@1. Falu
[színhely 1-1. Orszerg átkutatja a falut.]
[Orszerg fedezze fel az . romlott ételek.]
- Orszerg )): Ezeket ették?
[színhely 1-2. Orszerg felmegy a háztetőre.]
[Orszerg furcsa épületet lát.]
- Orszerg )): Mi ez az épület,és mi a fő funkciója?
[színhely 1-3.Orszerg megpróbál belépni az épületbe, amelybe a lakók . beléptek.]
[A bejárat zárva van.]
[Orszerg . gránátot dob.]
[A bejáratot felrobbantották.]
[Orszerg belép az épületbe.]
[Orszerg megtudja . a kommunikációs üzenetet.]
[üzenet tartalma.]
Vörös Sólyom a börtönbe szállítják.
Légy éberebb.
[Orszerg megtudja az . a földalatti átjáró.]
[Orszerg elhalad . a földalatti átjárón.]
[scene 1-4. Scientific Mouse's contact.]
- Scientific Mouse )): It seems there is Los Iluminados in the village.
- Orszerg )): Los Iluminados? That's a mouthful.
- Scientific Mouse )): Los Iluminados seems to mean Lost Iluminados such ass Lost Angels.
They believe that love is magic.
But you know love stinks.yeah yeah~
- Orszerg )): Do you have any boy friend?
- Scientific Mouse )): Whether anyone have boy friend or not, that's not the point.
The point is that magical miracle is not suitable for science and industry.
- Orszerg )): Anyway Red Hawk seems to be jailed in Los Iluminados structure.
- Scientific Mouse )): Rescue her. Hurry!
@ 2.On the way to the Los Iluminados structure.
[scene 2-1. Orszerg meets U-3 Scorpion]
- Scorpion )): STARRRRRS...Are you scared?
- Orszerg )): Just surprise.
U-3 Scorpion,you look like Sea monster such as Pokemon.
- Scorpion )): This is the attack for Lobster brothers!
- Orszerg )): Don't you know Uls[Улс] cluster is shameful to eat fishes?
[U-3 Scorpion hits with crab hands and feet]
- Orszerg )): Ouch!
[Orszerg is running away.]
[U-3 Scorpion chases him.]
- Scorpion )): STARRRRRS....
[scene 2-2.Orszerg shoots shotgun.]
- Orszerg )): You want Stars, huh?
But the Stars keep on turning in your mind!
- Scorpion )): What are you talking about?
- Orszerg )): There are your stars in the sky!
Constellation Scorpio and Cancer are your stars!
[U-3 Scorpion hides.]
- Orszerg )): Where do you hide?
[Scorpion appears and attacks again.]
- Scorpion )): Are you a shield in the sky?
- Orszerg )): Constellation Orion is also U-3's stars!
[Orszerg shoots shotgun.]
[U-3 Scorpion hides.]
- Orszerg )): Idiots think they can resist against high performance weapons.
[U-3 Scorpion appears and attacks again.]
- Scorpion )): STARRRRRS....
[scene 2-3.Orszerg runs to the cliff overlooking the sea]
- Orszerg )): Whether you believe it or not,some lifeforms envy your body!
[U-3 Scorpion chases him.]
- Scorpion )): Oh,really?
[scene 2-4.Duel on the cliff]
- Orszerg )): Don't you think this is a kind of movie scene?
- Scorpion )): Childish play.
- Orszerg )): Some lifeforms could not use hands and feet.
But you can use crab hands and feet.
- Scorpion )): You talk too much before your deeds of valor will be remembered.
[U-3 Scorpion is about to attack Orszerg.]
- Orszerg )): Wait!
In the Los Iluminados building,there is the person who can assist your families in the sea and rivers.
Don't you need technology for crab hands and feet?
- Scorpion )): Maybe Count Ramon is also thinking about it.
[U-3 Scorpion attacks him.]
[Orszerg avoids the attack.]
[Orszerg shoots shotgun with multiple shot.]
- Scorpion )): This skill is...
[U-3 Scorpion falls in the sea.]
- Scorpion )): DOOOOOOOOAH!
- Orszerg )): Happy in peace...Scorpion.
[Orszerg is leaving the cliff.]
[scene 2-5.U-3 Scorpion reaches the shore.]
- Scorpion : With or without you, Sea lifeforms want more.
Where is U-2 Dragon lady?
@3.Los Iluminados szerkezet.
[színhely 3-1.Orszerg megtudja a Vörös Sólyom . az börtöncellában.]
- Vörös Sólyom )): Tűnj el!
- Orszerg )): Nyugodj meg kérlek.
Harcos kapitány vár rád.
- Vörös Sólyom )): Harcos kapitány?
[сцена 3-2 Орсерг использует радио с . МоскМышь частота.]
- Орсерг )): Цель получена.
- Научная Мышь )): Иди к машине.
- Орсерг )): Космический автомобиль поврежден.
Сурке проверяет устройства.
- Научная Мышь )): Вы можете найти . безопасное место.
[Орсерг и Красный Ястреб . собираются выйти из здания.]
[Szene 3-3.Skorpion und die Karotten und Rämön erscheinen.]
- Örszerg )): Griaß di,Skorpion...Du bist noch am Leben.
- Skorpion )): Natürlich!
- Örszerg )): Was hast du gemacht?
Ist das hier die Haftanstalt?
- die Karotten )): Es war für der Menschen.
- Örszerg )): Also, hast du der Roter Habicht . verführt?
