#1. On street, India
Poor Indian people is watching 2019 cricket worldcup.

semifinal match, India lost.
Rabin is disappointed at Indian team.
But he say to himself such as writing a poet.
...Well, Indian team will be better. and Kolkata has not only cricket team but also football team.
Rabin was born in Kolkata.
He is a being nameless poet, as it were, jobless person or part time worker.
আচ্ছা, ভারতীয় দল ভাল হবে। কলকাতায় শুধু ক্রিকেট দল নয়, ফুটবল দলও রয়েছে।
রবিন কলকাতায় জন্মগ্রহণ করেন।
তিনি একজন নামহীন কবি, যেমনটি ছিল বেকার ব্যক্তি বা পার্ট টাইম কর্মী।
#2. Bollywood Cafe,Bombay
Persis Khambatter is talking with her friends.

- Persis : Batter's condition was not good.
- Sati : There are many things more important than damn cricket.
Women rights, Extreme poverty people...there are more important than damn cricket.
- Kali : Indian Cricket sucks! Indian is POS!
#3. Flood Area, Assam state.

news : Rains claim 7 lives in northeast, over 4 lakh affected in Assam floods
Indian NDRF deployed for rescue work.
*NDRF : National Disaster Response Force.

- Searchin Tendolkar : Indian people are suffering from heavy rain every year. But India is thinking of only Cricket. Cricket sucks! Cricket is POS!
- Shanti Jinta : POS? What is it?
- Tendolkar: Don't you know POS? Piece Of S**t.
- Jinta : Oh, I thought it was Penis Operating System.
- Tendolkar : Are you joking to me?
- Jinta : No, no...India likes cricket very much. So, you said Cricket sucks, Cricket is POS...I thought it has good meaning.
- Tendolkar : Do you think Penis Operating System has good meaning?
- Jinta : You are misunderstanding me. India is a large country as peninsula.
India is surrounded by Arabian sea on the west, Bay of Bengal on the east and Indian ocean on the south.

The thing which I want to say is LPOS.
LPOS means Large Peninsula Operating System or Lovely Peninsula Operating Service or...;D
Anyway, Penis Operating System(or Service) is just to explain Peninsula System easily.
Boat Boat Kamasutra Boat.
डुङ्गा डुङ्गा कामसूत्र डुङ्गा