#1.probe ship approach Mayachon.
[scene 1-1 probe ship approach mayachon]
[scene 1-2. scientist Mentor is displayed on screen in Beta Base]
- Mentor : Your probe ship invaded Mayachon.
Without permission, your probe steal resources.
[scene 1-3. Crews see mysterious woman transforms a tiger on screen]
- Mentor : Maya! What are you doing?
[The tiger transforms a woman]
- Maya : Hello, strangers! It's eye of the tiger! suprised?
- Mentor : Maya! You may go to your twin sister.
[Maya disappears from the screen]
- Mentor : Ass you see, Mayachon has special skill and technology.
So do not invade our area, and do not steal the resources.
- Koenig : Who are you, Mr? Where are probe ship pilots?
- Bergman : Sir, it's your misunderstanding.
We need resources and technology to survive and explore.
- Mentor : Shut up! invaders!
- Bergman : Sir, this base is not invaders!
[screen off]
#2. Beta Base in Universe.
- Koenig : Prepare rescue team!
- Bergman : Commander, It needs not only rescue team but also science team.
- Koenig : What are you talking about?
Do you think that transforming skill is real? It seems some kind of trick.
- Bergman : Who knows?
Anyway mystic woman showed morphing technology.
Don't you know bust morphing or ass morphing?
- Koenig : Even though the beauty is important, but the beauty do not depend on looks and apperance.
- Bergman : Of course.
Ass the proverb, beauty is skin deep.
But sometimes crews are so tired.
They need beautiful partners.
Do you understand?
- Koenig : Professor Bergman, It seems you are working too much with computer.
Or playing computer game too much Or fixing computer bugs too much, then you become Professor.Bugman such ass ant man or Kamen riders.

- Bergman : Koenig, please. Look at this female crew!
It is possible that this girl's boyfriend want to ass morphing such ass bust morphing!
- Koenig : Every crews' needs and feelings are different about beauty.
Some crews like big ass, some crews like small ass, fat ass, slim ass, slender ass, curve ass...
white ass, black ass, yellow ass, red ass, pink ass, muscle ass,fluffy ass, tough ass,soft ass, hard ass,
wet ass,dry ass, hairy ass, bald ass,old ass, young ass,silver ass,
hot ass, cool ass, warm ass, ice ass, cold ass,snow ass, mountain ass,
sandy ass,muddy ass, robot ass,metal ass,easy ass, difficult ass,
teacher ass,office ass, farmer ass, miner ass, working ass, labor ass,sports ass,military ass,politic ass,economic ass, cultural ass,scientific ass,
clean ass, dirty ass,ugly ass,good ass, bad ass,
rich ass, poor ass,power ass, mild ass, cute ass, pretty ass,, sleeping ass,
super ass,wonder ass, bat ass, iron ass, aqua ass,spider ass,ultra ass,captain ass,LGBTIQ ass,
flash ass,sailor ass,karmen ass,tuxedo ass,
asian ass,afrikan ass,arabic ass, american ass,caribbean ass,newmerican ass, european ass,oceanian ass,arctic ass,
flying ass, swimming ass, running ass, virtual ass,thunder ass,dancing ass,
early ass, imigrant ass, traditional ass, modern ass.....etc ass.
There are so many ass style.
And every crew's favorite ass style is different. Professor.
- Bergman : Commander, you look like ass expert.
It seems that Mayachon has morphing expert.
Beta base need to send a SCV to the planet.
- 孙悟空 : 天宫一号는 下降해서 太空垃圾라는 评估를 받았으나, 天宫一号의 精神을 阶乘发展 시켜야 합니다。
- 猪八戒 : 是。
- 沙悟浄 : 神舟工程을 准备中입니다。
- 二郞眞 : 孙悟空君, 仙女들과 良好的关系를 가져야 해。
- 孙悟空 : 二郞眞君! 丽鳳의 变形技术에 不感兴趣嗎?
- 沙悟浄 : 貝塔(Beta)基地的通信请求。
- 孙悟空 : 在屏幕上!
#4.Computer system room, Mayachon.
[4-1. Maya comes in computer system room]
- Mentor : Oh, cutie Maya!
Where is your twin sister?
- Maya : Inka is doing homework with her friends.
Are you Performing Well at Work? You look tired a little.
- Mentor : You don't need to know in detail.
You may go to Inka.
- Maya : Got some business to take care of.
[4-2.Mentor is talking with biological computer]
- scientist Mentor : Computer! Is it possible this planet back into the Eden it once was?
- Computer : It depends on many factors. Most important thing is..(computer shuts down)
- Mentor : Bull shit! Holy crap!
[4-3.two people come in.]
- Mentor : How's it going with you?
- Necromancer : So so. To be techomancer ass good ass Nico is not easy thing.
- Dr.psyche : Your present condition is better than the past.
It seems people don't like the term, negromancer or nigromancer.
- Mentor : Can you be good ass Nico?
Nico is some kind of borg tribes. In plain words, Nico is an Androian person.

