Japanese game Death Crimson(デスクリムゾン) is very famous for Kusoge.
What is Kosoge?
Kuso (糞,くそ) means "crap" or "shit" and "bullshit", ge means Game.
So, Kusoge means poor quality game.
ref : Kuso
ref : Death Crimson (デスクリムゾン): Toward A Creative Kusoge Subculture
Set kaku Dakara...(せっかくだから...)
参照 : デスクリムゾン
参照 : デスクリムゾン
The main character in Death Crimson is Combat Ecchigen(コンバット越前, えちぜん)

It is possible that Ecchigen(越前, えちぜん)means Ecchi Generation.
ref : Ecchi (エッチ)
Death crimson is also called as Death Sama(デス様, Sir Death).
Because Death Crimson is "great bullshit game" or "extreme bullshit game" or "the Noble of bullshit game".
Dirtyboy did not play Death Crimson.
But he have been playing Dirty Game Series.
- Resident Dirty...RPD has P-Problem.(maybe Philosophy...;P)

- DOAX (Dirty or Alive X)

- Dirty Crimson(ダテ クリムゾン)

♨...Crimsoner(クリムゾナー) : the game mania who are playing crimson game.
Crimsoner's Belief(クリムゾナーの信念)...
What is Kosoge?
Kuso (糞,くそ) means "crap" or "shit" and "bullshit", ge means Game.
So, Kusoge means poor quality game.
ref : Kuso
ref : Death Crimson (デスクリムゾン): Toward A Creative Kusoge Subculture
Set kaku Dakara...(せっかくだから...)
参照 : デスクリムゾン
参照 : デスクリムゾン
The main character in Death Crimson is Combat Ecchigen(コンバット越前, えちぜん)

ref : Ecchi (エッチ)
Death crimson is also called as Death Sama(デス様, Sir Death).
Because Death Crimson is "great bullshit game" or "extreme bullshit game" or "the Noble of bullshit game".
Dirtyboy did not play Death Crimson.
But he have been playing Dirty Game Series.
- Resident Dirty...RPD has P-Problem.(maybe Philosophy...;P)

- Dirty Crimson(ダテ クリムゾン)

激しい嵐も 払いのけ(사나운 폭풍도 쳐몰아내고)
信念を下さる...(신념을 안겨준...)