Warum haben Sie der Roter Habicht . eingesperrt?
- Rämön )): Für der Liebe Wissenschaft.
[奥尔斯泽雇 . 在喊。]
- 奥尔斯泽雇 )): 你看起來像 . 瘋狂的科學家。
- 拉梦 )): 你听说过 . 爱情是魔法吗?
[लाल रंग का बाज . बताता है।]
- लाल रंग का बाज )): यहां कई भाषाएं, परंपराएं, संस्कृतियां और सभ्यताएं हैं।
Don't you think it looks like instruments of ensemble?
[シーン 3-4.ラモン・サラザールの部下たちが矢を撃つ。 ]
- ラモン )): キューピッド部隊とエロス部隊は矢を撃つ能力が優れない。
- にんじん )): エロわんこの矢やホークアイの矢があれば…
- ラモン )): うるさい!
- にんじん )): しかし、道具に技術的な問題がある場合や機能の発揮が容易ではない場合には,対策が必要だと思いますか…
@4.마을 입구
[장면 4-1.수르케가 부서진 우주차량에서 장비를 찾고 있다. ]
- 수르케 )): 흠...여기 있슴메.
[수르케가 전술 복장을 착용한다.]
[수르케가 통신 장치로 우주선을 호출한다.]
- 수르케 )): 이런 개떡같은...만가동이 안되고 있슴메.
[장면 4-2. 수르케가 마을로 돌아오고 있다.]
- 거주민 1 )): 저기 옵네다!
- 거주민 2 )): 납작하게 뭉개버리자!
[거주민들이 바위돌을 굴린다.]
[커다란 바위돌이 수르케쪽으로 굴러간다.]
- 수르케 )): 뭐, 뭐야! 으어어어~
[수르케가 앞으로 달리다가 바위돌을 피한다.]
- 수르케 )): 이 짜식들이...우주 유격대원 수르케님을 뭘로 보고...
[수르케가 거주민들을 향해 개량형 우주 기관단총을 쏜다.]
- 거주민 1 )): 아앗! 놈이 반격합네다!
- 거주민 2 )): 저 놈이 화가 난거 같습네다!
- 거주민 3 )): 중무기로 중무장을 한거 같슴둥.
- 거주민 4 )): 일단 피하는게 좋겠슴메.
@5.거주민 마을
[장면 5-1. 수르케가 마을 주변의 저택을 수색하고 있다.]
- 수르케 )): 어디서 치즈 냄새가...
[옆 방에서 의논하는 소리가 들린다.]
- 빅치즈 )): 버두고는...아직 모르는...
- 버틀러 )): ...자립 경제 토대는... 쉽지 않을...
[수르케가 귀를 쫑긋한다.]
- 수르케 )): 버두고? 자립 경제 토대?
[színhely 5-2. Szürke csendesen közeledik a szobához.]
[A hang egyre hangosabb és tisztább.]
- Komornyik )): Gondoltad már valaha, hogy a Verdugo helyzete majdnem olyan mint . Gróf Ramon?
- Nagy sajt )): Hmm...
- バトラー )): プラーガ・ステーションのセキュリティを強化する必要があります。
- ビッグ・チーズ )): それがもっと…安全なようです。
[scene 5-2.Big Cheese appears in front of Szürke.]
- Szürke )): Oh,man!
[Szürke does Ren'ai Rider Kick.]
[Big Cheese defends attack and then throws Szürke.]
[Szürke loses consciousness.]
[scene 5-3.Big Cheese contacts engineers.]
- Big Cheese )): Reinforce the security for Plaga Station.
- Colmillos )): (Off Camera) Understood.
[scene 5-4.Szürke gets consciousness.]
- Szürke )): Where is Örszerg?
[Szürke continues to search the village.]
[Szürke meets Big Cheese again.]
- Big Cheese )): Great,huh?
- スルケ )):ちょっとすごいだな。
[Big Cheese attacks Szürke with force choke.]
- Szürke )): What the...
- Big Cheese )): What are you doing here?
Do you want to meet Mr.Death?
[Big Cheese sees Szürke's eyes.]
- Big Cheese )): You carry same blood of dissatisfaction of desire.
[Big Cheese releases Szürke,and then enters to the building has underground passage.
- Szürke )): What? Same blood?
[장면 5-5.수르케가 빅치즈를 쫒아간다.]
- 빅치즈 )): 거머리 같은 놈.
[빅치즈가 수르케를 공격한다.]
[수르케가 넘어지면서 권총을 쏜다.]
[총알이 빗나간다.]
[빅치즈가 수르케에게 다운 공격기를 사용한다.]
- 빅치즈 )): 두번이나 살려줬는데..다른 세상으로 가고 싶은 거임둥?
- 수르케 )): 으으..
- 빅치즈 )): 일 없슴둥? 지랄 좀 그만하고 동무 일이나 하라.
- 수르케 )): 으으으...
[scene 5-6. Blood Raven shoots a gun to Big Cheese.]
- Big Cheese )): Hmmm. It's tickling.
- Blood Raven )): It can't be...
- Big Cheese )): Don't you know tactical vest?
[Blood Raven runs away.]
[Big Cheese chases her.]
[Szürke stands on.]
- Szürke )): It was unexpected run-in with Big Cheesemon of this village.
But, Graywolf of dissatisfaction of desire...never surrender.
Same blood of dissatisfaction of desire...Hmm...interesting.