- Necromancer : Ass a black warrior,,
- Dr.psyche : Thinking white ass? such ass Jack.
- Mentor : Stop the boring jokes.
Necromancer can be Neco ass good ass Nico.
- Dr.psyche : Nico is a cute androian girl such ass Neko woman.
But this guy, necromancer have many problems.
- Mentor : Come on, Dr.psyche.
You have many problems, too.
Even biological computer have problems.
This planet needs the help of biological computer.
But it shuts down frequently.
Do you have any idea?
- Dr.psyche : Ass you know, the machine can only be fuelled by special resource.
Maybe the reason is lacking of special resources.
- Mentor : We know that already.
The question is Do you have any idea?
- Dr.psyche : Maybe the computer feels lonely.
How about introducing female computer to biological computer?
- Mentor : What? Are you kidding?
Dr.psyche! How did you get the Doctor Degree?
Which universtiy give you doctor degree?
- Necromancer : Dr.psyche is not a doctor of computer engineering. He is a Psychiatrist.
- Mentor : The problem is lacking of resources for biological computer.
Ass it were, the machine is hungry. Ok?
- Dr.psyche : It seems that some kind of people are interested in Morphing Technology.
- Necromancer : There are many kinds of Morphing technology.
Bust morphing, Ass morphing, Resident morphing,Reverse morphing, Sexy morphing, Alive morphing,,,,and so forth.
- Mentor : Hm, Is it possible to get the special resources with Morphing Technology?
Computer! What do you think of that?
- Computer : It depends on.....(shuts down)
- Mentor : Holy cow! Who made this shit?
- Necromancer : Sir, you say shut up frequently , maybe that's the reason why biological computer shuts down.
Biological computer is alive.
Maybe it can hear what you said, sir.
- Mentor : What? What are you talking about?
[scene 1-1 probe ship approach mayachon]
[scene 1-2. scientist Mentor is displayed on screen in Beta Base]
- Mentor : Your probe ship invaded Mayachon.
Without permission, your probe steal resources.
[scene 1-3. Crews see mysterious woman transforms a tiger on screen]

- Mentor : Maya! What are you doing?
[The tiger transforms a woman]
- Maya : Hello, strangers! It's eye of the tiger! suprised?
- Mentor : Maya! You may go to your twin sister.
[Maya disappears from the screen]
- Mentor : Ass you see, Mayachon has special skill and technology.
So do not invade our area, and do not steal the resources.
- Koenig : Who are you, Mr? Where are probe ship pilots?
- Bergman : Sir, it's your misunderstanding.
We need resources and technology to survive and explore.
- Mentor : Shut up! invaders!
- Bergman : Sir, this base is not invaders!
[screen off]
#2. Beta Base in Universe.

- Koenig : Prepare rescue team!
- Bergman : Commander, It needs not only rescue team but also science team.
- Koenig : What are you talking about?
Do you think that transforming skill is real? It seems some kind of trick.
- Bergman : Who knows?
Anyway mystic woman showed morphing technology.
Don't you know bust morphing or ass morphing?
- Koenig : Even though the beauty is important, but the beauty do not depend on looks and apperance.
- Bergman : Of course.
Ass the proverb, beauty is skin deep.
But sometimes crews are so tired.
They need beautiful partners.
Do you understand?
- Koenig : Professor Bergman, It seems you are working too much with computer.
Or playing computer game too much Or fixing computer bugs too much, then you become Professor.Bugman such ass ant man or Kamen riders.

