- Games Bond : Is this situation related with Christian?
- M : Well,maybe not. Iran, China also got damage.
- Lala Croft : It need to think about possibility to related with Mad cow disease.
- M : And..MI5 an MI6 are monitoring this situation will affect Royal family members.
Ꮇaybe Prince Charles has many difficulties.
#2. Edinburgh,Scotland.
[Tha daoine ag òl uisge-beatha scotch.]
- Montgomery Scott : Ass Drinking expert saying, there are so many jokes and lies about Soitheach Naomh.
- Highlander : Soitheach Naomh?
- Kenneth : Maybe it is related with English holy grail.
- Highlander : You need to find Resident Grails. Don't you?
You look like Leon S Kenneth, brother of Leon S Kennedy.
- William Wallace : Such ass Nina and Anna Williams sisters?
- Kenneth : Guys! Stop the boring jokes.
Don't you know Leon S Kennedy is the Pervert?
Kenneth family is gentlemen.

This is about not only Scotland but it is also about United Kingdom and Common Wealth.
- Highlander : Maybe Mad cow disease seems to relate with Bagpipe.
Ass you know bagpipe was made of skin of Sheep or Goats.
Sometimes it sounds like scream of Sheep and Goats.
- William Wallace : Nowadays Polymer bagpipes are used, too.

#3. Caerdydd,Cymru(Cardiff,Wales)

- Christie : This is miserable things.
What is the cause of misery?
- Doctor Who : Who knows? Nobody knows.
But it seems to relate with Mad cow disease.
Cows are known as Herbivore, But species 5618 provided meat-and-bone meal.
As fu*king report, about 4.4 million cows were killed during the eradication program in the UK
- Morrigan Aensland : It looks species 5618 do not know how to live with Cows.
- Christie : Oh, it's shameful thing.
- Morrigan : Even though it is difficult situation, the knights of round table need to do something useful.
- Doctor Who : The knights of round table..It's popular British story.
- Mordred : Precisely it is Cymru story.
Maybe there are many variations, plagiarisms,distortions and lies about knights of round table story.
But Cymru has Red Dragon flag and dragon knights of round table.

- Christie : Mordred, It sounds like Moron Red.
- Mordred : Christie,you are moron. Don't insult dragon.
- Christie : What are you talking about?
- Mordred : It is said that Constantine got the power in Britain.
And dragon knights have been protecting Britain.
Think about Henry 8th.
He had 6 wives, and Henry 8th executed Anne Boleyn, mother of Elizabeth 1st.
Do you think Henry 8th can protect British royal family?
Even dragon knights have been protecting Constantine.
- Christie : Oh, it seems like new story of knights of round table.
- Mordred : Precisely dragon knights story.
- Christie : In Europe, Dragons have been called ass Evil.
Instead of Resident Evil, do you wanna be Popular Evil?
- Doctor Who : Be quiet, Moron Christie.
It's not funny.
Don't you know you are considered ass Dragon or Succubus?

Sir.Mordred, do you have any idea about the misery?
- Mordred : If this misery was related with Mad cow disease, dangerous animal protein is the problem.
Even vegetable protein has the problem.
People need spiritual DNA for living things.
- Christie : DeoxyriboNucleic Acid.
- Morrigan : No, no.
Christie, even if you are not a moron, you are foolish.
In this case, DNA means Dragons New Alliance.
- Mordred : No,no. Morrigan, you are also foolish.
DNA is Dirty Nice Association or something else.
- Morrigan : What?
- Christie : Mr. Moronred, ass your theory RNA is Resident Nice Ass.
Are you OK? Sir.Moron?
- Mordred : Anyway Christie, you need to help the people with DNA.
Even though religion is different, tribe is different, language,tradition,appearance are different, as the people, it needs to find a way for living together.

Maybe this is not good enough.
But never surrender DNA......;D