,,
- Bosconovitch : Maybe he will try to do something like Ferrarli with his head!
- Alisa : What?
- Bosconovitch : Baron Ashura, His coworker is a hentai.
One body has two genders.
- Alisa : So, is it bad?
- Bosconovitch : No, no.
It is not about good or bad.
The point is that.. Count Brocken is jealous for Baron Ashura.
Probably, He will suggest body swap ass movie!
Then what will he do with your head or your body?
Maybe something like Ferrarli or..

- Alisa : Even if he has hentai body, he is a hentai gentleman.
- Bosconovitch : He is a German!
He seems like to consider Nazi German and Hitler as patriot.
- Alisa : Why not?
Some Russians are speaking well of Stalin, but others are speaking ill of Stalin.
Maybe Hitler has some reason.
There were many miserable war in history.
Even there is suspicion that Sapiens species destroyed Human civilization such ass Neanderthal civilization, Indigenous civilization.
Ass brothers, sisters and friends, they need to help Count Brocken, the hentai german.
#3. Roma,Italia
[Two people are taking care of unconscious patient in hospital]
- Petacci : Benito...Eri solo un patriota.
- Spartacus : Maybe Partisans were also patriots.
There are many difficulties on Earth.
But for special something......;D