Space Adventure....Spam shock wave cannon

@1. Spaceship Temahaxe

[scene 1-1.Bridge]

- Lt.Uncas : Captain, even though it is just a possibility, but Federation spaceships seems to be another Mayflower.

- Captain Featherhead : Another Mayflower?

- Lt.Magua : They are just interested in looting system.

Captain,don't you know penthouse?

Federation hotchick imitated and stole red horse style!

- Lt.Red Pony : You don't like Federation hotchick,huh?

- Lt.Magua : The point is that someday they can change Apache,Sioux,Pontiac and Cheokee for their benefits.

[Voyager hails Temahaxe.]

- Lt.Tom : Temah awkward, Temah awkward, this is spacship voyager, respond.

- Lt.Mauga : Temah Awkward?

- Dr.Tobacco : It seems they want to say Temah hawk word.

- Captain Featherhead : Open the channel.

[Commander Chakotay is on screen.]

- Commander Chakotay : This is Commander Chachotay.

- Lt.Magua :  Captain,this guy looks to be related with Temah tribes.

- Dr.Tobacco : Mr.Chakotay,does Federation want to use diplomatic channel?

- Commander Chakotay : Yes,Temahaxe.

Spaceship Voyager wants to cooperate with you.

- Lt.Magua : Mr.Chakotay,do you think you are cooperating with Federation?

- Commander Chakotay : You know it is not easy to fight against Federation.

- Lt.Magua : Do you think you assist to find Spaceship Mayflower?

- Commander Chakotay : Spaceship Voyager is ready to battle.

To fight or to cooperate...It's your choice.

- Captain Featherhead : This situation seems to be stunned or stunning.

- Dr.Tobacco : Captain,whether this is stunned or not, whether this is stunning or not,it needs running away.

[scene 1-2.Temahaxe is running away.]

- Captain Featherhead : Bridge to engineering.

Temahaxe needs full speed.

- Nʉmʉnʉʉ(Comanche) : Yes,sir.

[Temahaxe is hit by Photonic cannon.]

- Lt.Magua : They fired!

[Red Pony is injured.]

[Lt.Uncas is down.]

- Lt.Chingachgook : Captain,they have destructive weapons.

Shield system is almost broken.

[ECH is on screen.]

- ECH : Cooperate while you still can.

- Captain Featherhead : State your designation.

- ECH : Emergency Command Hologram, at your service.

- Captain Featherhead : It was bonehead play.  

- ECH : How about you?

It was featherhead play.

- Dr.Tobacco : ECH,Your programming code seems to have some problems.

You are in daydreaming.

- ECH : Even if it is daydreaming, it is for better tomorrow.
- Dr.Tobacco : You need to get another dream over your dead program.

Computer,Activate ENH.

- Computer : Acknowledged.

[ENH is activated.]

- ECH : Wha..What is this?

- ENH : Emergency Navajo Hologram at your service.

It is also called as Emergency Native Headgear.

- ECH : What is your function as computer hologram?

- ENH : One of the function is activating special cannon such ass you.

Magua! Activate Spam shock wave cannon.

[everyone else looks at each other, stunned]

- ENH : Magua, that was an order!

- Lt.Magua : Activating the Spam shock wave cannon.....sir.

- ENH : Fire.

@2. Spaceship Voyager.

[scene 2-1.Bridge]

- Ensign Harry : Tomahawk fired!

- Captain Janeware : Reinforce the shield!

- Lt.Tuvok : Spam shock wave penetrate defense system.

- Seven : Massive irrelevant and inappropriate messages are sent on the computer network.

- Lt.Tom : Navigation devices are out of control.

- Ensign Harry : Computing system is slow down.

[scene 2-2.Engineering bay]

- Lt.B'Elanna : Engineering to bridge.

Radiation leaking occurs from warp core.

- Seven : Operate plasma reactor.

- Lt.B'Elanna : Reactor sequence is too slow.

Container membrane is pressured directly by warp core.

- Captain Janeware : Slow down warp drive.

[scene 2-3.Bridge]

- Seven : Captain, it needs technical support.

- Captain Janeware : Where?

Far away Federation fleet? or Borg?

- Commander Chakotay : It seems Voyager is in almost same situation with Mayflower.

Assistant is far away,engine is broken.

- Captain Janeware : Returning home seems to be not easy.

Go forward and go forward for the dream.