#1.बॉलीवुड,भारत गणराज्य
[पारस दोस्तों से मिल रहा है।]
- फारस : भारत में बहुत से लोग इतने गरीब हैं।
- गणेश : संयुक्त राष्ट्र की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, पृथ्वी पर जनसंख्या लगभग 7.5 बिलियन है।
- Mr.Spock :यह कहा जाता है कि चीन 1.4 बिलियन है, भारत 1.3 बिलियन है, संयुक्त राष्ट्र द्वारा अफ्रीका 1.2 बिलियन आबादी है।
लगभग 4.0 बिलियन।
- गणेश : यानी 7.5 बिलियन का लगभग आधा।
उन्हें अलग विकासशील रणनीति की जरूरत है।
उनके साथ तुलना करने के लिए, यूएसए?
यह 0.3 बिलियन की आबादी के लिए सिर्फ एक सरल मॉडल है।
और 0.1 बिलियन या 0.05 बिलियन की रणनीति चीन, भारत और अफ्रीका के लिए लगभग बेकार है।

#2. जातिवाद के खिलाफ प्रदर्शन
[स्थल 2-1.धर्म(Dharma) women is watching that Indians protest against racism]
- सीता(Sita) : That's not bad, but..
- काली(Kali) : But what?
- सीता(Sita) : Are they have Indian Hindoo vision? Do they understand Dharma?
- सती(Sati) : Dharma people, specially young Dharma people in Inida have a yearning for Hindoo empire.
- पार्वती(Parvati): In India history, there was Buddha empire and Islam empire. but Hindoo empire...
#3. कहीं, भारत
[स्थल.3-1.दाल्सीम पुराने मॉडल के कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा है।]
- दाल्सीम : Oh, shit. This is difficult.
- புலி: Hey, what are you doing?
- दाल्सीम : Optimization computer with Dharma style.
- புலி : What?
- दाल्सीम : group users,normal users,average users,special users, power users, system users,,this system has user class.
And this system has many desktop and many window managers.
Enlightenment,Fvwm, Windowmaker,Blackbox, Xfce,KDE,Gnome,,ETC.
Ass you know, Dharma style is important for India.
- ராமானுஜன் : Hey, stop the foolish thing.
In India, there are many poor people, and many women have difficulties!!
Ass an Indian, Do something useful!
- दाल्सीम : Even though it looks like foolish, Hindoo style is very important to India.
And this may not be worthless for India.
- ராமானுஜன் : So,Mr.engineer! Do you have any girl friend?
- दाल्सीम : Why are you asking?
- ராமானுஜன் :Just answer!
- புலி : Hey, Stop the talking about women.
- ராமானுஜன் : See you later.(he is getting out of the room)
- ঠাকুর : Don't be upset with him. He is a good friend.
- புலி : Hey, self-teaching is very difficult.
You need good partners or experts.
- दाल्सीम : Everybody needs good partners and experts.
But for the basic system of India,,this machine is not worthless.
Sometimes, politicians in India looks very stupid.
- புலி : Republic of India is young country.
So politicians may have many difficulties.
- ঠাকুর : Many Indians were educated in UK.
- दाल्सीम : But it seems that India can get the new relationship with Common wealth.
Many people in western country have been speaking ill of Caste system in India.
What do you think?
- ঠাকুর : well, it is difficult to answer.
- दाल्सीम : No, it's not difficult.
If you have India vision and Dharma mind,it's not difficult ass you think.
- புலி : Not difficult?
- दाल्सीम : Even if there was a problem with founding Republic of India,
India has Shudra who do not leave from Hindoo Dharma.
Even though they are poor and lower class, they have remained as Hindoo Dharma.
Even it is possible that there is a lower hierarchy than Shudra.
But It looks शूद्र(Shudra) have many brothers,sisters and friends, and it seems that they have protected हिंदू(Hindoo),मुस्लिम(Muslim),ईसाई(Christian),सिख(Sikhs),बौद्ध(Buddhist),जैन(Jain),एनिमिस्ट(Animist),यहूदी धर्म(Judaism),Zoroastrianism,Baha'i Faith and other religions in India.
And there is a Similar religion such ass UHMU in Computer science field.
It seems that many developers who like daemon believe UHMU strongly.
*UHMU : User Handbook should be Mady by Users.
- புலி : Oh, you look like Shudra User.
- दाल्सीम : Anyway, in spite of many difficulties, Remained Shudra Dharma, maybe they are the basis of Republic of India.
And in India, many young people is yearning for Hindoo empire such ass Indi Ass.
- ঠাকুর : Indi Ass Empire?
- दाल्सीम : No no! Indi Ass Republic ass great ass empire.
- புலி : So your machine is for Indi Ass system?
दाल्सीम,आप ठीक हो?
- ঠাকুর : Anyway, learning computer system is good thing.
[स्थल.3-2.lynx,firefox and GNU visit]
- बनबिलाव : Gentlemen! This system needs GUAI.
- புலி : GUAI?
- दाल्सीम : What's that? Is it some kind of Graphic User Interface?
- फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स : People knows CUI and GUI.
But they don't know about GUAI, yet.
- ग्नू : Somehow, this system is still alive.

