Space Adventure...Into the castle

[シーン 1-1.オルスザーグが観測装置で古城を観察する。]

- オルスザーグ )): その城は一種の要塞のように見えるんだ。

古城のLSTS装置を起動すれば 、宇宙チョッパーが安全に近づくことができる。

- スルカイ )): お前は通信妨害装置を無力化して、キツネの別荘の位置を科学鼠女に知らせてください。


- オルスザーグ )): ゲームのザッピングやデュアル・ショック作戦のように聞こえるな。

[scene 1-2.  Scientific Mouse's contact]

- Scientific Mouse )): Count Ramon seems to be friendly with Count Dracula,Count Spretzle and Count Broken.

- Orszerg )): Count Four,huh? Where is Countess?


[シーン 2-1. ラモン伯爵が側近と話し合っている。]

- ラモン伯爵 )): スペースガンシップとスペースガンダムがラコバの古城を攻撃する可能性があるの。

- バトラー家臣 )): ま、まさか・・・

- ラモン伯爵 )): 君はスペースガンダムを知っているか。

- バトラー家臣 )): 古城は歴史遺産で、観光客も訪れる場所です。


- ラモン伯爵 )): でも、スペースガンダムが…

- バトラー家臣 )): それは恥ずかしい盗作と詐欺の歴史です。


- ラモン伯爵 )): 盗作や詐欺が日常的な場合もありますが、ベンチマークや超越移植の場合もあるようだ。


- バトラー家臣 )): ラコバ古城と村周辺の道路を全て封鎖した。


- ラモン伯爵 )): 地下通路を利用すれば...なんだか、無鉄砲式包囲戦の感じだな。

- ヴェルデューゴ氏 )): 赤鷹はバイオマンのレッドワンの感じです。


- ラモン伯爵 )): 赤鷹が脱出するなんて…ヴェルデューゴさん、ちょっと残念だな。

- ヴェルデューゴ氏 )): ええっ!何を言うのですか。


- ラモン伯爵 )): Worüber redest du?

- ヴェルデューゴ氏 )): A Resident Evilről van szó.

[scene 2-2. Butler activates translate equipment.]

- Mr.Verdugo )): Sir,Vergugo family was treated as aliens.

- Count Ramon )): Actually, there are no aliens in this universe.

The situation of your families seem to be similar with indigeous people.

But if you thought your families were aliens,your families are foreigner or barbarians from other clusters and other sites.

- Mr.Verdugo )): You know,arrogant species tend to be afraid of forigners or barbarians.

So they discribe Verdugo family as monsters or aliens.

- Burtler )): It seems Verdugo family wanna know what love is such ass foreigner.

- Count Ramon )): Actually Ramon family was also treated as monster such ass Ramonster.

- Burtler )): Your family need to be loyal to the Count.

- Mr.Verdugo )): Of course.

- Count Ramon )): No,no.That was yesterday.

- Burtler )): Sir,What are you talking about?

- Count Ramon )): This is not about racism.

This is about relationship,friendship,siksol...and this is about the future.

- Lady Verdugo )): Do you think main stream can be changed or developed?  

- Count Ramon )): Of course.

Main streams in each cluster and site,is it possible to do something for the future or not,,living like the human...that's the matter.

- ヴェルデューゴ氏 )): うーん、そうですね。

アイドルの場合なら、 センターやメインボーカルを誰が担当するのか、そんなことでしょうか。

- ラモン伯爵 )): お前もアイドル専門家だったな。

@3. 歴史博物館。

[シーン 3-1. 観光ガイドがアルマデューラを紹介している。]

- 観光ガイド )): 昔、アルマデューラは他の民族との戦争で先頭に立ったそうです。


- オルスザーグ )): 鎧が重くて厚い場合、機動性が低くなると思う。

- スルカイ )): モンゴ星団に惨敗したことがあった。

[दृश्य 3-2. Orszerg is watching building information board.]

- Orszerg )): Gray,there is control room in upstaris.

- Gray )): Hacking or communication equipments seem to be in control room.

[Armadura begins to move.]

[प्रदर्शनी कक्ष . शोरगुल हो जाता है।]

- यात्री 1 )): क्या गलत है?

- यात्री 2 )): क्या यह . लोहे का आदमी है?

[आर्मदुरा के पास हथियार है।]

[यात्री ट्वीट करते हैं।]

[Announcement is heard.]

The guards of this castle will arrive soon.

Life travelers, please follow the guide and evacuate.



[场景 3-3.JJ 带着 加特林机枪 出现。]

- JJ )): 爱好和平的宇宙旅行者,请不要担心。

JJ 一下子 粉碎。

[JJ 开枪。]

- 奥尔斯泽狗 )): 避免!

[奥尔斯泽狗 和 水楼轲,两人躲在 柱子后面。]

[历史博物馆的 纪念品和商品 被毁坏。]

- 奥尔斯泽狗 )): 震惊的乱世的乱射。

- 水楼轲 )): JJ,你是宦官的下属吗?

- JJ )): 十常侍也 想要 太平天下。

- 水楼轲 )): 十常侍的対策 是 奸臣的下策,或 穷余之策。

你不知道 治世之能臣,乱世之枭雄,希世之伟人,千世之奸雄,万世之英雄,絶世之恋雄吗。

- 奥尔斯泽狗 )): 水楼轲,KOT重症患者 不知道 侍道。

[scene 3-4.JJ fires a gatling gun.]

- JJ )): So noisy! Games Bondage imitations!

- Gray )): JJ, are you Jill Jiral Valentine?

- JJ )): You just know Jill Jiral and Job Jiral.

But here is Gatling Jiral.

- Orszerg )): Watch out!

He seems to be top gun of gatling gun!

