Космическое приключение...Иван-дурак(Ivan the Fool)

@1. Космический корабль Спутник убегает.

[сцена 1-1.Космический корабль Восток.]

- Admiral Durak  : Fire! Scudding beam!

- Юрий Гагарин(Yuri Gagarin): Да,сэр!

[сцена 1-2.Космический корабль Спутник]

- Тарас Бульба(Taras Bulba) : Their fire power is so strong.

- Пугачёв(Pugachev) : Boctok may be ordered by Советских Скопление.

@2.Космический корабль Потёмкин(Spaceship Potemkin).

[сцена 2-1.Маршал Сталин(Stalin) contacts Космический корабль Потёмкин(Spaceship Potemkin)]

- Сталин : Космический корабль Потёмкин!

What are you doing?

Don't you see Spaceship Восток and Спутник are becoming Иван-дурак(Ivan Durak)?

- Капитан Остапа(Ostap): Товарищ Сталин.

Situation seems to be complicated.

Science director Eisenstein is trying to contact with Spaceship Спутник and Borz.

- Сталин : Don't you know space history?

When Conqueror of Union attacked this cluster,cold weather protected you.

And now Admiral Durak want to neutralize cold power!

- Андрия(Andriy) : Товарищ Сталин.

It seems Admiral Durak is Ivan the drunken.

- Капитан Остапа: Comrade Stalin.

In this situation, Syberia can be another sector of Federation such ass Anaaski.

- Сталин(Stalin) : Капитан Остапа!

Don't you know that it is not easy to cover and manage large area?

[сцена 2-2.Экипажи обсуждают.]

- Эйзенштейн(Eisenstein) : Admiral Durak is typical moron.

Syberian railroad seems to be almost useless for Syberia.

That can be broken at any time and often operated inefficiently.

- Капитан Остапа(Ostap) : Then find a way to support Syberia until they are ready!

Admiral Durak seems to think how to sell Syberian resources!

- Эйзенштейн : Not only Syberia but also many sectors in this cluster need support.

- Андрия(Andriy) : Potemkin needs to cooperate with Union or Community or...

- Эйзенштейн : Do you think Spaceship Potemkin is ready to cooperate with other clusters or other sites?

To develop Ivan the OS such ass OStap  seems to be not easy.

But a hopeful information is..Even though it is cold, but some people seem to wanna live in Syberia with their traditions and cultures.

- Капитан Остапа : (вздыхать.)

@3.Guardian system laboratory.

[сцена 3-1. Мусоргский пьет водку.]

- Ivan Judanovich : Mr.Mussorgsky.

Are you Ivan the Vodka?

- Анастасия Романова(Anastasia Romanov) : Some people are in cold and hunger.

But you are just drinking.

- Модест Мусоргский(Modest Mussorgsky) : Because of cold war.

Don't you know Vodka is some kind of weapon against cold?

- Ivan Judanovich  : So you were drinking and watching women pictures at an exhibition.

And sometimes you were enjoying the night on bald mountain,да?

- Модест Мусоргский : Sometimes women tend to like the night on bald mountain.

- Анастасия Романова : What do you mean,Мистер.Водка?

- Модест Мусоргский : You know many worriors are bald such ass barbarian in Diablo2 and many doctors are bald.

Bold man looks strong,rich,intelligent and sexy.

Тарас Бульба(Taras Bulba) seemed to be bald man.

And, well,, Bald women look erotic such as Lt.Ilia

- Анастасия Романова : О чем ты говоришь?

- Модест Мусоргский : Sometimes woman pull man's hair to demand something more or to stop something.

And bald women look to have hot sucker such as Octopussy.

- Анастасия Романова : Мистер.Водка,Do you think bald people like your drunken jokes?

It's harassment and insult!

- врач.Чайко́вский(Dr.Tchaikovsky) : Even though it's drunken jokes,but it needs to think something.

They don't need to imitate or jealous of other people.

But bald people did not seem to know their roles.

[сцена 3-2. Borz commando attacks laboratory]

- Borz : Don't move! Resistance is freezing!

[Commandos aim Freeze gun.]

[Laboratory researchers are suppressed.]

[мотт checks out comptuers.]

- мотт : What is this?

Borz,it seems to be research report.

- врач.Чайко́вский : Borz?

Are you Borgs?

- мотт : No.

But Borz people need borg technology.

- Анастасия Романова : You are making chaos in this country!

Ivan the Residence want to live with you!

- мотт : What? Resident Ivan?

- Borz : Who is this?

Великие княжны Анастасия Романова?

It seems you love Ivan the Rus and Ivan the Empire,don't you?

- Анастасия Романова : Why not?

It's competition for the people!

- мотт : Well,Grand Duchess,even if you are speaking ill of Borz commandos,they are also trying to make better tomorrow.

They worry about the possiblity that Resident Ivan can be Resident Evil.

It seems to be some kind of cultural wars or technology wars.

Don't you know Tetris case?

- Модест Мусоргский : So are you playing tetris game,да?

- Borz : It is said that Tetris was intersting, but other people earned the money.

That seemed to be some kind of business disaster.

[Borz commandos leave laboratory]

- Borz : До свидания!

- мотт : Good bye! Ivan the Researchers!



The road to Mammoth Constellation is very not easy.