Ōlmēcatl and Carlos is going to Chiapaz.
[scene 1-1. in the car]
- Ōlmēcatl : Ass the news, nowadays people don't like to drink Mexican beer.
- Carlos : Why?
- Ōlmēcatl : Because of sad things.
- Carlos : Oh, shit.
- Ōlmēcatl : It seems that making good beer is not easy.
Maybe epidemic is the reaction of the nature.
- Carlos : But laws of nature is sometimes too severe.
- Ōlmēcatl :Anyway, Ass the Cartel members, it needs to do something good.
[scene 1-2. Unidentified soldiers stop the car.]
- Carlos : Hey, hey, we are not the enemy!
nós não somos o inimigo!
No somos el enemigo!
हम दुश्मन नहीं हैं!
[It seems soldiers do not understand what they said]
- Ōlmēcatl : petei,mokoi,mbohapy,irnudy,po,potei,pokoi,poapy,porundy,pa?
uno,dos, tres,cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez?
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten?
- Carlos : Hey, what are you doing?
- Ōlmēcatl : Using number means possbility of high intelligence.
[It seems soldiers do not understand still, and they aim guns to them.]
- Carlos : Hey, wait, wait!
[Carlos write arabic number on pocket book, and show it]

- Carlos : Do you know this?
[It seems soldiers do not understand still,and they try to kidnap them]
- Carlos : Oh, shit!
- Unidentified soldier : SHIT?
- Ōlmēcatl : Yes, yes! That's it!
Sexy Hentai Important Team! We know the SHIT!
[Soldiers release them]
[scene 2-1.Ōlmēcatl and Carlos is meeting Subcomandante Marcos]
- Marcos : Kíimak 'oolal.
- Ōlmēcatl : Ba'ax ka wa'alik?
- Carlos : Maiteipa. Teeche' a tsiikbal inglés?
- Marcos : Chen jumpit. Why are you comming here?
- Carlos : For the business with you.
- Marcos : Business? What kind of business?
- Ōlmēcatl : The Cartel is trying to find legal business.
- Marcos : You can get good things, we treat garbage , That's not a business.
- Ōlmēcatl : Maybe the Cartel do not want to talk with Subcommander. Who is your commander?
- Marcos : There are many difficulties in Chiapaz. And it is also difficult to introduce our commander.
- Carlos : Riker is your commander? He is very popular with women.
- Ōlmēcatl : Oh, shit! Stop the boring jokes, Carlos.
Subcommander Marcos,it looks complex situation.
Anyway do you think that you have Maya spirit? Olmec Spirit or Aztec Spirit?
- Carlos : Hey, Olmecatl. It's difficult and rude question.
This is first time to meet Subcommandor Marcos.
Let's talk about the business.
[A woman comes in]
- Ōlmēcatl : Jach ki'imak in wóol in wilikech.
- Marcos : Do you know her?
- Ōlmēcatl : Maybe she was seen on some newspaper.
When Mexican government army occupy your village, she was trying to offer sexual activity in exchange for payment.
Maybe to earn the money for supporting your village and Subcommandor Marcos.
- Marcos : It's painful memory. But that was.....(smoking with silence)
Anyway, what's your business? Working with drug cartel, that will be not good for this villiage.
- Carlos : Yeah. So the cartel is interested in business consulting.
With selling drugs, Cartel got many information about transfortation and economics.
- Ōlmēcatl : Cartel sugget two businesses.
Restaurant and Rubber farm.
- Carlos : Restaurant? It looks useless to earn the big money.
- Ōlmēcatl : Yeah, but they need capital. Their own seed money.
How about open the restaurants in American and Mexican border area?
You can sell beers including mexican beer. That will be good for Mexican economics.
- Marcos : Alcohol business may be dangerous for this village.
- Carlos : Chiapas don't need to build new beer factory.
There are many beers in Mexico.
If you want this business, cartel will sell the restaurants or stores to Chiapas ass good price.
And maybe,, Caravan farm is building in Sonora or Baja California.
Border restaurants can get good food ingredients and beers.
- Marcos : Do the customers will come to the restaurants?
- Ōlmēcatl : American restaurants and farmers are good rivals and competitors.
So it needs marketing strartegy for the border restaurant.
The target customers is..well, it is related with Mr.Trump.
- Carlos : Anti Trump customers?
- Ōlmēcatl : No.
Maybe Trump supporters in America have a lot of stress.
It is difficult for Trump supporters to criticize Mr.Trump in USA.
So border restaurnats can be the free and good space for them.
Exchange information or opinion, something else.
Ass the news, not only China but also USA made vegetable eggs.
It's not good enough,but good try.
Border restaurnats need to study new eggs or import vegetable eggs from USA.
Think about it.
Do you like to eat eggs of Condor or Eagle? Maybe not.
There was a tribe that they not eat eggs in Caribbean or South America,
- Marcos : Hm, Sounds like to be a Mr.CariBean such ass Vegun.
- Carlos : Just a first step.
And,,,Rubber trees or rubber industry,it is said..
- Marcos : Hey, hey! People in Chiapas is not related with Waste tires!
It's the garbage made by other country!
- Ōlmēcatl : But there are car factories in Mexico. Isn't it?
- Carlos : It is said that Olmecs means rubber people.
So descendants of Olmecs can be Rubber expert.
Rubber is used for making Tires,Rubber wears, Latex wears and something else.
Batman, catwoman, Batgirl and Rock band like to wear latex wear.
Maybe rubber and latex seems like scientific and sexy.
In relate with latex wear, there are many stars.
Rubber trees give rubber and latex such as apple trees give apple.
But it seems this is torture and abuse the Trees.
Maybe rubber is the blood of rubber trees.
Trees need a rest such as human.
Maybe engineer know mechanic need a rest.
It needs to protect Olmec's value.
- Marcos : Hm, Exemplary rubber forest or rubber farms?
- Ōlmēcatl : It needs to think of,,how to live with other life forms and living things.
- Carlos : And rubber wearing woman.

- Ōlmēcatl : Jill Valentine? Don't waste your time.
- Carlos : Sometimes it takes time to get the dream.
- Carlos : No. Even though people say oh, shit, But the dream is so good.
Someday, somewhere, the hentai dreams come true.