[színhely 3-5.JJ ismét tüzelnek.]

- JJ )): Ez egy gatling fegyver!

[Orszerg . elsüt egy rövid puskát.]


- Orszerg )): Egyáltalán nem vagy kreatív, JJ.

Ugyanaz a mintád...úgy nézel ki, mint egy programozott robot.

Azt jelenti . rabszolga voltál.

- JJ )): Úgy hangzik, mint a mátrix.

[Szürke . gránátot dob.]

[JJ . lent van a padlón.]

- Orszerg )): Nem tudtad, hogyan kell . fegyvert használni.

Nem ismered . éjféli gatlingt?

[сцена 3-6. Грэй кричит.]

- Грэй )): посмотри на это!

Войска Армадура идут!

- Орсерг )): Они похожи на . бронированных рыцарей или бронированных Граф Шпрецле.

[くراه های جداگانهく7-3くصحنهく]

 く! رفتن به طبقه بالاく((:خاکستریく

[く يركضくرماديく]

く إلى أين تذهب؟ く((:أولس زيرجく

く! إلى الطابق السفليく((:رماديく


[scene 4-1.Orszerg is running in corridor.]

[Orszerg hides in showroom.]

[Armadura units are passing by the showroom.]

-Orszerg )): Oh,yeah.

[scene 4-2.Orszerg finds out control room.]

[Electric door is locked.]

- Orszerg )): Oh,Shift!

[scene 4-3.Armadura units finds Orszerg.]

- Armadura )): Hey,Come on!

- Orszerg )): Oops!

[Orszerg hides in storage room.]

- Orszerg )): It is not resident evil but resident quest.

@5. Underground passage.

[scene 5-1. Lady Verdugo blocks Gray.]

- Lady Verdugo )): Gray,long time no see.

- Gray )): Verdugo...So it's true.

- Lady Verdugo )): True? About what?

- Gray )): You are working with Count Ramon.

[Suddenly Lady Verdugo attacks with Blacktail.]

[Gray is down.]


This..this is Blacktail...

- Lady Verdugo )): No,just tail such as tailbone.

But there are many tags such ass whitetail,yellowtail,redtail,blacktail and cocktail.

[Gray raises himself.]

- Gray )): So what's your cocktail?

- Lady Verdugo )): This fairy tail has firepower 4.6,firing speed 0.28,reload speed 0.84,capacity 36.

[장면 5-2.레이디 버두고가 꼬리치기를 한다.]

- 수르카이 )): 으으..대단한 꼬리공격임메.

- 레이디 버두고 )): 아무렇게나 꼬리표를 달아놓고는 이러쿵 저러쿵 하는 년놈들이 있슴메.

- 수르카이 )): 당신에게는 꼬리를 살살 흔들면서 상대방을 홀린다는 꼬리표가 달리겠슴메.

[레이디 버두고가 또 꼬리치기를 한다.]

- 레이디 버두고 )): 맛이 어떻슴메?

- 수르카이 )): 으으으...불여우냐 물여우냐 아니면 쭈웨이후나 폭시 레이디냐?

암캐처럼 올캐처럼 꼬리를 흔들다니...

- 레이디 버두고 )): 시누이 같은 소리하고 있슴메.

[레이디 버두고가 다시 꼬리치기를 한다.]

- 수르카이 )): 으으...더 이상은...

[scene 5-3.Gray is running away.]

- Lady Verdugo )): Need a ride,handsome?

[Lady Verdugo chases Gray.]

[Gray finds out red liquid nitrogen canister.]

- Gray )): That's it.

[Gray knocks over red liquid nitrogen canister.]

[Gray is running away.]

[scene 5-4.Lady Verdugo who chases Gray is frozen and slowed down.]

- Lady Verdugo )): What's going on?

- Gray )): Regenerator,U-3,Big cheese,Iron Maiden have also useful and beautiful names.

But they were treated as horrible monsters!

Do you know the reason why?

- Lady Verdugo )): Because they were ugly.

- Gray )): No! It was not true!

[Gray is running away again.]

[Gray knocks over red liquid nitrogen canister again.]

[Lady Verdugo is frozen and slowed down again.]

- Gray )): Do you know there are children like the festival with unfamiliar lifeforms and special lifeforms?

- Lady Verdugo )): Because they were childish.

- Gray )): No! They tried to destroy other cultures,languages,traditions,histories.

Therefore unfamiliar or special lifeforms were described as horrible monsters.

But children...

[Грэй снова убегает.]

[Грэй снова сбивает . красная канистра с жидким азотом.]

[Леди Вердуго замерла и снова притормозила.]

- Леди Вердуго )): Эта заморозка...

Есть много семей и друзей . в холодную погоду.

Но они все еще борются . с холодами.

[Саарал дахин зугтав.]

- Саарал )): Зүгээр л амьд үлд...Та сэтгэл хангалуун байна уу?

[Gray is running away again.]

[Gray knocks over red liquid nitrogen canister again.]

[Lady Verdugo is frozen and slowed down again.]

- Gray )): Do you think that your family is always the servant or burtler of Ramon family?

- Lady Verdugo )): There are people who were treated as beast by their tradtions.

But he accepted Verdugo family as partner,friend and siksol.

[scene 5-5.Gray moves sideways]

- Gray )): That was just a drill.

Don't you know that there are many options,many possibilities for you?

- Lady Verdugo )): You seem to be a drill sergeant such as Svetlana Belikova.

[Gray takes a critical strike.]

- Gray )): Mercury power make up! Drill driver raising strike!

- Lady Verdugo )): Ouuuuuuh...You...Gatling man.

[Lady Verdugo gets knocked out.]

- Gray )): This is drill commando.

[Gray begins to investigate underground facility.]

Special's not easy job.