- Bergman : Koenig, please. Look at this female crew!
It is possible that this girl's boyfriend want to ass morphing such ass bust morphing!
- Koenig : Every crews' needs and feelings are different about beauty.
Some crews like big ass, some crews like small ass, fat ass, slim ass, slender ass, curve ass...
white ass, black ass, yellow ass, red ass, pink ass, muscle ass,fluffy ass, tough ass,soft ass, hard ass,
wet ass,dry ass, hairy ass, bald ass,old ass, young ass,silver ass,
hot ass, cool ass, warm ass, ice ass, cold ass,snow ass, mountain ass,
sandy ass,muddy ass, robot ass,metal ass,easy ass, difficult ass,
teacher ass,office ass, farmer ass, miner ass, working ass, labor ass,sports ass,military ass,politic ass,economic ass, cultural ass,scientific ass,
clean ass, dirty ass,ugly ass,good ass, bad ass,
rich ass, poor ass,power ass, mild ass, cute ass, pretty ass,, sleeping ass,
super ass,wonder ass, bat ass, iron ass, aqua ass,spider ass,ultra ass,captain ass,LGBTIQ ass,
flash ass,sailor ass,karmen ass,tuxedo ass,
asian ass,afrikan ass,arabic ass, american ass,caribbean ass,newmerican ass, european ass,oceanian ass,arctic ass,
flying ass, swimming ass, running ass, virtual ass,thunder ass,dancing ass,
early ass, imigrant ass, traditional ass, modern ass.....etc ass.
There are so many ass style.
And every crew's favorite ass style is different. Professor.
- Bergman : Commander, you look like ass expert.
It seems that Mayachon has morphing expert.
Beta base need to send a SCV to the planet.
- 孙悟空 : 天宫一号는 下降해서 太空垃圾라는 评估를 받았으나, 天宫一号의 精神을 阶乘发展 시켜야 합니다。
- 猪八戒 : 是。
- 沙悟浄 : 神舟工程을 准备中입니다。
- 二郞眞 : 孙悟空君, 仙女들과 良好的关系를 가져야 해。
- 孙悟空 : 二郞眞君! 丽鳳의 变形技术에 不感兴趣嗎?
- 沙悟浄 : 貝塔(Beta)基地的通信请求。
- 孙悟空 : 在屏幕上!
#4.Computer system room, Mayachon.
[4-1. Maya comes in computer system room]
- Mentor : Oh, cutie Maya!
Where is your twin sister?
- Maya : Inka is doing homework with her friends.
Are you Performing Well at Work? You look tired a little.
- Mentor : You don't need to know in detail.
You may go to Inka.
- Maya : Got some business to take care of.

[4-2.Mentor is talking with biological computer]
- scientist Mentor : Computer! Is it possible this planet back into the Eden it once was?
- Computer : It depends on many factors. Most important thing is..(computer shuts down)
- Mentor : Bull shit! Holy crap!
[4-3.two people come in.]
- Mentor : How's it going with you?
- Necromancer : So so. To be techomancer ass good ass Nico is not easy thing.
- Dr.psyche : Your present condition is better than the past.
It seems people don't like the term, negromancer or nigromancer.
- Mentor : Can you be good ass Nico?
Nico is some kind of borg tribes. In plain words, Nico is an Androian person.

- Dr.psyche : Thinking white ass? such ass Jack.
- Mentor : Stop the boring jokes.
Necromancer can be Neco ass good ass Nico.
- Dr.psyche : Nico is a cute androian girl such ass Neko woman.
But this guy, necromancer have many problems.
- Mentor : Come on, Dr.psyche.
You have many problems, too.
Even biological computer have problems.
This planet needs the help of biological computer.
But it shuts down frequently.
Do you have any idea?
- Dr.psyche : Ass you know, the machine can only be fuelled by special resource.
Maybe the reason is lacking of special resources.
- Mentor : We know that already.
The question is Do you have any idea?
- Dr.psyche : Maybe the computer feels lonely.
How about introducing female computer to biological computer?
- Mentor : What? Are you kidding?
Dr.psyche! How did you get the Doctor Degree?
Which universtiy give you doctor degree?
- Necromancer : Dr.psyche is not a doctor of computer engineering. He is a Psychiatrist.
- Mentor : The problem is lacking of resources for biological computer.
Ass it were, the machine is hungry. Ok?
- Dr.psyche : It seems that some kind of people are interested in Morphing Technology.
- Necromancer : There are many kinds of Morphing technology.
Bust morphing, Ass morphing, Resident morphing,Reverse morphing, Sexy morphing, Alive morphing,,,,and so forth.
- Mentor : Hm, Is it possible to get the special resources with Morphing Technology?
Computer! What do you think of that?
- Computer : It depends on.....(shuts down)
- Mentor : Holy cow! Who made this shit?
- Necromancer : Sir, you say shut up frequently , maybe that's the reason why biological computer shuts down.
Biological computer is alive.
Maybe it can hear what you said, sir.
- Mentor : What? What are you talking about?