[पारस दोस्तों से मिल रहा है।]
- फारस : भारत में बहुत से लोग इतने गरीब हैं।
- गणेश : संयुक्त राष्ट्र की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, पृथ्वी पर जनसंख्या लगभग 7.5 बिलियन है।
- Mr.Spock :यह कहा जाता है कि चीन 1.4 बिलियन है, भारत 1.3 बिलियन है, संयुक्त राष्ट्र द्वारा अफ्रीका 1.2 बिलियन आबादी है।
लगभग 4.0 बिलियन।
- गणेश : यानी 7.5 बिलियन का लगभग आधा।
उन्हें अलग विकासशील रणनीति की जरूरत है।
उनके साथ तुलना करने के लिए, यूएसए?
यह 0.3 बिलियन की आबादी के लिए सिर्फ एक सरल मॉडल है।
और 0.1 बिलियन या 0.05 बिलियन की रणनीति चीन, भारत और अफ्रीका के लिए लगभग बेकार है।

#2. जातिवाद के खिलाफ प्रदर्शन
[स्थल 2-1.धर्म(Dharma) women is watching that Indians protest against racism]
- सीता(Sita) : That's not bad, but..
- काली(Kali) : But what?
- सीता(Sita) : Are they have Indian Hindoo vision? Do they understand Dharma?
- सती(Sati) : Dharma people, specially young Dharma people in Inida have a yearning for Hindoo empire.
- पार्वती(Parvati): In India history, there was Buddha empire and Islam empire. but Hindoo empire...
#3. कहीं, भारत
[स्थल.3-1.दाल्सीम पुराने मॉडल के कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा है।]
- दाल्सीम : Oh, shit. This is difficult.
- புலி: Hey, what are you doing?
- दाल्सीम : Optimization computer with Dharma style.
- புலி : What?
- दाल्सीम : group users,normal users,average users,special users, power users, system users,,this system has user class.
And this system has many desktop and many window managers.
Enlightenment,Fvwm, Windowmaker,Blackbox, Xfce,KDE,Gnome,,ETC.
Ass you know, Dharma style is important for India.
- ராமானுஜன் : Hey, stop the foolish thing.
In India, there are many poor people, and many women have difficulties!!
Ass an Indian, Do something useful!
- दाल्सीम : Even though it looks like foolish, Hindoo style is very important to India.
And this may not be worthless for India.
- ராமானுஜன் : So,Mr.engineer! Do you have any girl friend?
- दाल्सीम : Why are you asking?
- ராமானுஜன் :Just answer!
- புலி : Hey, Stop the talking about women.
- ராமானுஜன் : See you later.(he is getting out of the room)
- ঠাকুর : Don't be upset with him. He is a good friend.
- புலி : Hey, self-teaching is very difficult.
You need good partners or experts.
- दाल्सीम : Everybody needs good partners and experts.
But for the basic system of India,,this machine is not worthless.
Sometimes, politicians in India looks very stupid.
- புலி : Republic of India is young country.
So politicians may have many difficulties.
- ঠাকুর : Many Indians were educated in UK.
- दाल्सीम : But it seems that India can get the new relationship with Common wealth.
Many people in western country have been speaking ill of Caste system in India.
What do you think?
- ঠাকুর : well, it is difficult to answer.
- दाल्सीम : No, it's not difficult.
If you have India vision and Dharma mind,it's not difficult ass you think.
- புலி : Not difficult?
- दाल्सीम : Even if there was a problem with founding Republic of India,
India has Shudra who do not leave from Hindoo Dharma.
Even though they are poor and lower class, they have remained as Hindoo Dharma.
Even it is possible that there is a lower hierarchy than Shudra.
But It looks शूद्र(Shudra) have many brothers,sisters and friends, and it seems that they have protected हिंदू(Hindoo),मुस्लिम(Muslim),ईसाई(Christian),सिख(Sikhs),बौद्ध(Buddhist),जैन(Jain),एनिमिस्ट(Animist),यहूदी धर्म(Judaism),Zoroastrianism,Baha'i Faith and other religions in India.
And there is a Similar religion such ass UHMU in Computer science field.
It seems that many developers who like daemon believe UHMU strongly.
*UHMU : User Handbook should be Mady by Users.
- புலி : Oh, you look like Shudra User.
- दाल्सीम : Anyway, in spite of many difficulties, Remained Shudra Dharma, maybe they are the basis of Republic of India.
And in India, many young people is yearning for Hindoo empire such ass Indi Ass.
- ঠাকুর : Indi Ass Empire?
- दाल्सीम : No no! Indi Ass Republic ass great ass empire.
- புலி : So your machine is for Indi Ass system?
दाल्सीम,आप ठीक हो?
- ঠাকুর : Anyway, learning computer system is good thing.
[स्थल.3-2.lynx,firefox and GNU visit]
- बनबिलाव : Gentlemen! This system needs GUAI.
- புலி : GUAI?
- दाल्सीम : What's that? Is it some kind of Graphic User Interface?
- फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स : People knows CUI and GUI.
But they don't know about GUAI, yet.
- ग्नू : Somehow, this system is still alive.

GUAI is very special interface.